
2020年12月31日 11:01



1. Nearly one in three subscribers to Financial Forecaster is a millionaire, and over
half are in top management. Shouldn’t you subscribe to Financial Forecaster now?A
reader who is neither a millionaire nor in top management would be most likely to act
in accordance with the advertisement’s suggestion if he or she drew which of the
following questionable conclusions invited by the advertisement?
(A) Among finance-related periodicals. Financial Forecaster provides the most
detailed financial information.
(B) Top managers cannot do their jobs properly without reading Financial Forecaster.
(C) The advertisement is placed where those who will be likely to read it are
(D) The subscribers mentioned were helped to become millionaires or join top
management by reading Financial Forecaster.
(E) Only those who will in fact become millionaires, or at least top managers, will
read the advertisement.

Questions 2-3 are based on the following.
Contrary to the charges made by some of its opponents, the provisions of the new
deficit- reduction law for indiscriminate cuts in the federal budget are justified.
Opponents should remember that the New Deal pulled this country out of great
economic troubles even though some of its programs were later found to be
2. The author’s method of attacking the charges of certain opponents of the new
deficit-reduction law is to
(A) attack the character of the opponents rather than their claim
(B) imply an analogy between the law and some New Deal programs
(C) point out that the opponents’ claims imply a dilemma
(D) show that the opponents’ reasoning leads to an absurd conclusion
(E) show that the New Deal also called for indiscriminate cuts in the federal budget
3. The opponents could effectively defend their position against the author’s
strategy by pointing out that
(A) the expertise of those opposing the law is outstanding
(B) the lack of justification for the new law does not imply that those who drew it up
were either inept or immoral
(C) the practical application of the new law will not entail indiscriminate budget cuts
(D) economic troubles present at the time of the New Deal were equal in severity to
those that have led to the present law
(E) the fact that certain flawed programs or laws have improved the economy does not
prove that every such program can do so


4. In Millington, a city of 50,000 people, Mercedes Pedrosa, a realtor, calculated
that a family with Millington’s median family income, $$28,000 a year, could afford to
buy Millington’s median- priced $$77,000 house. This calculation was based on an 11.2
percent mortgage interest rate and on the realtor’s assumption that a family could only
afford to pay up to 25 percent of its income for housing.
Which of the following corrections of a figure appearing in the passage above, if
it were the only correction that needed to be made, would yield a new calculation
showing that even incomes below the median family income would enable families in
Millington to afford Millington’s median- priced house?
(A) Millington’s total population was 45,000 people.
(B) Millington’s median annual family income was $$27,000.
(C) Millington’s median-priced house cost $$80,000.
(D) The rate at which people in Millington had to pay mortgage interest was only 10
(E) Families in Millington could only afford to pay up to 22 percent of their annual
income for housing.

5. Psychological research indicates that college hockey and football players are
more quickly moved to hostility and aggression than are college athletes in noncontact
sports such as swimming. But the researchers’ conclusion—that contact sports
encourage and teach participants to be hostile and aggressive—is untenable. The
football and hockey players were probably more hostile and aggressive to start with
than the swimmers.
Which of the following, if true, would most strengthen the conclusion drawn by the
psychological researchers?
(A) The football and hockey players became more hostile and aggressive during the
season and remained so during the off- season, whereas there was no increase in
aggressiveness among the swimmers.
(B) The football and hockey players, but not the swimmers, were aware at the start of
the experiment that they were being tested for aggressiveness.
(C) The same psychological research indicated that the football and hockey players
had a great respect for cooperation and team play, whereas the swimmers were most
concerned with excelling as individual competitors.
(D) The research studies were designed to include no college athletes who
participated in both contact and noncontact sports
(E) Throughout the United States, more incidents of fan violence occur at baseball
games than occur at hockey or football games.

1. D 2. B 3. E 4. D 5. A


1. Although 90 percent of the population believes itself to be well inFORMed about
health care, only 20 percent knows enough about DNA. So apparently at least 80
percent of the population does not know enough about medical concepts to make
well-inFORMed personal medical choices or to make good public policy decisions
about health care.
The argument's reasoning is questionable because the argument fails to
demonstrate that
(A) those people who can understand news stories about DNA are able to make
well-inFORMed personal medical choices
(B) more than 20 percent of the population needs to be well inFORMed about
health care for good public policy decisions about health care to be made
(C) one's being able to make well-inFORMed personal medical choices ensures
that one makes good public policy decisions about health care
(D) an understanding of DNA is essential to making well-inFORMed personal
medical choices or to making good public policy decisions about health care
(E) since 90 percent of the population believes itself to be well inFORMed about
health care, at least 70 percent of the population is mistaken in that belief.

2. During the 1980's, Japanese collectors were very active in the market for
European art, especially as purchasers of nineteenth-century Impressionist paintings.
This striking pattern surely reflects a specific preference on the part of many Japanese
collectors for certain aesthetic attributes they found in nineteenth-century
Impressionist paintings.
Which one of the following, if true, most strongly supports the explanation above?
(A) Impressionist paintings first became popular among art collectors in Europe
at the beginning of the twentieth century.
(B) During the 1980's, the Japanese economy underwent a sustained expansion
that was unprecedented in the country's recent history.
(C) Several nineteenth-century Impressionist painters adopted certain techniques
and visual effects found in Japanese prints that are highly estee

11. The average cable television company offers its customers 50 channels, but
new fiber-optic lines will enable telephone companies to provide 100 to 150 television
channels to their customers for the same price as cable companies charge for 50.
Therefore, cable companies will be displaced by the new companies within a few
Which of the following, if true, most helps to strengthen the argument?
(A) The initial cost per household of installing new fiber-optic television service
will exceed the current cost of installing cable television service.
(B) The most popular movies and programs on channels carried by cable
companies will also be offered on channels carried by the fiber-optic lines owned by
the telephone companies.
(C) Cable television companies will respond to competition from the telephone
companies by increasing the number of channels they offer.


(D) Some telephone companies own cable companies in areas other than those in
which they provide telephone services.
(E) The new fiber-optic services offered by telephone companies will be subject
to more stringent governmental programming regulations than those to which cable
companies are now subject.

12. The only physical factor preventing a human journey to Mars has been
weight. Carrying enough fuel to propel a conventional spacecraft to Mars and back
would make even the lightest craft too heavy to be launched from Earth. A device has
recently been invented, however, that allows an otherwise conventional spacecraft to
refill the craft's fuel tanks with fuel manufactured from the Martian atmosphere for
the return trip. Therefore, it is possible for people to go to Mars in a spacecraft that
carries this device and then return.
Which one of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?
(A) The amount of fuel needed for a spacecraft to return from Mars is the same
as the amount of fuel needed to travel from Earth to Mars.
(B) The fuel manufactured from the Martian atmosphere would not differ in
composition from the fuel used to travel to Mars.
(C) The device for manufacturing fuel from the Martian atmosphere would not
take up any of the spaceship crew's living space.
(D) A conventional spacecraft equipped with the device would not be
appreciably more expensive to construct than current spacecraft typically are.
(E) The device for manufacturing fuel for the return to Earth weighs less than the
tanks of fuel that a conventional spacecraft would otherwise need to carry from Earth
for the return trip.

13. In 1712 the government of Country Y appointed a censor to prohibit the
publication of any book critical of Country Y's government; all new books legally
published in the country after 1712 were approved by a censor. Under the first censor,
one half of the book manus submitted to the censor were not approved for publication.
Under the next censor, only one quarter of the book manus submitted were not
approved, but the number of book manus that were approved was the same under both
censors. If the statements in the passage are true, which one of the following can be
properly concluded from them?
(A) More books critical of Country Y's governments were published before the
appointment of the first censor than after it.
(B) The first censor and the second censor prohibited the publication of the same
number of book manus.
(C) More book manus were submitted for approval to the first censor than to the
(D) The second censor allowed some book manus to the published that the first censor
would have considered critical of Country Y's government.
(E) The number of writers who wrote unpublished manus was greater under the first
censor than under the second.


14. If the government increases its funding for civilian scientific research, private
patrons and industries will believe that such research has become primarily the
government's responsibility. When they believe that research is no longer primarily
their responsibility, private patrons and industries will decrease their contributions
toward research. Therefore, in order to keep from depressing the overall level of
funding for civilian scientific research, the government should not increase its own

Which one of the following is an assumption on which the argument relies?
(A) Governments should bear the majority of the financial burden of funding for
civilian scientific research.
(B) Any increase in government funding would displace more private funding
for civilian scientific research than it would provide.
(C) Private donations toward research are no longer welcomed by researchers
whose work receives government funding.
(D) Civilian scientific research cannot be conducted efficiently with more than
one source of funding.
(E) funding for civilian scientific research is currently at the highest possible

15. Dental researcher: Filling a cavity in a tooth is not a harmless procedure: it
inevitably damages some of the healthy parts of the tooth. Cavities are harmful only if
the decay reaches the nerves inside the tooth, and many cavities, if left untreated,
never progress to that point. Therefore, dentists should not fill a cavity unless the
nerves inside the tooth are in imminent danger from that cavity.
Which one of the following principles, if valid, most strongly supports the
researcher's reasoning?
(A) Dentists should perform any procedure that is likely to be beneficial in the
long term, but only if the procedure does not cause immediate damage.
(B) Dentists should help their patients to prevent cavities rather than waiting
until cavities are present to begin treatment.
(C) A condition that is only potentially harmful should not be treated using a
method that is definitely harmful.
(D) A condition that is typically progressive should not be treated using methods
that provide only temporary relief.
(E) A condition that is potentially harmful should not be left untreated unless it
can be kept under constant surveillance.

16. The axis of Earth's daily rotation is tilted with respect to the plane of its orbit at an
angle of roughly 23 degrees. That angle can be kept fairly stable only by the
gravitational influence of Earth's large, nearby Moon. Without such a stable and
moderate axis tilt, a planet's climate is too extreme and unstable to support life. Mars,
for example, has only very small moons, tilts at wildly fluctuating angles, and cannot
support life.


If the statements above are true, which one of the following must also be
true on the basis of them?
(A) If Mars had a sufficiently large nearby moon, Mars would be able to support
(B) If Earth's Moon were to leave Earth's orbit, Earth's climate would be unable
to support life.
(C) Any planet with a stable, moderate axis tilt can support life.
(D) Gravitational influences other than moons have little or no effect on the
magnitude of the tilt angle of either Earth's or Mars's axis.
(E) No planet that has more than one moon can support life

17. Psychologist: Some astrologers claim that our horoscopes completely
determine our personalities, but this claim is false, I concede that identical
twins——who are, of course, born at practically the same time——often do have
similar personalities. However, birth records were examined to find two individuals
who were born 40 years ago on the same day and at exactly the same time——one in
a hospital in Toronto and one in a hospital in New York. Personalities of these two
individuals are in fact different.

Which one of the following is an assumption on which the psychologist's
argument depends?
(A) Astrologers have not subjected their claims to rigorous experimentation.
(B) The personality differences between the two individuals cannot be explained
by the cultural difference between Toronto and New York.
(C) The geographical difference between Toronto and New York did not result in
the two individuals having different horoscopes.
(D) Complete birth records for the past 40 years were kept at both hospitals.
(E) Identical twins have identical genetic structures and usually have similar
home environments.

18. Modern navigation systems, which are found in most of today's commercial
aircraft, are made with low-power circuitry, which is more susceptible to interference
than the vacuum-tube circuitry found in older planes. During landing, navigation
systems receive radio signals from the airport to guide the plane to the runway.
Recently, one plane with low-power circuitry veered off course during landing, its
dials dimming, when a passenger turned on a laptop computer. Clearly, modern
aircraft navigation systems are being put at risk by the electronic devices that
passengers carry on board, such as cassette players and laptop computers.
Which one of the following, if true, LEAST strengthens the argument above?
(A) After the laptop computer was turned off, the plane regained course and its
navigation instruments and dials returned to normal.
(B) When in use all electronic devices emit electromagnetic radiation, which is
known to interfere with circuitry.
(C) No problems with navigational equipment or instrument dials have been


reported on flights with no passenger- owned electronic devices on board.
(D) Significant electromagnetic radiation from portable electronic devices can
travel up to eight meters, and some passenger seats on modern aircraft are located
within four meters of the navigation systems.
(E) Planes were first equipped with low-power circuitry at about the same time
portable electronic devices became popular.
Jane: Television programs and movies that depict violence among teenagers are
extremely popular. Given how influential these media are, we have good reason to
believe that these depictions cause young people to engage in violent behavior. Hence,
depictions of violence among teenagers should be prohibited from movies and
television programs, if only in those programs and movies promoted to young

Maurice: But you are recommending nothing short of censorship! Besides which,
your claim that television and movie depictions of violence cause violence is mistaken:
violence among young people predates movies and television by centuries.
19. Which one of the following, if true, most strengthens Jane's argument?
(A) The most violent characters depicted in movies and on television programs
are adult characters who are portrayed by adult actors.
(B) The movies that have been shown to have the most influence on young
people's behavior are those that are promoted to young audiences.
(C) The people who make the most profits in the movie and television industry
are those who can successfully promote their work to both young and old audiences.
(D) Many adolescents who engage in violent behavior had already displayed
such behavior before they were exposed violence in movies.
(E) Among the producers who make both movies and television programs, many
voluntarily restrict the subject matter of films directed toward young audiences.

20. A rise in the percentage of all 18-year-olds who were recruited by the armed
services of a small republic between 1980 and 1986 correlates with a rise in the
percentage of young people who dropped out of high school in that republic. Since
18-year-olds in the republic are generally either high school graduates or high school
dropouts, the correlation leads to the conclusion that the republic's recruitment rates
for 18-year-olds depend substantially on recruitment rates for high school dropouts.
Which one of the following statements, if true, most weakens the argument?
(A) A large number of 18-year-old high school graduates were recruited for the
republic's armed services in 1986 than in 1980.
(B) Many of the high- technology systems used by the republic's armed services
can be operated only by individuals who have completed a high school education.
(C) Between 1980 and 1986 the percentage of high school graduates among
18-year-olds recruited in the republic rose sharply.
(D) Personnel of the republic's armed services are strongly encouraged to finish
their high school education.
(E) The proportion of recruits who had completed at least two years of college


education was greater in 1986 than in 1980.

21. Historian: We can learn about the medical history of individuals through
chemical analysis of their hair. It is likely, for example, that Isaac Newton's
psychological problems were due to mercury poisoning; traces of mercury were found
in his hair. Analysis is now being done on a lock of Beethoven's hair. Although no
convincing argument has shown that Beethoven ever had a venereal disease, some
people hypothesize that venereal disease caused his deafness. Since mercury was
commonly ingested in Beethoven's time to treat venereal disease, if researchers find a
trace of mercury in his hair, we can conclude that this hypothesis is correct.
Which one of the following is an assumption on which the historian's argument
(A) None of the mercury introduced into the body can be eliminated.
(B) Some people in Beethoven's time did not ingest mercury.
(C) Mercury is an effective treatment for venereal disease.
(D) Mercury poisoning can cause deafness in people with venereal disease.
(E) Beethoven suffered from psychological problems of the same severity as

22. In 1992, a major newspaper circulated throughout North American paid its
reporters an average salary paid by its principle competitors to their reporters. An
executive of the newspaper argued that this practice was justified, since any shortfall
that might exist in the reporters' salaries is fully compensated by the valuable training
they receive through their assignments.
Which one of the following, if true about the newspaper in 1992, most seriously
undermines the justification offered by the executive?
(A) Senior reporters at the newspaper earned as much as reporters of similar
stature who worked for the newspaper's principle competitors.
(B) Most of the newspaper's reporters had worked there for more than ten years.
(C) The circulation of the newspaper had recently reached a plateau, after it had
increased steadily throughout the 1980s.
(D) The union that represented reporters at the newspaper was different from the
union that represented reporters at the newspaper's competitors.
(E) The newspaper was widely read throughout continental Europe and Great
Britain as well as North America.

23. On a certain day, nine scheduled flights on Swift Airlines were canceled.
Ordinarily, a cancellation is due to mechanical problems with the airplane scheduled
for a certain flight. However, since it is unlikely that Swift would have the mechanical
problems with more than one or two scheduled flights on a single day, some of the
nine cancellations were probably due to something else.
(A) More than one or two airplanes were scheduled for the nine canceled flights.
(B) Swift Airlines has fewer mechanical problems than do other airlines of the
same size.


(C) Each of the canceled flights would have been longer than the average flight
on Swift Airlines.
(D) Swift Airlines had never before canceled more than one or two scheduled
flights on a single day.
(E) All of the airplanes scheduled for the canceled flights are based at the same

24. The interstitial nucleus, a subregion of the brain's hypothalamus, is typically
smaller for male cats than for female cats. A neurobiologist perFORMed autopsies on
male cats who died from disease X, a disease affecting no more than .05 percent of
male cats, and found that these male cats had interstitial nuclei that were as large as
those generally found in female cats. Thus, the size of the interstitial nucleus
determines whether or not male cats can contract disease X.
Which one of the following statements, if true, most seriously weakens the
(A) No female cats have been known to contract disease X, which is a subtype of
disease Y.
(B) Many male cats who contract disease X also contract disease Z, the cause of
which is unknown.
(C) the interstitial nuclei of female cats who contact disease X are larger than
those of female cats who do not contract disease X.
(D) Of 1,000 autopsies on male cats who did not contract disease X, 5 revealed
interstitial nuclei larger than those of the average male cat.
(E) The hypothalamus is known not to be causally linked to disease Y, and
disease X is a subtype of disease Y.

25. There should be a greater use of gasohol. Gasohol is a mixture of alcohol and
gasoline, and has a higher octane rating and fewer carbon monoxide emissions than
straight gasoline. Burning gasohol adds no more carbon dioxide to the atmosphere
than plants remove by photosynthesis.
Each of the following, if true, strengthens the argument above EXCEPT:
(A) Cars run less well on gasoline than they do on gasohol.
(B) Since less gasoline is needed with the use of gasohol, an energy shortage is
less likely.
(C) Cars burn on the average slightly more gasohol per kilometer than they do
(D) Gasohol is cheaper to produce and hence costs less at the pump than gasoline.
(E) Burning gasoline adds more carbon dioxide to the atmosphere than plants can
26. Barnes: The two newest employees at this company have salaries that
are too high for the simple tasks normally assigned to new employees and duties that
are too complex for inexperienced workers. Hence, the salaries and the complexity of
the duties of these two newest employees should be reduced.
Which one of the following is an assumption on which Barnes's argument


(A) The duties of the two newest employees are not less complex than any others
in the company.
(B) It is because of the complex duties assigned that the two newest employees
are being paid more than is usually paid to newly hired employees.
(C) The two newest employees are not experienced at their occupations.
(D) Barnes was not hired at a higher-than-average starting salary.
(E) The salaries of the two newest are no higher than the salaries that other
companies pay for workers with a similar level of experience.
27. These days, drug companies and health professionals alike are focusing their
attention on cholesterol in the blood. The more cholesterol we have in our blood, the
higher the risk that we shall die of a heart attack. The issue is pertinent since heart
disease kills more North Americans every year than any other single cause. At least
three factors——smoking, drinking, and exercise-can each influence levels of the
cholesterol in the blood.
Which one of the following can be properly concluded from the passage?
(A) If a person has low blood cholesterol, then that person's risk of fatal heart
disease is low.
(B) Smoking in moderation can entail as great a risk of fatal heart disease as does
heavy smoking.
(C) A high-cholesterol diet is the principal cause of death in North America.
(D) The only way that smoking increases one's risk of fatal heart disease is by
influencing the levels of cholesterol in the blood.
(E) The risk of fatal heart disease can be altered by certain changes in lifestyle.

28. Ordinary mountain sickness, a common condition among mountain climbers,
and one from which most people can recover, is caused by the characteristic shortage
of oxygen in the atmosphere at high altitudes. Cerebral edema, a rarer disruption of
blood circulation in the brain that quickly becomes life-threatening if not correctly
treated from its onset, can also be caused by a shortage of oxygen. Since the
symptoms of cerebral edema resemble those of ordinary mountain sickness, cerebral
edema is especially dangerous at high altitudes.
Which one of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?
(A) The treatment for ordinary mountain sickness differs from the treatment for
cerebral edema.
(B) Cerebral edema can cause those who suffer from it to slip into a coma within
a few hours.
(C) Unlike cerebral edema, ordinary mountain sickness involves no disruption of
blood circulation in the brain.
(D) Shortage of oxygen at extremely high altitude is likely to affect thinking
processes and cause errors of judgment.
(E) Most people who suffer from ordinary mountain sickness recover without
any special treatment.


29. The price of a full-fare coach ticket from Toronto to Dallas on Breezeway Airlines
is the same today as it was a year ago, if inflation is taken into account by calculating
prices in constant dollars. However, today 90 percent of the Toronto- to-Dallas coach
tickets that Breezeway sells are discount tickets and only 10 percent are full- fare
tickets, whereas a year ago half were discount tickets and half were full-fare tickets.
Therefore, on average, people pay less today in constant dollars for a Breezeway
Toronto- to-Dallas coach ticket than they did a year ago.
Which one of the following, if assumed, would allow the conclusion above to be
properly drawn?
(A) A Toronto-to-Dallas full-fare coach ticket on Breezeway Airlines provides
ticket-holders with a lower level of service today than such a ticket provided a year
(B) A Toronto-to-Dallas discount coach ticket on Breezeway Airlines costs about
the same in constant dollars as they did a year ago.
(C) All full-fare coach tickets on Breezeway Airlines cost the same in constant
dollars as they did a year ago.
(D) The average number of coach passengers per flight that Breezeway Airlines
carries from Toronto to Dallas today is higher than the average number per flight a
year ago.
(E) The criteria that Breezeway Airlines uses for permitting passengers to buy
discount coach tickets on the Toronto- to-Dallas route are different today than they
were a year ago.
30. Combustion of gasoline in automobile engines produces benzene, a known
carcinogen. Environmentalists propose replacing gasoline with methanol, which does
not produce significant quantities of benzene when burned. However, combustion of
methanol produces FORMaldehyde, also a know carcinogen. Therefore the
environmentalists' proposal has little merit.
Which one of the following, if true, most supports the environmentalist' proposal?
(A) The engines of some automobiles now on the road burn diesel fuel rather
than gasoline.
(B) Several large research efforts are under way to FORMulate cleaner-burning
types of gasoline.
(C) In some regions, the local economy is largely dependent on industries
devoted to the production and distribution of automobile fuel.
(D) FORMaldehyde is a less potent carcinogen than benzene.
(E) Since methanol is water soluble, methanol spills are more damaging to the
environment than gasoline spills.
Questions 31-32
Political opinion and analysis outside the mainstream rarely are found on
television talk shows, and it might be thought that this state of affairs is a product of
the political agenda of the television stations themselves. In fact, television stations
are driven by the same economic forces as sellers of more tangible goods. Because
they must attempt to capture the largest possible share of the television audience for


their shows, they air only those shows that will appeal to large numbers of people. As
a result, political opinions and analyses aired on television talk shows are typically
bland and innocuous.
31. An assumption made in the explanation offered by the author of the passage
is that
(A) most television viewers cannot agree on which elements of a particular
opinion or analysis are most disturbing.
(B) there are television viewers who might refuse to watch television talk shows
that they knew would be controversial and disturbing.
(C) each television viewer holds some opinion that is outside the political
mainstream, but those opinions are not the same for everyone.
(D) there are television shows on which economic forces have an even greater
impact than they do on television talk shows.
(E) the television talk shows of different stations resemble one another in most
32. The explanation offered by the author of the passage makes the assumption
(A) television station executives usually lack a political agenda of their own
(B) bland and innocuous political opinions and analyses are generally in the
(C) political analysts outside the mainstream are relatively indifferent to the
effect their analyses have on television viewers
(D) most television viewers are prepared to argue against allowing the
expression of political opinions and analyses with which they disagree
(E) the political opinions of television station executives are not often reflected
in the television shows their stations produce
Questions 33-34
Conservationist: The population of a certain wildflower is so small that the
species is headed for extinction. However, this wildflower can cross-pollinate with a
closely related domesticated daisy, producing viable seeds. Such cross-pollination
could result in a significant population of wildflower-daisy hybrids. The daisy should
therefore be introduced into the wildflower's range, since although the hybrid would
differ markedly from the wildflower, hybridization is the only means of preventing
total loss of the wildflower in its range.
33. Which one of the following principles, if valid, most helps to justify the
conservationist's reasoning?
(A) It is better to take measures to preserve a valued type of organism, even if
those measures are drastic, than to accept a less valuable substitute for the organism.
(B) It is better to preserve a type of organism that is in danger of extinction, even
if surviving organisms of that type are not vigorous, than to allow something more
vigorous to replace it.
(C) It is better to change a type of organism that would otherwise be lost, even if
the changes are radical, than to lose it entirely.
(D) It is better to destroy one of two competing types of organisms, even if both


are irreplaceable, than to allow both of them to be lost.
(E) It is better to protect an endangered type of organism, even if doing so has
some negative effects on another type of organism, than to do nothing at all.
34. Which one of the following is an assumption on which the conservationist's
reasoning depends?
(A) The wildflower currently reproduces only by FORMing seeds.
(B) The domesticated daisy was bred from wild plants that once grew in the
wildflower's range.
(C) Increasing the population of the wildflower will also expand its range.
(D) Wildflower-daisy hybrids will be able to reproduce.
(E) The domesticated daisy will cross-pollinate with any daisy like plant.
35. Because of increases in the price of oil and because of government policies
promoting energy conservation, the use of oil to heat homes fell by 40 percent from
1970 to the present, and many homeowners switched to natural gas for heating.
Because switching to natural gas involved investing in equipment, a significant switch
back to oil in the near future is unlikely.
The prediction that ends the passage would be most seriously called into question
if it were true that in the last few years.
(A) the price of natural gas to heat homes has remained constant, while the cost
of equipment to heat homes with natural gas has fallen sharply.
(B) the price of home heating oil has remained constant, while the cost of
equipment to heat home with natural gas has risen sharply.
(C) the cost of equipment to heat homes with natural gas has fallen sharply,
while the price of home heating oil has fallen to 1970 levels.
(D) the cost of equipment to heat homes with oil has fallen sharply, while the
price of heating with oil has fallen below the price of heating with natural gas
(E) the use of oil to heat homes has continued to decline, while the price of
heating oil has fallen to 1970 levels
36. Sometimes when their trainer gives the hand signal for
creative together
simultaneously. On the other occasions, the same signal elicits synchronized
backward swims or tail-waving. These behaviors are not simply learned responses to
a given stimulus. Rather, dolphins are capable of higher cognitive
<I>function<I>s that may include the use of language and forethought.
Which one of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument?
(A) Mammals have some resemblance to one another with respect to bodily
<I>function<I> and brain structure.
(B) The dolphins often exhibit complex new responses to the hand signal.
(C) the dolphins are given food incentives as part of their training.
(D) Dolphins do not interact with humans the way they interact with one another.
(E) Some of the behaviors mentioned are exhibited by dolphins in their natural
37. Editorialist: Drivers with a large number of demerit points who additionally have
been convicted of a serious driving-relative offense should either be sentenced to jail


or be forced to receive driver reeducation, since to do otherwise would be to allow a
crime to go unpunished. Only if such drivers are likely to be made more responsible
drivers should driver re-education be recommended for them. Unfortunately, it is
always almost impossible to make drivers with a large number of demerit points more
responsible drivers.
If the editorialist's statements are true, they provide the most support for which
one of the following?
(A) Drivers with a large number of demerit points who have been convicted of a
serious driving-related offense should be sent to jail.
(B) Driver re-education offers the best chance of making drivers with a large
number of demerit points responsible drivers.
(C) Driver re-education is not a harsh enough punishment for anyone convicted
of a serious driving-related offense who has also
(D) Driver re-education should not be recommended for those who have
committed no serious
(E) Drivers with a larger number of demerit points but no conviction for a
serious driving- related offense should receive driver re-education rather than jail
38. Amphibian populations are declining in numbers worldwide. Not
coincidentally, the earth's ozone layer has been continuously depleted throughout the
last 50 years. Atmospheric ozone blocks UV-B, a type of ultraviolet radiation that is
continuously produced by the sun, and which can damage genes. Because amphibians
lack hair, hide, or feathers to shield them, they are particularly vulnerable to UV-B
radiation. In addition, their gelatinous eggs lack the protection of leathery or hard
shells. Thus, the primary cause of the declining amphibian population is the depletion
of the ozone layer.
Each of the following, if true, would strengthen the argument EXCEPT:
(A) Of the <I>var<I>ious types of radiation blocked by atmospheric
ozone, UV-B is the only type that can damage genes.
(B) Amphibian populations are declining far more rapidly than are the
populations of nonamphibian species whose tissues and eggs have more natural
protection from UV-B.
(C) Atmospheric ozone has been significantly depleted above all the areas of the
world in which amphibian populations are declining.
(D) The natural habitat of amphibians has not become smaller over the past
(E) Amphibian populations have declined continuously for the last 50 years.
39. Quasars——celestial objects so far away that their light takes at least 500
million years to reach Earth——have been seen since 1963. For anything that far
away to appear from Earth the way quasars do, it would have to burn steadily at a rate
that produces more light than 90 billion suns would produce. But nothing that burns at
a rate that produces that much light could exist for more than about 100 million years.
If the statements above are true, which one of the following must also be true on
the basis of them?
(A) Instruments in use before 1963 were not sensitive enough to permit quasars


to be seen.
(B) Light from quasars first began reaching Earth in 1963.
(C) Anything that from Earth appears as bright as a quasar does must produce
more light than would be produced by 90 billion suns.
(D) Nothing that is as far from Earth as quasars are can continue to exist for
more than about 100 million years.
(E) No quasar that has ever been seen from Earth exists any longer.
40. More and more computer programs that provide solutions to mathematical
problems in engineering are being produced, and it is thus increasingly unnecessary
for practicing engineers to have thorough understanding of fundamental mathematical
principles. Consequently, in training engineers who will work in industry, less
emphasis should be placed on mathematical principles, so that space in the
engineering curriculum will be available for other important subjects.
Which one of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument given
for the recommendation above?
(A) The effective use of computer program that provide solutions to
mathematical problems in engineering requires an understanding of mathematical
(B) Many of the computer programs that provide solutions to mathematical
problems in engineering are already in routine use.
(C) Development of composites and other such new materials has meant that the
curriculum for engineers who will work in industry must allow time for teaching the
properties of these materials.
(D) Most of the computer programs that provide solutions to mathematical
problems in engineering can be run on the types of computers available to most
engineering firms.
(E) The engineering curriculum already requires that engineering students be
familiar with and able to use a <I>var<I>iety of computer programs.
41. Raymond Burr played the role of lawyer Perry Mason on television. Burr's
death in 1993 prompted a prominent lawyer to say
strove for such authenticity that we feel as if we lost one of our own.
from a prestigious attorney provides appalling evidence that, in the face of television,
even some legal professionals are losing their ability to distinguish fiction from
The reasoning in the argument is flawed because the argument
(A) takes the views of one lawyer to represent the views of all lawyers
(B) criticizes the lawyer rather than the lawyer's statement
(C) presumes that the lawyer is qualified to evaluate the perFORMance of an
(D) focuses on a famous actor's portrayal of a lawyer rather than on the usual
way in which lawyers are portrayed on television
(E) ignores the part of the lawyer's remark that indicates an awareness of the
difference between reality and fiction
42. For next year, the Chef's Union has requested a 10 percent salary increase for


each of its members, whereas the Hotel Managers' Union has requested only an 8
percent salary increase for each of its members. These facts demonstrate that the
average dollar amount of the raises that the Chefs' Union has requested for next year
is greater than that of the raises requested by the Hotel Managers' Union.
Which one of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument?
(A) The Chefs' Union has many more members than does the Hotel Managers'
(B) The Chefs' Union is a more powerful union than is the Hotel Managers'
Union and is therefore more likely to obtain the salary increases it requests
(C) The current salaries of the members of the Chefs' Union are, on average,
higher than the current salaries of the members of the Hotel Managers' Union
(D) The average dollar amount of the raises that the members of the Chefs'
Union received last ear was equal to the average dollar amount of the raises that the
members of the Hotel Managers' Union received
(E) The members of the Chefs' Union received salary increases of 10 percent in
each of the last two years, while the members of the Hotel Managers' Union received
salary increases of only 8 percent in each of the last two years
43. Zoos have served both as educational resources and as entertainment.
Unfortunately, removing animals from their natural habitats to stock the earliest zoos
reduced certain species' populations, endangering their survival. Today most new zoo
animals are obtained from captive breeding programs, and many zoos now maintain
breeding stocks for continued propagation of <I>var<I>ious species. This
makes possible efforts to reestablish endangered species in the wild.
Which one of the following statements is most strongly supported by the
inFORMation above?
(A) Zoos have played an essential role in educating the public about endangered
(B) Some specimens of endangered species are born and bred in zoos.
(C) No zoos exploit wild animals or endanger the survival of species.
(D) Nearly all of the animals in zoos today were born in captivity.
(E) The main purpose of zoos has shifted from entertainment to education.
44. Legal theorist: It is unreasonable to incarcerate anyone for any other reason
than that he or she is a serious threat to the property or lives of other people. The
breaking of a law does not justify incarceration, for lawbreaking proceeds either from
ignorance of the law or of the effects of one's actions, or from the free choice of the
lawbreaker. Obviously mere ignorance cannot justify incarcerating a lawbreaker, and
even free choice on the part of the lawbreaker fails to justify incarceration, for free
choice proceeds from the desires of an agent, and the desires of an agent are products
of genetics and environmental conditioning, neither of which is controlled by the

The claim in the first sentence of the passage plays which one of the following
roles in the argument
(A) It is offered as a premise that helps to show that no actions are under the


control of the agent
(B) It is offered as background inFORMation necessary to understand the
(C) It is offered as the main conclusion that the argument is designed to establish
(D) It is offered as evidence for the stated claim that protection of life and
property is more important than retribution for past illegal acts
(E) It is offered as evidence for the stated claim that lawbreaking proceeds from
either ignorance of the law, or ignorance of the effects of one's actions, or free choice
45. Commissioner: Budget forecasters project a revenue shortfall of a billion
dollars in the coming fiscal year. Since there is no feasible way to increase the
available funds, our only choice is to decrease expenditures. The plan before you
outlines feasible cuts that would yield savings of a billion dollars over the coming
fiscal year. We will be able to solve the problem we face, therefore, only if we adopt
this plan.
This reasoning in the commissioner's argument is flawed because this argument
(A) relies on inFORMation that is far from certain
(B) confuses being an adequate solution with being a required solution
(C) inappropriately relies on the opinions of experts
(D) inappropriately employs language that is vague
(E) takes for granted that there is no way to increase available funds








