
2020年12月30日 18:46




Using Games in English Teaching



诚 信 承 诺 书

本人所写的毕业论文《Using Games in English Teaching》由本
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承诺人: 王紫
2013年 9月 29 日

Using Games in English Teaching


Accompanied with the carrying out of the new English Curriculum Standard there
are a lot of new problems arising from the field of English teaching in the primary
schools. English, as a second language in China, is a major subject from primary
schools to university. It’s an essential stage for children in primary schools to acquire
pronunciation and memorize basic vocabularies. English learning takes them to a
broader world and this will mean special to the children both in ways and in mind.
They are interested in the “strange” thing, but they also feel a little fear about it. This
ambivalent feeling may be easy settled if the teacher has various teaching

the saying goes: Interest is the best teacher. When students are interested something,
he will be happy to learn. Pupils are lively,n’t stay at the classroom for
long .So teachers should create a relaxed, happy, harmonious, equal classroom
learning ing to the development of children’s personality, the
children in Primary school are interested in amusing ,we should use some
effective games in the classes. Modern pedagogy takes games as one of the important
teaching means which can pass on knowledge, develop skills and ability in languages
teaching, games have been paid more and more attention to. In this thesis, I want to
discuss this good way to arouse children’s interest in English learning

Key words:children English teaching using games


Ⅰ、Literature review…….……………………………………………2
1.1 The history and present situations of game teaching in foreign
countries …………………………………………………………………2
1.2 The history and present situations of game teaching in
China ..……………………………………………………………………2
Ⅱ、 Definition of games……………………………………3
Ⅲ、 Functions and golas of games………………………3
Ⅳ、 Types of games …………………………………………………5

References ……………………………………………………………8


With the development of society and frequency of international communication,
English has become one of the basic skills of people in the 21st century. Since the
year of 2001, English has become a required lesson in primary school from Grade 3 in
China. Some people say that the fundamental goal for introducing English to primary
school children is to help them develop English language skills and knowledge so that
they are able to use English to communicate with others. We will say that this is only
partly true. What should not be neglected at the same time is children’s motivation
and interests in learning in primary school. By offering a foreign language at school,
we are aiming to educate “the whole child” rather than only teach them the language.
Therefore, the first priority to teaching English in primary school is to cultivate their
interest in learning, motivate them to work hard, help them establish good learning
habits and develop useful learning strategies so that they are ready to continue their
learning when they move into secondary schools. Therefore, motivation and interest
in learning are fundamental to ensure success in learning a foreign language for
children. How to make English lesson vivid and how to attract children’s interest in it?
Playing games in English teaching is one of the effective ways to motivate children to
work hard and cultivate their interests in learning English. As we all know, children
enjoy playing games in their native language and this is a familiar experience for
children to be introduced to studies in a foreign language in primary school. Games
are motivating and fun and can help develop positive attitudes towards the foreign
language and language learning, and create a desire to continue learning. With the
recent development of English teaching, the roles of games in class have been
discussed in different aspects. And more and more teachers use games in their
teaching as they come to realize that playing games in English teaching is very
important. However, some teachers still think that language games are a waste of
time and prefer not to use them in classroom and games sometimes have been
considered only for fun. In fact, games can provide more than that for younger
learners. Among several strategies used to improve students’ proficiency such as
visual aids, CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning), drama, role-play and so
on, games are another useful strategy to promote students’ language proficiency. In
game children smell, listen, see, sing, draw and dance, and so on. Actively taking part
in game makes them enjoy studying and succeeding. In game, children’s intelligence,
cognition and communication are developed.

Ⅰ、Literature review

1.1 The history and present situations of game teaching in foreign countries
In order to make children interested in learning English and be able to
communicate with others, from ancient Greek, western education, especially
children’s education in western countries, has been full of the exposition of the
relationship between games and teaching. One of them was Plato who paid more
attention to the role of games for children’s education. He thought games should not
only be played but also combined with education in ethics. In the 17th century, Czech
Comenius advised teachers to use children’s senses rather than memorization in
instruction. At the same century, English philosopher and educator John Locke
(1632-1704) thought teaching should be suitable for children’s age in order to make
learning interesting. In the 18th century, the French philosopher Rousseau stated that
children should be free to express their energies in order to develop their individual
talents, echoing an ancient concept by Plato (428-347B.C.). German educator
Friedrich Froebel is the father of children’s education in western countries. He started
the first kindergarten in 1837. He wanted his school to be a garden where children
unfolded as naturally as flowers. In the early period of the 20th century, progressive
education continued to emphasize the needs and potentials of the children, rather than
the needs of society or principles of religion. Among the influential reform educators
of this century were Maria Montessori of Italy, John Dewey of the United States and
Piaget of Swiss.

1.2 The history and present situations of game teaching in China
From ancient times, Chinese people thought highly of children’s education. In Song
Dynasty, private schools paid much attention to the children’s interests. Zhu Xi also
stressed the importance of happy teaching. Since 1949 Chinese education has changed
greatly. Many children’s educators have achieved great success. They have summed
up a lot of games or activities such as teaching through children’s songs, teaching in
situations, simulating teaching, P .E. games and so on. In the contemporary, Mr. Chen
Heqin was one of the greatest educators who made the outstanding contribution to
Chinese children’s education and set up the first research center of children’s
education-Kindergarten in Gulou. Many games there were full of creation. He
expounded that games were activities that were beneficial to children’s psychological
and physiological development. Only games could make children lively and teachers
should make good use of all kinds of game materials and give them enough changes

to practice according to their age. Hu Shuyi, another educator who encouraged
children to play games more than seventy years ago. From modern age to the
contemporary, game teaching theory has been improved step by step. Many educators,
philosophers or thinkers encouraged children to play games, such as Hong Zirui, Hui
Youlian and Li Shengping et al. They presented games should be integrated with
learning. Now, more and more people abroad and at home come to realize the
importance and the urgency of game teaching in the primary school. As we all know,
game teaching is a very useful way to improve effectiveness of English teaching in
primary school

Ⅱ、Definition of games
Games are a different kind of play activity. They are highly structured and include
specific rules to be followed. Specially, teaching game is one of the kinds of the
games. Byrne (1995) gave the definition to games as a form of play governed by rules.
He suggested:“Games should be enjoyed and fun. They are not just a diversion, a
break from routine activities, but a way of getting the learner to use the language in
the course of the game”.
From the above, we can safely drawn a conclusion that “game” in language
teaching (teaching game) can be defined as an organized activity that usually has the
following properties: A. a particular task or objective; B. a set of rules; C. competition
between players; D. communication between players by spoken or written language.
Ⅲ、 Functions and goals of games
The basic functions of game teaching can be described like these: exciting students
learning interest effectively; promoting the development of student’ intelligence; and
training students’innovation ability. In English learning and teaching the following
functions of game teaching are more obvious than the others:
① Help students to find interest in learning a foreign language.
As we know, interest is an important and crucial factor to influence motivation in
foreign language acquisition. Game teaching in English in primary school does not
only make the students joyful, but also make them full of wit and humor. It can excite
the students’ curiosity for the knowledge so that they will show interest in learning in
class; in return interest leads to academic success;the success arouses greater interest
again. The greater interest is, the greater success will be made. Finally, interest and
success become the great driving force for the students to learn English. Interest is the
best teacher of children, once children lose their interest in motivation in learning
English or they couldn’t lay a good foundation in basic knowledge, they cannot learn

English well in the future. Interest is subdivided into two phases of direct and indirect
interests, which is a crucial means to arouse intrinsic motivation. Direct interest
results from direct learning process itself and the contents being learned. It attracts
students’ attention, but it lasts for a short time. Consequently it is necessary and
important to cultivate students’ indirect learning purpose and task. The students need
to be involved in something active, so almost everything for them will depend on the
creative attitude and behavior of the teacher who must be technically adept at ways of
getting the students motivated. The intrinsic motivation to learn something is
enhanced by the use of interesting materials, as well as by varieties in mode of
presentation. Games add variation to a lesson and increase motivation by providing a
plausible incentive to use the target language. For many children between four and
twelve years old, especially the youngest, language learning will not be the key
motivational factor. Games can provide this stimulus. Games automatically stimulate
students’ interest; therefore, a properly introduced game can be one of the highest
motivating techniques.
② Help students to find pleasure from learning English.
Various kinds of language teaching games can be employed to make a lively and
enlightening classroom. Games can make learning interesting and exciting, can arouse
the learning enthusiasm of the students, and can promote students’ participation.
During the game teaching, all the students can be offered opportunities for academic
success. Games can make English classes more interesting and easier so that English
learning will become a pleasure and English classroom will become a pleasant place.
Confucius holds happy learning not only makes one delight in learning but also never
makes one sick of learning.
③ Help teachers to meet children’s needs.
During students’ growing they have some needs, and the games can create a suitable
situation to meet children’s needs: security, love, respect and self-fulfillment so that
students can find pleasure and self-confidence in such circumstances, it can not only
help to grasp the language points, and to light up the classroom, but also improve
learners’ interest in the long run.
④ Help teachers to create a stress-free learning environment for students.
A stress-free learning environment is vital for children to learn English. Games can
help teachers enlighten their students to think actively, and encourage them to use
their heads, eyes, mouths, hands more often, and can guide students to study
voluntarily and can arouse students’ desire of using foreign language to express their
ideals and feelings. Thus their comprehension and expression abilities in foreign
language can be well developed.

Ⅳ Types of games
The first one is Cooperative Games. In this type of game, the main action is
centered in trying to reach the aim in cooperation. Players or teams work together
towards the common goal. This type of game is excellent to encourage the shy
students, since it requires the participation of all the members of a team, group or pair.
Some typical activities may include the completion of a drawing, putting things in
order, grouping things, finding pairs or finding hidden things. Students are involved in
the exchange of information to complete the task and in giving instructions. For

Title: Cards on the Table
Aim: To memorize the correct spelling of words in an enjoyable way.
Procedure: First, give the students one letter card each, and clear a space in the
classroom and put a table in the middle. Then have the students stand in a circle round
the table, 3 or 4 meters from it. Each student has one letter card the teacher
calls out words he wants to revise, one at a time, and any student who holds a letter
that is in that word must run forward and put the letter on the last person
who puts his letter down must spell the word and give its meaning. If unsuccessful,
heshe is out of the game, and the teacher gives the correct answer. Students should
take back a different letter from the table each time, i.e. they should swap with
The second one is Competitive Games. In this kind of games, players or teams
race to be the first to reach the goal. As the name indicates, in this type of game there
is an overt competition between teams, or sometimes of an individual against the rest
of the class (as in 20questions). The competition may also be of individuals against
other individuals. The object of this type of game is finishing of reaching the end
before the other competitors, making more points, surviving elimination, or avoiding
penalties. The rules may require the players to produce correct language as part of the
game and force students to draw conclusions more quickly. For example:
Title: Slap it
Aim: To recognize words and listen for relevant information
Preparation: A set of 10-15 pictures of different kinds of food items for each team of 4
to 6 people.
Procedure: Put the items on a desk and the students sit around the desk. The teacher
describes the food item. When a student has an answer, shehe slaps the card and says
the word aloud. If the student is correct, heshe gets a team point. If the student is
someone else.

wrong, heshe is out of the game. Alternatively, in each group each student plays
independently. If the student slaps the correct picture, heshe keeps the card as a point.
The person or team with the most cardspoints wins.
The third one is Communication GamesThe main objective in this type of the
games is getting the message over to the other players and reacting appropriately to
their messages. For example when giving instructions, the player must be clear about
rules, and the player following them must do exactly what he is required to. The tasks
are usually practical, like following instructions, drawing, persuading other players,
etc. this means that players will concentrate on the task rather than on the language,
besides, students can see the results of their use of language at once, which will help
to build students’ confidence.
The thesis shows another illustration to this point at follow:
Title: Have You Seen My Sheep
Aim: to encourage careful description and listening about dress
Procedure: A circle is formed with one player called IT outside the circle. HeShe
moves around the outside of the circle and taps someone on the shoulder asking,

seen it.
describe someone in the circle e.g. green shirt, brown shoes, long hair. On recognizing
that heshe is being described, the student must run round the outside of the circle
away from IT. If caught before getting back to hisher place, heshe takes the place of
The fourth one is Code-control Games. This type of game requires that students
produce correct language: structures, spelling, pronunciation, etc. the production of
correct language will make the players of the team win points. For example:
Title: Listen and Act
Aim: understand the meaning of some verbs
Procedure: after learning some verbs, such as: run, walk, sit, stand, and swim, and so
on, teacher say one word of them fast. Then have students stand in front of the
blackboard and show the correct actions. Then continue.
At the end of this part, one major problem must be mention about is that how can
teachers adopt teaching games to sustain young learners’ interest in those teaching
games. There lays a fact that those teaching games must changeable and variety. The
teacher should find “new” games through different channels including newspaper,
radios and television programs. It is a wise precaution to collect and file games for use

whenever you happen to come across them. Nowadays we also can surf the net get
more information including the new games. The games we discussed above refer to
the games in classroom. After class we can encourage the children to use the games
on the Internet if the condition permits. Thus, the language level is determined by the
type of use, not just by the structures and vocabulary items.

The aim of this thesis is to draw people’s attention to game teaching in primary
school, and it’s more effective than a traditional classroom by using games. Playing
games in English teaching is one of the effective ways which are suitable for the
development of children’s physiological and psychological characteristics and can
foster their interest and generate their thirst for knowledge. In the course of playing
games, children take an active part in the games with great interest, enjoy the pleasure
and happiness of learning and have a sense of achievement. Since teaching is a
developing art, which requires innovative and creative ideas to enrich its effectiveness,
the teachers should be decisive to use games in their classrooms. Games can assist
them in foreign language teaching while providing a relaxed atmosphere and
motivated students. Such games are student centered, hence, by using them the
teachers give a chance to their students to express themselves, enjoy themselves
during learning, and what they have learned. So there is an undeniable fact that if the
teachers’ concern is to provide a successful and beneficial teaching, they must not
hesitate to use games, which bring the structural, pragmatic, prosodic and
communicative aspects of language together, in their language classrooms.

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