
2020年12月30日 18:16




English is an important and special tool for communication now in
China. There has been a trend of teaching children at younger ages
throughout the whole nation. Children’s English teaching has become the
backbone of elementary education. However, primary school English
teaching methods are still under exploration. A common phenomenon is
that children’s interest in English is decreasing as time moves on. To
cultivate children’s interest has become the most important task in
English teaching. This paper is based on theories of game from home and
aboard, and game is taken as research object. This research probes the
definition of game, the types, characteristics and advantages of games,
together with the importance of games in class teaching,and provides
some advice on how to use games in the classroom. This paper guides the
teachers in choosing appropriate games to arouse children’s enthusiasm,
and improving the teaching effectiveness.

children; English; teacher; learning; game



作为启蒙教育的基石,越来越成 为社会关注的焦点和热点。但是,不
语教学的首要任务。本文主 要是在已有的国内外游戏教学理论的基础
上,以游戏教学在少儿英语课堂中的应用为研究对象,对少儿英 语游
讨,并对如何在少儿英 语课堂教学实践中应用游戏教学提出了建议。
指导英语老师如何恰当的将游戏运用到英语课堂中,激发学 生学习英

儿童; 英语; 教师; 学习; 游戏


Games in English Teaching for Children

Chapter Ⅰ Introduction
With China’s policy of reform and opening to the outside world, English, as an
international language, has become more and more important. So people begin to pay
due attention to English learning. We all know that children have the ability to learn
second languages more easily than adults. For this reason, our government put special
emphasis on children’s English teaching. Many new English curriculum standards
have adopted by the Ministry of Education, and English has become a compulsory
course in all primary schools. Although, the number of English learners has been
growing rapidly, the level of English teaching had not been improved. How to teach
English well is still a puzzling question.
In China, the typical teaching model is the teacher-centered class. In this kind of
English class, the teachers play the main role and they explain every language points
while the students just write down all the words they say. After the class, numbers of
exercises is provided to make students commit the new words and expressions to
memory. They think much of students’ ability of writing and listening but not
speaking and reading. So it is common to see that after ten years English learning, a
great deal of student still cannot communicate with foreigners.
Nowadays, people have realized the negative influence of the teacher-centered
class, and ask for educational reform. Therefore, the Ministry of Education has taken
out a series of measures to solve this problem, while the situation has not been
improved. According to a newspaper survey on children’s attitude to English course,
70 percent of the children think English class is boring and don’t like to have it.
That’s just the main reason that blocked children’s progress of English study. So what
should we do to change it? After a great number of researches, educators found that
one appropriate strategy to encourage language acquisition is using language games.
This study focus on the games in children’s English teaching. Though quite a lot
of people know the significance of games in children’s English teaching, they still
can’t figure out best ways to organize them. In order to raise the efficiency of games
in the English class, this article introduces the definitions of games, different types of
games, the characteristics of games. Through the right use of games, the author hopes


to achieve the goal of children’s interest arousing.

Chapter ⅡGames in Language Teaching
2.1 Definition of Game
Different people have different definition for game. Spodek Bernard and Saracho
Olivia demonstrated that: games are different kinds of activities; they are highly
structured and include specific rules to be followed. Similarly, Jill Hadfield defined
games as “an activity with rules, a goal and an element of fun.” Brown said “a game
could be any activity that formulized a technique into units that can be scored in some

From above, we can understand that games are structured play activities
organized around specific rules.

According to Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied
Linguistics, “game” in language teaching can be defined as an organized activity that
usually has the following properties: a. a particular task or objective, b. a set of rules,
c. competition between players, and d. communication between players by spoken or
written language.

Byrne gave the definition to games as a form of play governed by rules. They
should be enjoyed and fun. They are not just a diversion, a break from routine
activities, but a way of getting the learner to use the language in the course of the

2.2 Types of Games
Game has found an increasingly wide application in language teaching. It can be
used to teach children word, vocabulary, phrase and so on. It can also be used to tap
the potential of the children’s ability. According to these reasons, games can be
divided into different categories.

2.2.1 Classification by Teaching Content
Firstly, it can be divided into pronunciation games. Pronunciation is the basis of
English specking. The progress to practice pronunciation is also boring; using games
can make the learning of pronunciation full of fun and help children learn them
correctly. For example, teach students the pronunciation of [εə], teachers can make
the students read a short tongue twister. For instance, it’s a bear sitting on a chair,


combing its hair and holding a pear.
Secondly, it can be divided into vocabulary games. Vocabulary is one of the most
important parts in English learning, but to memorize vocabulary is really boring.
Games can create a happy situation and make children in this happy atmosphere to
memorize vocabulary.
A good method is to divide the students into four groups, and ask the students to
list the vocabulary they have learned. Then, game begins. Choose one students in each
group and ask one of the four students, for example, what's the antonym of “black”?
The key is “white”. If he or she gives the right answer, his or her group can get one
mark. If the answer is wrong, give no mark. Finally, the group which gets the highest
mark win, the lost three groups should have a performance, such as sing songs,
dancing and so on.
Thirdly, it can be divided into number games. In the class of number teaching,
children’s response is very important. Just teach students how to read and how to
write will make them tired of number. In the meanwhile, it will also decrease their
interest in English. Here is a game that can arouse children’s interest. Have a student
say a number, for example: two. Then the next students should use body language to
show the other students this number.
Fourthly, it can be divided into sentence games. Sentence is difficult to learn.
Children’s English teaching is not just enable the children grasp the grammar but let
them speak English formally. Through games to develop children’s ability of creation,
stimulate them to use the vocabulary and phrase that they have learned to express
their thought. Write down some English sentence on several pieces of paper, and ask
student A takes one of them, for example, if the paper says: “eat a banana”, this
student should act like that. Then another student B can guess: “Are you eating
something?” the student who is acting can just say “Yes” or “No”. Trough these
questions he asked, student B tell the other students what the phrase is.

2.2.2 Classification by Function
Games can be used to develop children’s language skills. According to their
different functions, games can be divided into four aspects.
Firstly, it is the memory games. Memory is the foundation of learning. It’s


necessary to use games to improve children’s memory. So when teachers teach
vocabulary and pronunciation, they can organize a game called “What’s missing?”
Write down a vocabulary on the blackboard, but one letter of it is missing, such
as “ap_le”. Then the teacher ask like that “What’s missing?” students will answer “p”
is missing. Through this kind of game, children’s memory can be improved a lot.
Secondly, it is the response games. When the teacher asks something, children
usually have a very quick response. According to this, the scholars designed such kind
of games, named response games. For example, a teacher make an instruction, under
the teacher’s instruction, the students should do a right action. For intense, the teacher
makes an order like: “put up your hands.” Then the students put up their hands.
Thirdly, it is the observation games. In this kind of game, teachers usually
provide two kinds of materials to the students, one is pictures, and another is texts.
For the pictures, students should have an observation of it, and then use their own
word to descript it. For the texts, it means in one piece of text, students should find
out one word or one sentence that the teacher have said.

2.2.3 Classification by Nature
In Elementary Communication Games, Jill Hadfield collected just two kind of
games:competitive games and co-operative games.

Cesar Klauer applied four types of games as cooperative games,competitive
games, communication games and code-control games,which has been greatly
adopted and will be stressed as following:
Firstly, it is the cooperative games. In this type of game, the main purpose is to
develop a sense of cooperation. Players work together to finish a common task. All
the members of the team are involved in this type of game, including the shy students.
The typical cooperative game is through the given instructions, the team work
together to complete a drawing.
Secondly, it is the competitive games. As the name shows, there is a competition
in this kind of games. In this type of games, players or teams compete to be No.1 to
complete the task. It can be the competition between teams or the individual against
other individuals. Through competitions, players have the opportunity to improve
themselves. It forces them to reach the goal in the shortest time but with the best
result. While in this type of games, due attention must be paid to the winners and


losers. Guide them to have a right attitude on the results.
Thirdly, it is the communication games. In this type of games, players exchange
information through dialogues or pass messages to other players. For instance, two
players talk to each other and get the information of his partners, like name, age,
hometown, hobby, etc. Another form is one of the players give an instruction, another
must follow it and do exactly what he is asked, such as drawing a cat, open the door,
put up your right hand, etc.
Fourthly, it is the code- control games. This type of games demands the students
have a good skill of the language. They must produce correct structures, spelling,
pronunciation, etc. All of these can help the players or the whole team gets high

2.3 Characteristics of Games
In order to pursuit good grades, English teaching has become an activity of
memorizing vocabulary, which made the students lose interest in it. In order to solve
this problem, games are applied in English teaching. According to Fredercken, game
creates “a bridge between learning and doing”. No matter in per-school education or
high school education, games are known as a way to delight students who are tired of
the class.
While the application of game is not an easy work, it requires the teachers have a
careful planning. If they want to use games in an efficient way, they must know well
of the characteristics of games.
The first characteristic of games is novelty. Different from the traditional and
serious class, game is a novel way to direct the students to grasp the knowledge points.
It can also teach the students social skills in a natural way.
The second characteristic of games is flexibility. According to the different
students, the teachers can organize different games. To the withdrawn children, it’s
good to develop a cooperative game. Through this kind of game encourage them to
participate in, and force them to communicate with others. To the poor students, it’s
good to play something easy, which can help them build confidence. So the
application of games is very flexible.
The third characteristic of games is motivation. Studies show that competitive
environments are easy to stimulate students’ motivation. In order to win, they will put
their attention on study. The reward or the praise from the teachers and their parents


can also arouse their motivations.
The fourth characteristic of games is fun. That’s the basic characteristic of the
games. Games create a free and relaxed environment for the students, which can
remove the threat of new and difficult material. In this playful atmosphere, students
can also work effectively.
Games contain many factors, such as rules, competition, and entertainment and
learning, in particular, Cesar Klauer summarizes the characteristics of games as the
Firstly, a game must have rules. Through rules, students know how to play and
the teacher judge the players win or lose.
Secondly, a game must have goals. This goal stimulates students to play. It can
be something like making points or completing the task first.
Thirdly, a game is a closed activity. Games must have beginning and an end. It
must be clear to the students or the teachers, who is first one to reach the goal.
Fourthly, a game is a child-centered activity. Different from the traditional
teaching model, in the game-based teaching, teachers no longer in the center of the
class, they just become the judge or scorer of the games.

2.4 The Importance of Games in English Teaching
Before 300 years ago, the great educator John Amos Comenius had emphasized
the importance of games in his first work School of Infancy. And Friedrich Frobel, the
great German educator, also spoke highly of the value of games. Game is a typical
form that life took in childhood. Games can arouse the interest of children and lower
their stress. In English class, games create an English situation, in this happy situation,
children can learn English easier.

2.4.1 Stimulating Children’s Interest of English Learning
As we all know interest is the best teacher. It plays the main role in language
learning. All the children have the natural disposition to play, if games can be used in
English teaching, it will help to arouse children’s interest. Through the fascinating
games, children will not only enjoy themselves, but also acquire knowledge in this
free and happy atmosphere. And in the meanwhile, it will make children have sense
that English learning is an interesting activity. It is good for children’s English
learning and can help to raise the efficiency of English teaching.


2.4.2 Lowering Children's Burden on English Learning

the games, children grasp the language point quickly. It can help children ease
their anxious on English study, thus make them got the confidence to learn. When
children combine games and study together, they will have a sense of “I would like to
learn” instead of “I should learn”. For this reason, they begin to pay a lot of attention
on the English study and enjoy themselves. All of these clearly show us that games
can lower children’s burden on English study.

2.4.3 Making Children Have a Better Understanding of the
In the English class, if the teachers just explain every language point to the
students, but do not encourage them to think and have their own opinion, the students
can never hold the essence of the knowledge point. While in the game-based class,
teachers create a real-life situation, and in this situation children can change the
abstract ideas into concrete ideas. Therefore, they will have a better understanding of
the teaching context and flexi ably use whatever they have learned.

2.4.4 Improving the Relationships between Teachers and Students

In the tradition teaching model, teachers play the role in the class, they hold the
administration. All the students should follow their orders. If there is someone who
infringed the discipline of the class, he or she would be punished by the teacher. So in
the eyes of the students, teachers are very grave and fearful. While in the game-based
teaching, teachers are no longer the center of the class, they become positive. They
play games with students, just like their elder brothers or sisters. All of these make
students change their attitude towards the teachers. The harmony relationships will
instead the tension one.

Cheaper Ⅲ Design and Methodology
3.1 Design
3.1.1 Characteristics of games’ design
Children’s English teaching must in accordance with children’s characteristics of
psychology. Many studies show that the satisfaction of the children’s psychology


decides the game is succeeding or not. The more satisfaction the game creates, the
easier the game succeeds. As a conclusion, the characteristics of children’s
psychology are the basis of the game design. Therefore, special attention should be
paid as following on games design.
Firstly, it is purposiveness. Before designing a game the teacher must set an
object, according to the different teaching context organize different games. Make full
use of games to help the students learn English effectively. For example, in order to
improve students’ memory, teacher can organize a spelling game.
For example, have a student say a word, such as, “apple”. Then have the next
student say a word that begins with the last letter of this word. (such as:apple,
elephant, tea…).
Secondly, it is appropriateness. Games can be divided into difficult ones and easy
ones. During the organization of the games, the teacher should take children’s ability
into consideration, taking the suitable measures to local conditions. If the game is too
difficult to the students, it will make them to be unsure of themselves. On the contrary,
if the game is too easy, it can not arouse students’ interest. So the teacher must go
hand and hand with practice, select the most suitable game for different students and
class. For example, in one class, if the number of boys is one time of the girls, it will
not suitable to organize a competitive game between boys and girls. It is not follow
the principle of fair.
Thirdly, it is speculation. Children are always full of curiosity. The speculation of
the game can stimulate heir interest of learning, set the magic guess for example. The
teacher writes down a word on the paper but do not tell the students, and then let them
guess. The one who give the right answer can be crown as he has magic eyes. This
type of game is beneficial to encourage the shy students or the students who can no
acquire knowledge very quickly to take part in. And it is also good for the students to
build confidence.
Fourthly, it is Competition. All the children would like to be No.1. For this
reason, the competitive game is designed. When children compete to be first to
complete the task, they can focus their attention on the learning. That is a good way to
increase the efficiency of the study. For example, high and low voice is game that
students compete to the teacher. In this type of game, students read after the teacher,
but in an opposite way. That’s means, if the teacher reads in a high voice, the students
will read in a low voice; if the teacher reads in his seat, the students will read with


standing. Someone who failed will be punished. Through the competition between the
teacher and the students, the language points have been reviewed for many times, and
students' memories have also been consolidated.
The last one is interest. The main purpose of children’s English teaching is to
stimulate their interest. Game is very funny. It can make an interesting and relaxed
atmosphere. Also, it can encourage the students to participate in the activity and work
effectively. So when teachers organize the games, they must make sure that the game
is interesting, novelty and can give full play to children’s initiative.

3.1.2 Points for Attention in Games’ Design

The first point is the preparation for the games. That’s the necessary condition of
a successful game. The preparations for the games are in two aspects. The first one is
the preparation of the teaching aids. Before the teacher organizes the game, he must
make sure that all the teaching aids are ready, which include record, tape, cards, and
so on. The second one is the preparation of the knowledge. All the games require the
students have basic knowledge. So before a game is played, it’s necessary for the
teacher to make the students have a review of the knowledge points.
The second point is Fairness. Competition is good for children to improve
themselves. In the competitive games, all the children care about the final result. If the
result is not fair, it will dampen their enthusiasm or make them have an exclusive
attitude to the teacher. So a good game must encourage all the students to participate
in. Teachers should organize more corporation games, which can promote the mutual
learning between students and cultivate their spirit of cooperation. And then teachers
should also have an equal treatment to all students. They can never show
discrimination against the poor students. To the poor students, some of the games are
difficult for them playing. So when the teacher organizes the game, they can let the
poor students answer the easy question, help them build confidence. Teachers should
also avoid choosing the games which are too difficult or too easy. All of these are not
good for the students.
The third point is the disciplines of the games. All the games need rules. Before a
game is organized, rules should make clear to the students. According to the rules, the
teacher makes judge on the final result. Reward and punishment can keep the
discipline of the class.
The fourth point is the time of the games. In the game-based teaching, teachers


should have a good control of the time. If the playing time is too long, it will decrease
children’s interest in study. On the contrary, if the playing time is too short, the
teaching result will not be obtained. So the time of the games must in accordance with
the characteristics of the children’s psychology and cognize.
The last point is the variety of the games. Different from the common games,
games in the class is to arouse student’s interest and make them acquire the
knowledge easier. So the teachers cannot just organize only one kind of game in the
class. Otherwise, students will tired of it and lose interest in it.

3.2 Methods of Choosing Appropriate Games
There are many factors to consider while discussing games,one of which is
appropriateness. Teachers should be very careful about choosing games if they want
to make them profitable for the learning process. If games are to bring desired results,
they must correspond to either the student's level, or age, or to the material that is to
be introduced. Not all games are appropriate for all students irrespective of their age.
Different age groups require various topics, materials, and modes of games. For
example, children benefit most from games which require moving around, imitating a
model, competing between groups and the like.
Furthermore, structural games that practice or reinforce a certain grammatical
aspect of language have to relate to students’ abilities and prior knowledge. Games
become difficult when the task of the topic is unsuitable or outside the student’s
experience. Another factor influencing the choice of a game is its length and the time
necessary for its completion. Many games have a time limit, but according to
Sick-Piskozub, the teacher can either allocate more or less time depending on the
students’ level, the number of people in a group, or the knowledge of the rules of a
game etc.

3.3 The Time to Choose Games
Games are often used as short warm-up activities or when there is some time left
at the end of a lesson. Yet, as Lee observes, a game “should not be regarded as a
marginal activity filling in odd moments when the teacher and class have nothing
better to do”. Games ought to be at the heart of teaching foreign languages. Rixon
suggests that games should be used at all stages of the lesson. And at different stages
of the lesson, the teacher’ aims connected with a game may vary.


3.4 A Sample Lesson
Here is a sample lesson, some games and activities are use in this class.
Teaching content: What color is it?
Teaching aids: Tape, a box and different colors of balls and cards;
Time: 45 minutes
1. Learn and master the following words and phrases: color, red, black, green,
pink, yellow, blue, orange, etc.
2. Learn and master the sentences: “What color is it? It is ...”, “What color are
you in? I’m in ...”
3. Can use these expressions in daily life.
Teaching procedure:
Step 1. Warming up
T: Good morning, boys and girls.
S: Good morning, Miss Li.
T: How are you?
S: Fine, thank you, and you?
T: I'm fine, too.
T: OK! Everybody, let’s sing an English song, OK?
S: OK! Let’s do it.
The students sing “Hello song” following the tape.
Step 2. Lead- in
T: Now, everybody, let’s play a game. I say, you do. Be quiet, listen to me
T: Stand up, please!
Put up your right hand.
Point at your left eye.
Point at your black left eye.
Point at your mouth.
Point at your red mouth.
The students do actions following the teacher’s instruction.
T: Well done! Site down, please!
The teacher writes down the new words on the blackboard and asks the students


read after her.
Step 3. Presentation
The teacher takes out a blue card.
T: Look! What color is it?
It’s blue.
T: Read after me.
What color is it?
S: What color is it?
T: It’s blue.
S: It’s blue.
Repeat it for three times. Then take out a red card.
T: Look! What color is it?
S: It’s red.
T: What color is it? (Ask different students)
S1: It’s red.
S2: It’s red.
The teacher takes out a green card.
T: What color is it?
S1: It’s green.
S2: It’s green.
S3: It’s green.
T: Very good. Now, let's listen to the tape and read after it.
Students read after it.
T: Well done, everybody. Now, let’s play a game, OK?
S: OK!
T: I have a box here, in the box, there are many colored balls, and I will take one
out, and you guess the color. Someone who gives the right answer will get this ball.
Are you clear?
S: Yes, we are.
Teacher takes out one ball from the box, and holds it in her hand.
T: What color is it?
S1: It’s red.
T: No, it isn’t.
T: What color is it?


S2: It’s pink.
T: No, it isn’t.
T: What color is it?
S3: It’s blue.
T: Yes, it is. Look, it’s blue. You can get the blue ball.
Repeat this game for several times.
T: Today, we learned the expression of different colors. Are you happy?
S: Yes, I’m happy.
T: That’s all for today. Class is over. Thank you, everyone, goodbye, see you next
S: Thank you, Miss Li, see you.
In this lesson, the teacher makes full use of all kinds of games. The children are
given the opportunity to sense, experience and use the language, so their interest in
learning English is aroused. The children receive comprehensible input through the
teacher’ simplified input such as short length of utterances, exaggerated intonation,
and modified interaction like a lot of repetitions, visual aids(cards, pictures, body
languages and gestures). At the same time, the teacher organizes the games well.
Firstly, the games fit the teaching aim of the content of the class and games in
every stage integrate into learning. The purpose of this class is to learn the color. The
teacher designs the learning of the color in a series of tasks with games to be finished,
such as singing a song to warm up, play the game of say and do to give the students
an impression of the new words.
Secondly, considering the psychological and physiological characteristics of the
children, as well as in terms of task-based learning combined with the teachers’
experience, the teachers use different games at all stages of the class. And the
children’s interest in learning is aroused. Children collaborated quite actively in
games that require group work, even shy children. They say that they like the relaxed
atmosphere, the competitiveness and the motivation that games bring to the classroom.
This is because students have a chance to use their imagination and creativity during
activities like games in the classroom; therefore they are motivated to learn.

Chapter Ⅳ Conclusion
The New English Curriculum Standard says that the aim of primary English


teaching is to foster students’ interest in leaning English. But the survey shows that
children’s interest in English is decreasing as their English level goes up. Based on
fruitful findings on games, this paper has proved that using games in the English class
can cultivate the children’s interest. Adopting some methods including classroom
observation, the author investigates the effectiveness of game teaching in children’s
English classes. The results of the research indicate that games are playing an
important part in children’s English teaching particularly in the activation of
children’s interest.
It is important for teachers to make games interesting and at the same time to
integrate game-teaching with other approaches in order to make children become
more interested in English learning. Any game to be used in teaching would not
always be suitable unless it is challenging, purposeful and involves real language,
visuals, materials, sounds, mime, actions and so on.Competitive games are popular
with students and teachers.When using competitive games in English class, teachers
should pay attention to children’s group spirit development in these games. Besides,
in the process of teaching, teachers should help develop children’s overall intelligence.
Offering pupils necessary help and praise can strengthen children’s self-confidence,
improve their interest in participating in the game, and help them keep their interest in
learning English. Children are participant rather than passive followers of the
teacher’s instructions and orders. Games cannot be successful if the teacher does not
organize them well. What teachers should do is to organize games well and make
game-teaching objective, meaningful, enjoyable and full of practice.


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