
2020年12月31日 13:54



【篇一:英语作业 纸质书和电子书】

e-books or paper books

what is the e-book? an e-book is a book in electronic format. it
is downloaded to a computer, pc, mac, laptop, pda, tablet,
smartphone or any other kind of reading device, and isread on
the screen. it can have numbered pages, table of contents,
pictures and graphics, exactly like a printed book.

e-books present many benefits and advantages. it is very
simple and easy to purchase and download e-books through
the internet. after download you dont have to be connected to
the internet in order to read the e-book. you can stay offline. if
you wish to have it printed, it is very easy-.just click on the
print button in the e-book, to print it with your home printer. e-
books are delivered almost instantaneously. you can purchase,
download and start reading them within minutes, without
leaving your chair. you dont haveto go to a bookstore to buy
them, neither wait for them for days, weeks and sometimes
more to arrive in the mail. 2. no trees are required to
manufacture paper for the pages of ebooks. when you need
certain information, you can get it immediately, by
downloading an e-book. many e-books are sold nowadays with
bonuses, which you usually do not get with a printed book.
this adds value to your purchase.e-books take up less
is very simple and easy to purchase and download an e-book.
people living in big modernized cities, in a remote village in a
faraway country or on a smallisland, can equally access an e-
book. it takes them the same amount of time to purchase and
download an e-book, provided they have an internet
is possible to purchase an e-book 24 hours a day,
every day of the year, from the comfort of your own house or
office. you can purchase and downloadan e-book, even if you
are on a vacation. all you need is a laptop, tablet. smartphone,
or a readingdevice, and wireless internetconnection. the e-
book has so much edvantage,the parper books have a hard
a decade into the e-book revolution, though, the
prognosis for traditional books issuddenly looking brighter.
hardcover books are displaying surprising resiliency.

thegrowth in e-book sales is slowing markedly. and purchases
of e-readers are actuallyshrinking, as consumers opt instead
for multipurpose tablets. it may be that e-books,rather than
replacing printed books, will ultimately serve a role more like
that of audiobooks—a complement to traditional reading, not a
attached are americans to oldfashionedbooks?
just look at the resultsof a pew research center surveyreleased
last month. the report showedthat the percentage of adults
who haveread an e-book rose modestly over thepast year, from
16% to 23%. but it also revealed that fully 89% of regular book
readerssaid that they had read at least one printed book during
the preceding 12 30% reported reading even a
single e-book in the past year.

books are not going anywhere. neither is publishing. since
gutenberg made his epic contribution to the human race,
publishinghas secured a place as one of the largest and most
profitable industries in history. in that time, publishing has
adapted to majortechnological changes, survived economic
meltdowns, persisted through political censorship, and made it
to the other side ofcatastrophic price wars.

it’s convenience that is drawing people to e-books and that is
what will kill

printed books. or, if notkill them, reduce them to the same
minority hobbyist status that vinyl records now occupy.

printed books will be strange relics from their parents’
generation. they mightappreciate their form but they will
approach them as fundamentally less useful. and useful
alwayswins in the role of the printed book is still
critical, if not for the publishing industry, but for the human
race. our permanent record, whetherthrough artistic
expression in fiction, or through knowledge in non-fiction, is
kept on printed books, not on electronic signals. withoutthe
printed book, there is no record of our time, place and



对于很多 备考托福的学生来说,托福真题对于大家来说会是一种最
好的备考材料。那么,托福口语考试中都出现过 什么样的题目呢?对
带来一 些托福口语真题及范文,希望能为大家的备考带来帮助。

托福口语题目:your university of planning to replace paper
books with electronic

books, what is the advantage and disadvantage of this plan?


the advantage of this plan is ebooks are easy to carry.
thousands of books

can be loaded onto one device. these devices are small and
light to carry

around. being able to search an entire book is awesome. this
allows us to find a

keyword within seconds. the other side of the coin is that
ebooks require a

reading device which can be expensive. students have to buy
new ones when it’s

broken. a new model would come out every year with new
features to encourage

people to upgrade. the cost of these devices can be so much
higher than owning

paper books.
< br>【篇三:高三英语专题读写任务写作学案第7讲——胡








这类要点中常含有”你对……的看法“ ”你认为是否应该…… “ ”你怎
么看待……”等. 写作时, 常用表示 in my opinion, in my view, in
my observation, from my point of view, as for me, as far as i’m
concerned, personally speaking, honestly, to be frank等开头提

出自己的观点, 对有”是否”字样的要点, 可明确表示 “赞成 支持(be
for, be in favor of, approve of, subscribe to, agree with)或反对
(be against)“某一观点或做法, 然后阐明理由, 证明你所持的观点





然后,阐明理由,论证观点:unavailable because of the power-
off digital batteriesonly belong to those who are able to
purchase digital devices

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我们学生是非常重要的。 然后,阐明理由,论证观点:make us
focus on our personalities but not clothes when making
friendshave more time to devote ourselves to our study for the
reasondressing up ourselves is no longer a waste of time


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我们学生造成一定的伤害。 然后,阐明理由,证明观点:take up
so much of our timecan not have enough time for rest and
entertainmentcost a lot of money

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___ ________________________



40,000 pieces of fake commodities including sports shoes and
clothes bearing some famous brands,like nike and li ning,
were being sent to a waste incineration plant(废品处理厂)to
burn in jinjiang city.

but why have fake commodities become so common? for one
thing,some businessmen take risks producing and selling
fake goods just for the purpose of making money,and some
customers buy those products because of the lower prices. for
another,the punishment for producing fake goods is not
severe. therefore,todays market has been flooded with fake
brands of food,clothing and medicine,etc.

fake commodities have left thousands of people in confusion
and panic:they no longer have a sense of safety. this
campaign in jinjiang greatly hit those criminals violating the
trademark laws and enterprise. consumers legal rights and
interests are well protected on this round campaign.



2.以约120个词就“fake commodities”发表看法,内容包括:




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_________________________ _____________________________
_________________ _________ part 1 30词概括

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_______________________ _______________________________
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__________________________________ ____________________
_________________________ part 2 根据提示词填空

_______________________ (毫无疑问) that fake commodities
__________________ (有害于) us. it is _______________ (不仅)
because they account for quite a lot of trouble in our daily life,
_____________ (引起, 导致) our inconvenience,
_______________ (而且) because those fame commodities will
take off our confidence on some certain brands,
_________________ (导致) the fact that we would not purchase
the brands any more.



nowadays, the term sense of happiness has been repeatedly
mentioned in various medias. during the national day holidays,
cctv did a nation-wide survey by asking random passers-by
the question are you happy now? what exactly is happiness in
your eyes? the survey aroused a heated discussion across the
country and people from all walks of life expressed their

i would say im pretty happy at present because my dear
daughter has graduated from college and found herself a
decent job. said a woman in her fifties with a big smile on her

though it seemed that most people said they were happy,
different voices were still heard and should not be ignored.
there was a migrant worker(农民工) whose answer to the
question was widely spread online. when asked if he was
happy, he said my family name is zeng, showing his
determination to refuse the interview as well as his annoyance
to mention happiness.

the brand-new chinese nobel prize winner mo yan answered i
dont know in an interview when he was asked the same
question: are you happy?








1作文中可以使用亲身经 历或虚构的故事.也可以参照阅读材料的




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________________________________ (随着社会的发展) and the
effort to realize the modernizations in china, one problem
__________ (产生), which is the ever-widening gap in income
and life- style between rich and poor people. we must
acknowledge that the progress of society needs rich people
________________(伸手帮忙) to poor people in their struggle to
rid of the poverty but poor people themselves also must
____________________ (尽力谋求更好的生活). the wuhan city
government’s idea to let rich and poor people live together is
good _____________ (只要) the two kinds of people can help
each other and live peacefully together, but it can’t solve the
basic problem of poor people becoming poorer.
_______________ (在我看来), the central and local
governments must _______________ (采取措施) to help poor
people ______________ (解决困难) and the rich also should
______________ (捐款) to help the poor, thus building
________________ (和谐社会) will become reality soon.



in the latest chinese textbooks for senior high students, the
number of lu xun’s works has been reduced from six to only
three. as one of china’s greatest literary masters, is lu really
too old-fashioned for students nowadays?

many students listed lu as their most disliked writer of
textbooks, saying that his works were too difficult to
understand and learn. what’s worse, they said that lu’s articles
would be always included in every exam, so they are asked to
memorize them very well, which is too hard for them. some
teachers don’t like lu’s works, either. they say that teaching
lu’s articles has become one of the hardest tasks.

however, many chinese education experts think that learning
lu’s works is a must for all chinese students, but changes in

teaching methods are being urged. lu’s achievements were in
both literary and social meanings, and his works are also
excellent examples of writing novels and essays.

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