
2020年12月30日 17:36




外文题目:The Function of Schema Theory in
Improving the Chinese Students’ EFL
Reading Ability

院 系 ×××××××
专 业 ××××××
年 级 ×××××××
学 号 ×××××××
学 生 ×××××××

指导教师 ×××××××




繁荣的全球背景之下, 在各个地区的力量中心依旧战火不断。这引来了学术界
的激烈争论,最著名的当属以《文明冲突论》的作 者亨廷顿为代表的学派。该
划分基础的文明之 间的冲突。然而笔者认为,事实并非如此。
论文首先从理论的角度分析了各大宗教派别信仰的相似之处 ,即和平、
主义运 动的发展,论述了激进组织和极端分子不应被视为宗教的代表,甚至从
某种意义上说,不能被认为是宗教 的一部分。最后,本文又通过透彻的案例分
析对产生当前各主要地区冲突(如伊朗问题,巴以冲突等)的 原因进行分析,
地 区冲突的原因之一,但并非主要原因。
源的目的。事实是,宗教是 我们人类历史的灿烂瑰宝,应与以保护,

On the Role of Religion in Regional Conflicts
Since the end of the Second World War, the world economy
greatly developed. However, under the background of global
prosperity, regional conflicts and wars are still going on. This leads to
the intense controversy among scholars. The most influential party is
represented by Samuel P. Huntington, who states 1996. These
scholars believe after Cold War, politics, or economy is no longer the
root of conflicts. Instead, due to the global enthusiasm towards
religions and civilizations and the increasing senses of cultural
belonging, clash between religion- based civilizations becomes the
main cause. But, the author believes on the contrary.
In the first part of the paper, the author theoretically compares
the similarities of the faiths of some major religions and then provides
evidence to show that extremists cannot be taken as representatives,
even part of religions. Then, through case studies, the author explain
in detail many other causes involved in some current one.
In this paper, the author expresses the thoughts in Clash of
Civilizations and the basis of them, are precious parts of our us is
to further develop religions, rather than blame, diminish them.
Key words: religion; Clash of Civilizations; root; regional conflicts

First and foremost, I would like to express
I. A Brief Review of Functional
A. Definition of Functional
Equivalence ……………………………………….3
B. Different
C. Aims and
II. A Brief Review of Advertisement Translation from English to
A. Targets and Principles of Advertisement
B. Requirements for Advertisement
C. Cultural Elements in Advertisement
III. Advertisement Translation from English to Chinese in Light of

A. The Differences Between Two
B. Functional Equivalence in English Advertisement
Conclusion……………………… ……………………………….………..
………...20 < br>Bibliography………………………………………………………………
………...2 4

On Advertisement Translation from English to Chinese in
Light of Functional Equivalence
In our daily life, we always see or the radio, billboards,
magazines, newspaper and so on. The translation of advertisement
plays an important role in the cultural exchanges of different
countries. After entering WTO, China faced with fiercer
competition, so the advertisement elegant style. It can easily
encourage people to buy the goods. Therefore, a good translation of
an advertisement is also important to promote the sales of the goods
in the country of the target language.
Most translators may be familiar with the theory of functional
equivalence which is systematically illustrated by Eugene A. Nida. It
is stated primarily in terms of a comparison of the way in which the
original receptors understood and appreciated the text and the way in
which receptors of the translated text understand and appreciate the
translated text.
That is to say, the adequacy of translations is judged
on the basis of the correspondence in lexicon and grammar between
the source and target languages.
Functional equivalence is a powerful weapon for information
exchange. The translation work which follows the principles of
functional equivalence is much easier to understand.

However, functional equivalence is very abstract to most people.
In order to make it clear, this paper chooses advertisement
translation to analyze its every aspect. Due to the differences between
English and Chinese, the advertisement translation from English to
Chinese should be undertaken in different translation techniques
with the guidance of functional equivalence.

I. A Brief Review of Functional Equivalence
The similarity of the thoughts of beings determines that the
similarities are more than the differences between English and Chinese.
The equivalence of languages makes it possible to convert the source
language into the target language. However, the convert is not just a
process to translate the words from one language to another language.
Translation should be a task to recur the information of the original work
in a most natural way. That is to say, translation should rebuild the
surficial forms of the original information, convert the views of expression
and replace the meaning of the original work with the meaning of the
translated work. Therefore, equivalence is the most important basis for
translation. The translated work can be of . The reason is that English and
Chinese their forms, grammars, sentence structures and so on. Therefore,
in the process of translation, to convey the information of the original work
is the focus and the most difficult part. After all, the receptors of the
translated work expect to know the content of the original work.
Functional equivalence also emphasizes the cultural elements. If a
translated work does not reflect the cultural elements of the original work,
it must be a failure. Therefore, the translator should be bilingual and
Nida always may agree with concept is often affected by the
grammar and sentence structure. Functional equivalence is a powerful
weapon for the translators to overcome these barriers. Functional

equivalence can fall into three parts. First, the word classes replace the
traditional parts of speech to describe the semantic relations of the words.
Second, the concept of kernel sentence and the concept of sentence
transformation can overcome the restriction of syntax to a translator.
Third, isomorphism can overcome the barriers caused by the social and
cultural differences.

A. Definition of Functional Equivalence
A maximal, ideal definition could be stated as “The readers of a
translated text should be able to understand and appreciate it in essentially
the same manner as the original readers did.”
A minimal, realistic definition of functional equivalence
could be stated as “The readers of a translated text should be
able to comprehend it to the point that they can conceive of
the 1950s, for example, while Ellington was still alive,
Raymond Horricks compared … which it subsists…. Ellington
since the mid-1930s engaged upon extending both the
imagery and the formal construction of written jazz.

Ellington’s earliest attempt to move beyond the three-minute limit
recieved …
Figures in literature are either flat characters (one dimensional
figures, figures with simple personalities) or round characters (complex
figures). The characters described in the first chapter of The Great Gatsby

can well be regarded as flat:
I never saw this great-uncle, but I’m supposed to look like
father’s office.
I graduated from New Haven in 1915, just a quarter of a
century after my father, and a little later I participated in that
delayed Teutonic migration known as the Great War.

However, F. Scott Fitzgerald succeeds in changing these flat figures
into round ones through -depth characterization.

B. Different Functions
The theory of functional equivalence involves nine functions:
expressive, cognitive, interpersonal, informative…

With the rapid development of the international trade, advertisement
indispensable part in our life. To some extent, it the aspect of consuming.
No doubt, we are now living in the age of advertisement. Therefore, to
translate a good and effective advertisement is increasingly important for
attracting the potential customers and promoting the sale of the products
in the international market.
Since Chinese and English are two quite different languages, the
translation from English to Chinese is not an easy task. The translator
should learn well the cultural and social background of the original work,
the differences of their sentence structures and also their . Although there
are so many differences between the two languages, the functions of all the
languages are the same. That is to name the reality and to communicative
with the people. It is just the basis for the translation from English to
Functional equivalence indeed provides the translators an easier way
to finish a translation work. It benefits the advertisement translation, and
also gives a direction for other kinds of translation, especially the
pragmatic texts, because its main target is to guide the translators to retell
the information of the original work as much as possible and to represent
the information of the original work is just the target of the pragmatic
Through a relative thorough analysis of functional equivalence and
advertisement translation, the readers of the essay may . The readers may

appreciate the advantages of functional equivalence in the process of
advertisement translation. Functional equivalence . That is the forms and
structures of the language of the original work. Advertisement translation
exchange, but also for encouraging the customers to buy the products. This
is the ultimate aim of advertisement translation. Therefore, the translators
should not only express the accurate meaning of the original work, but also
pay attention to the diction of words and the cultural elements. The
translation work will fail to realize its aims if it neglects the cultural
elements such as the tradition, customs and this essay may give the
readers a little enlightenment.

Eugene A

Nida, Language, Culture and Translating (Shanghai:
Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 1993), 116.
Eugene A. Nida, 117.
Ibid., 118.
Eugene A. Nida, Toward a Science of Ttranslating (Leiden: E.J. Brill,
1964), 166.
Larry A. Samovar, Richard E Porter and Lisa A. Stefani.
Communication between Cultures (Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and
Research Press, 2000), 60.
2004年, 第228页。
靳涵身, 第229页。
靳涵身, 第228页。
靳涵身, 第228页。
版社,20 02年,第130页。

Eugene A. Nida, Translation: Applications and Research (New York:
Gardner Press, 1976), 48.

Ibid., 50.

Davis, Nicolas

E., and Gregory Crane, eds. The Printing Press as an Agent of Change.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979.
Struggle: The Private Information Industry versus The National Library of
Medicine.” New
Shatzkin, Leonard. In Cold Type: Overcoming the Book Crisis. Boston:
Houghton Mifflin, 1982.
Starr, Paul. “The Electronic Reader.” In Reading in the 1980s. Ed.
Stephen Braubard. New York: Bowker, 1983.
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中国对外翻译出版公司 《诗词翻译的艺术》,北京:中国对外翻译出版公







