
2020年12月30日 17:53



Distance Learning
This paper will summarize two articles on distance learning and give the
author’s views on the benefits and obstacles of implementing distance-learning in
a junior and senior high school learning environment.
Jeannette McDonald, in her article: Is “As good as face-to-face” as good as
it gets? (2002), raises a very important question as to whether “[the] goal [of
online learning should be] to meet existing standards of traditional education”
(McDonald, 2002) or “has distance learning, and especially online education opened
the door to enhanced strategies in teaching and learning” (McDonald, 2002)? Online
learning may just be “doing different things” (McDonald, 2002). What are these
different things? Jeannette McDonald claims that “distance education can be a
frontier for new methods of communication giving rise to innovative teaching and
learning practices that may not be possible in traditional, place- bound education”
(2002). The article discusses both the positive and “potential negative impacts
of online education” (McDonald, 2002).
There are many benefits to using online distance learning environments. Online
education is available “anyplace, anytime [for] global communities of learners
based on shared interests” (McDonald, 2002). Jeannette McDonald claims that “online
education [with its] group-based instruction [and] computer mediated communication
(CMC) provides an opportunity for new development and understanding in teaching
and learning” (2002). CMC encourages “collaborative learning [by not providing]
cues regarding appearance, race, gender, education, or social status bestowing a
sort of anonymity to participants” (McDonald, 2002). Distance also “permits the
expression of emotion (both positive and negative) and promotes discussion that
normally would be inhibited. [Yet, this same] text-based [positive aspect of online
learning], makes online education more cumbersome and therefore takes more time
than face-to-face learning. [In addition,] the sheer bulk of messages can be
overwhelming” (McDonald, 2002). The learner only has the written text and no other
“non- verbal” (McDonald, 2002) cues. This may confuse the learner and cause
“misunderstanding” (McDonald, 2002). The article lists the “seven principles of
good practice in undergraduate education” (McDonald, 2004) published in 1987 by
the American Association of Higher Education Bulletin. Jeannette McDonald claims
that “online education has the potential to achiever all of these practices” (2002).
There is a need for quality and standards for distance learning. “In April 2000,
the institute of Higher Education Policy produced a study with 24 benchmarks for
the success in Internet-based distance education” (The Institute for Higher
Education Policy, 2000).
Although Jeannette McDonald feels that there are “biases against distance
learning programs” (2002), her recommendation is “to take advantage of the
potential of online education [by striving] to understand the technology and how
it affects human communication and interaction” (2002).
“In the road to dotcom in education” (2004), Mark David Milliron deals with


a very progressive idea that suggests educators “slow … down from [their] busy
lives… to be free to focus first on connecting with learners and connecting them
to learning … before [they] end up feeling like [they] are no longer using
technology, but are being used by it” (Milliron, 2004). He compares education to
a highway where educators are faced with many “road hazards”. Mark Milliron claims
that “looking for road hazards on a journey takes concentration [which] is not often
practiced by those with a need for speed or those caught up in their competitive
drives” (2004). He gives examples of how ridiculous people are becoming when they
“strive to stay connected [to cell phones and e-mails at the price of] deep personal
connections with [their] family members and friends” (Milliron, 2004). He quotes
Dr. Edward Hallowell, who ironically states “how many electronic connections we
have today, yet how hard it is for us to form authentic and deep personal
connections” (Milliron, 2004). Mark Milliron gives an excellent comparison of how
technology has blinded people when he says that they are becoming “more and more
like Pavlov’s dogs: at the ding of incoming e-mails they stop what they’re doing,
salivate, and rush to the screen” (2004). There is pressure to keep up with the
times as well as “a cost-of- entry issue regarding technology in education. Without
a certain level of technology services and learning options, many students will
not consider attending [a certain] institution” (Milliron, 2004). Mark Milliron
claims that “any technology has to prove that it will ultimately improve or expand
learning” (2004). This will come about if educators “slow down, look around, and
get on the road to DotCalm- a place [to] thoughtfully engage and explore all aspects
of technology, good, bad, or indifferent; …a place with mindful focus on the people
and passions that make life worth living” (Milliron, 2004).
The author of this paper has been trying to implement distance learning in
both junior and high school environments for the past year. The school has added
a platform called “Britannica” to make online learning possible in case of emergency
or a teacher’s strike. The students are not willing to take the time to go in and
look up homework assignments and other online learning activities. The author keeps
reminding students to add their e-mail addresses to the form but they are unwilling
to cooperate. The process is very slow with little results. Some teachers have made
these online lessons compulsory for their students. ESL students shy away from
online classes. They have expressed fear of having their work viewed by others.
Every student has to login to the school site but within a classroom, everyone who
takes the class can view the other’s work. ESL students don’t see the advantage
of learning by sharing. Should online learning be an issue of control or should
students be convinced of its value as an authentic learning tool? Fear and a
threatening environment don’t enhance learning according to brain-based learning
research. “How students ‘feel’ about a learning situation determines the amount
of attention they devote to it”(Sousa, 1998). “Positive emotions ensure that
learning will be retained” (Lackney, 2002). It’s very important to discuss with
students how they feel about technology and online learning so that they feel good
about what they are doing. The author feels that the process of implementing online
distance learning is a slow and delicate one. Change will eventually come about


but it will take time. As Mark Milliron has said “[let’s not let] new technology …
get in the way of learning” (2004). Let’s calm down as we “focus first on connecting
with learners [and only then begin] connecting them to learning” (Milliron, 2004).
参考范文2 Language and Gender
With the general growth of feminist work in many academic fields, it is hardly
surprising that the relationship between language and gender has attracted
considerable attention in recent years. In an attempt to go beyond “folk linguistic”
assumptions about how men and women use language (the assumption that women are
“talkative”, for example), studies have focused on anything from different
syntactical, phonological or lexical uses of language to aspects of conversation
analysis, such as topic nomination and control, interruptions and other interact
ional features. While some research has focused only on the description of
differences, other work has sought to show how linguistic differences both reflect
and reproduce social difference. Accordingly, Coates (1988) suggests that research
on language and gender can be divided into studies that focus on dominance and those
that focus on difference.
Much of the earlier work emphasized dominance. Lakoff’s (1975) pioneering work
suggested that women’s speech typically displayed a range of features, such as tag
questions, which marked it as inferior and weak. Thus, she argued that the type
of subordinate speech learned by a young girl “will later be an excuse others use
to keep her in a demeaning position, to refuse to treat her seriously as a human
being” (1975, p.5). While there are clearly some problems with Lakoff’s work - her
analysis was not based on empirical research, for example, and the automatic
equation of subordinate with ‘weak’ is problematic-the emphasis on dominance has
understandably remained at the centre of much of this work. Research has shown how
men nominated topics more, interrupted more often, held the floor for longer, and
so on (see, for example, Zimmerman and West, 1975). The chief focus of this approach,
then, has been to show how patterns of interaction between men and women reflect
the dominant position of men in society.
Some studies, however, have taken a different approach by looking not so much
at power in mixed-sex interactions as at how same-sex groups produce certain types
of interaction. In a typical study of this type, Maltz and Borker (1982) developed
lists of what they described as men’s and women's features of language. They argued
that these norms of interaction were acquired in same-sex groups rather than
mixed- sex groups and that the issue is therefore one of (sub-)cultural
miscommunication rather than social inequality. Much of this research has focused
on comparisons between, for example, the competitive conversational style of men
and the cooperative conversational style of women.
While some of the more popular work of this type, such as Tannen (1987), lacks
a critical dimension, the emphasis on difference has nevertheless been valuable
in fostering research into gender subgroup interactions and in emphasizing the need
to see women’s language use not only as ‘subordinate’ but also as a significant
sub-cultural domain.
Although Coates’ (1988) distinction is clearly a useful one, it also seems


evident that these two approaches are by no means mutually exclusive. While it is
important on the one hand, therefore, not to operate with a simplistic version of
power and to consider language and gender only in mixed-group dynamics, it is also
important not to treat women’s linguistic behavior as if it existed outside social
relations of power. As Cameron, McAlinden and O’Leary (1988) ask, “Can it be
coincidence that men are aggressive and hierarchically- organized
conversationalists, whereas women are expected to provide conversational support?”
(p.80). Clearly, there is scope here for a great deal more research that is based
on empirical data of men’s and women’s speech; operates with a complex understanding
of power and gender relationships (so that women’s silence, for example, can be
seen both as a site of oppression and as a site of possible resistance); looks
specifically at the contexts of language use, rather than assuming broad gendered
differences; involves more work by men on language and gender, since attempts to
understand male uses of language in terms of difference have been few (thus running
the danger of constructing men’s speech as the ‘norm’ and women’s speech as
‘different’); aims not only to describe and explain but also to change language
and social relationships.








