
2020年12月30日 18:16



★试论《失乐园》中Satan的形象On the Image of Satan in Paradise Lost
★Fielding小说的现实主义意义The Realistic Significance of Henry
Fielding’s Fiction
★《傲慢与偏见》中经济对婚姻的影响The Economic Influence on Marriage
in Pride and Prejudice
★桑提亚哥——海明威笔下的硬汉Santiago: A typical Hemingway’s
★论Robert Frost的诗歌创作On Robert Frost’s Poetry
★《了不起的盖茨比》中的象征Symbolism in The Great Gatsby
★华滋华斯诗歌的自然观On William Wordsworth’s Naturalism
★论叶芝诗歌中的宗教思想On Religions Thoughts in W. B. Yeats’
★劳伦斯笔下的女性形象On the Female Characters in D. H. Laurence’s
★试析哈代对英国诗歌之贡献On Hardy’s Contributions to English
★欧内斯特?海明威小说中的悲剧色彩The Tragic Color of Ernest
Hemingway's Novels
★欧内斯特??海明威战争小说中的人道主义分析On the Humanism in
Ernest Hemingway's War Stories
★亨利·詹姆斯作品中的心理描写On the Psychological Descriptions in
Henry James’ Novels
★D. H. 劳伦斯小说中女性人物形象分析An Analysis on Women Images in
D.H. Lawrence’s Novels
★爱米丽·迪金森的诗歌艺术特色On Artistic Features of Emily
Dickinson’s Poetry
★欧·亨利短篇小说主题分析The Thematic Analysis of O’ Henry’s
Short Stories
★杰克·伦敦《海狼》的心理分析Psychoanalysis of Jack London’s The
Sea Wolf
★杜拉斯小说中的中国情结The Chinese Complex in Marguerite Duras’
★人性的扭曲与异化——论卡夫卡的《变形记》The Distort and Alienation
of Human Nature——On Kafka’s the Metamorphosis
★《廊桥遗梦》的弗洛伊德主题Freudianism in The Bridges of Madison
★西奥多??德莱塞《嘉利妹妹》中的自然主义Naturalism in Theodore
Dreiser’s Sister Carrie
★从《秀拉》的男性人物形象看托妮??莫里森的女权思想Toni Morrison’s
Feminist Vision Reflected in the Characterization of Sula’s Male

★论马克吐温小说的黑色幽默On the Black Humor in Mark Twain Novels
★埃兹拉庞德诗歌的意象主义分析Imagism in Ezra Pound’s Poetry
★从功能语法角度分析演讲词的语境和衔接Analysis on Textual Context
and Cohesion in Speech Writing
★大学生英语语用能力研究An Investigation of the Pragmatic Abilities
of College Students
★英汉致使动词的对比研究A Contrastive Study of English and Chinese
Causative Verbs
★英语委婉语的交际功能 A Contrastive Study of Lexical Features of
English Advertisement and Chinese Advertisement
★英语委婉语的文化内涵的研究Study of Culture Connotation of English
★后置形容词初探A Tentative Study of Post-posed Adjectives
★跨文化交际中的语用失误Pragmatic Failures in Cross- cultural
★外语多媒体设计的语言学思考A Linguistic Point of View on Design of
Foreign Language Multi-media
★文化语境与词汇内涵意义( Context of Culture and Connotative Meaning of
★论新闻英语中的连贯问题On Coherence in News English
★论语篇中的英语习语On English Idioms in Text
★论形体语言在交际中的作用Functions of Body Language in
★英汉拒绝语的对比研究The Contrastive Study on the English and
Chinese Expressions in Refusing or Declining
★英汉习语的文化差异及翻译The Cultural Difference and Translation
of English and Chinese idioms
★英语典故性成语的来源与汉译Derivation and Translation of English
Phrasal Literary Quotations
★论as…as…的用法与翻译On the Use and Translation of “as…as…”
★浅析汉英翻译种的中式英语On the Chinglish in C-E Translation
★试论英汉翻译中的文化冲突A Study on Cultural Conflicts in E-C
★英汉翻译中修辞手段初探On Rhetorical Methods in E-C Translation
★英语课堂中的文化教学Culture Teaching in an EFL Class
★论交际英语课堂教学的活动衔接On the Cohesiveness between
Activities in a Communicative English Class
★论中学生词汇学习策略On Vocabulary Learning Strategy for Middle
School Students
★试谈如何使用模拟辩论英语口语教学法The Teaching Methods by Means
of Simulating Debate on Spoken English
★英语教学中的文化意识Culture Consciousness in the English Language

★文化差异与英语词汇教学Cultural Difference and Teaching of English
★交际性语言与英语课堂语境构建Communicative language and the
Construction of English Classroom Context
★合作学习在英语教学中的应用Application of Cooperative Learning To
English Teaching
★语境理论在英语阅读教学中的作用On Theory of Context In English
Reading Teaching
★如何有效地利用母语思维提高学生的英语写作能力On Effectively
Applying First Language to Improving Students’ Writing Proficiency
★作文评阅中的困惑与自主学习理念的切入Evaluation on Compositions
in ELT: Facilitating Students’ Autonomous Learning
★学会学习 —— 中国外语学习者学习策略研究Learn How to Learn——A
Study on Chinese EFL learners’ Learning Strategies
★英语听力学习策略对听力能力的影响Influence of Learning Strategies
upon English Listening Comprehension
★中学生英语学习动机与英语教学Middle School Students’ Learning
Motivation and It’s Implications In ELT
★减少焦虑:从英语课堂活动做起 Decreasing Anxiety Through ELT
Classroom Activities
★英语课堂中的互动:情感与认知 Interaction in EFL Classroom:
Affection and Cognition
★英语课堂中的文化冲击 —— 促进学生积极参与之良方 Cultural Shock
in ESL Classroom —— An Approaching to Encouraging Active Participation
★英语写作教学中的“结果法”与“过程法”之比较 A Comparison
Between 〝Product Approach〞and〝Process Approach〞
★元认知与大学英语词汇学习 Metacognition and EFL Learners’
Vocabulary Learning
★意识培养:英语语法教学的新思路The Awareness-raising Approach: A
New Prospective on Grammar Teaching
★语言学习任务和自主性学习On Language Learning Tasks and Learner
★课堂焦虑与中学生口语表达能力关系Correlations between Anxiety and
College Students’ Oral Performance
★阅读与写作的互动及其教学思考Developing Interactive Reading and
Writing in Classroom Teaching
★论外国文化知识在外语学习中的重要性On the Importance of Foreign
Culture Knowledgein Foreign Language learning
★翻译教学法之我见On the Teaching of Translation
★影响EFL课堂互动的情感因素研究 A Study of the Affective Factors
Influencing EFL Class Interaction
★中学生词汇学习策略调查 A Survey to the Lexicon Acquisition

Strategies of Middle School Students
★EFL课堂互动中教师的中介作用 A Study of the Teacher as Mediator in
EFL Classroom Interaction
★EFL课堂教学中的教师提问与课堂互动 A study to the role of question
in EFL Classroom interaction
★英语专业学生在写作中运用的交际策略研究 A study to the Application
of Communicative Strategies in English Major’s Writing
★EFL课堂教学心理环境调查与分析 An Investigation and Analysis to
the Psychological Environment of EFL Class
★英语专业与非专业学生英语学习风格对比研究 A contrastive study to
the Learning styles of English Majors and Non-English Majors
★英语专业学生阅读策略调查研究A Survey to the Reading Strategies of
English Majors
★英语专业学生写作中的母语迁移现象 A Study to Native Language
Transfer in English Major’s Writing
★元认知策略在英语专业学生听力理解中的应用 A Study of the
Application of Metacognitive Strategy in Listening Comprehension of
English Majors
★EFL课堂互动模式研究 A Study of the Interaction Patterns of EFL
★EFL课堂互动中的错误纠正 A Study of Error Correction in EFL
Classroom Interaction
★英语专业学生学习动机调查与分析 A Survey and analysis to the
Motivation of English Majors
★英语教师课堂行为与学生学习动机相关研究 A Study to the
Relationship between Teacher Behavior in classroom and Students’
★互动教学中语法教学的地位 The Role of Grammar Teaching in
Interactive Teaching
★听力理解中的形式逻辑问题研究On Formal Logic in listening
comprehension of English
★听力能力培养与词汇教学 on the cultivation of listening and
teaching of vocabulary
★刍议外报外刊阅读与英语阅读能力的培养On Reading Foreign
Newspapers and Magazines and Reading Ability Training
★英语教学中学生兴趣的激发Cultivation of Students’ Interest in
English Teaching
★怎样组织英语语言学教学中的课堂讨论How to Organize Linguistic
Seminars in China
★怎样充分利用第二课堂活动来提高学生语言技能与运用能力How to Make
Full Use of the Extra Curriculum to Improve Students’ Language Skills
their Applying Ability
★阅读技巧与阅读能力培养Reading Skills and Reading Ability Training
★英语听力理解的主要障碍及对策Major Interferences in Listening

Comprehension and its Counter-measures
★英语语调教学探讨English Intonation Teaching Research
★试析英语写作汉式英语产生的根源An Analysis of the Causes of
Chinglish in English Writing
★英汉语篇阅读模式差异对英语写作的影响The Influence of English and
Chinese Context Patterns on English Writing
strategy and EFL Writing: A Strategy-based study on Chinese Learners’
★影响中国中学生英语写作的因素Factors Affecting Chinese Middle
School Students’ English Writing
教师话语与第二语言习得Teacher Talk and Second Language Acquisition
★论泛读与词汇习得On the Role of Extensive Reading in Vocabulary
★英语词汇教学方法探讨An Inquiry into Teaching Approach to English
★试论英美文化课程在英语专业能力培养中的作用On the Course of
British and American Culture: Its Function in the Development of English
Competence for English Majors
★EFL课堂中的小组活动研究 A Study of Group Work in EFL Class
★怎样组织英语语言学教学中的课堂讨论How to Organize Linguistic
Seminars in China
★试论英语专业人才如何突出专业优势The English Specialty: Ways Out
★英语流行语的文化因素Cultural Factors of English Catchwords
★浅谈非语言交际中的身势语Body Language in Non verbal Communication
★英汉姓名的文化阐释Cultural Interpretations of English and Chinese
★身势语在不同文化下的差异Different Body Languages In Different
★英语语调在口头语篇中的意义The Communicative Value of Intonation
in Spoken Discourse
★On the politeness and cooperation used in the language learning
★非言语行为在跨文化交际中的功能Functions of Non-verbal Behavious
in Intercultural communication
★英汉礼貌用语对比研究The Contrastive Study on the Courteous
Expressions in English and Chinese
★中西方不同思维模式在宗教文化中的体现The Presentation of
Different Thinking Modes in Chinese and Western Religious Culture







