
2021年01月03日 22:39




Unit 1 Remember the rules
The First Period
1. Warming-up
Ask some questions about their winter holidays:
T: Did you have a good time during your winter holidays?
What did you do ? Where did you go ?
Who did you go with? What did you see there ?
Did you buy anything ? etc.
Or just say: Tell us something interesting fun during the holidays.
Try to help Ss to answer questions or tell a story in the past tense.
2. A.
1) Listening
2) Questions
Where are they going?
What are the rules at the library at the swimming pool at the cinema in the classroom? etc.
always never
at the library talk quietly, line up push
at the swimming pool walk slowly walk quickly
at the cinema listen carefully talk loudly
in the classroom talk quietly chase
in the corridor … …
3) Reading
4) Explanation

be going to go --- be going
I‘m going to go to the museum
= I‘m going to the museum.
adj.+ ly--- adv.
quiet, careful, quick, slow, loud, happy, heavy, etc.
need to do sth.
3. Exercises

The Second Period
1. Revision
Some phrases and sentences
2. Presentation
Show the pictures of a museum and a hospital, ask Ss : What must we do at the museum? What
mustn‘t we do at the museum?
Repeat with some other places.
Help Ss to say: We must look and listen carefully.
We mustn‘t play. etc.
3. Practice:
What are the rules in your house?
Ss: You must put off your shoes before you come in.
You mustn‘t .
4. B1 and B2
1) Listen and answer some questions:

What must mustn‘t we do at the library?
Where are they going then? Why?
What‘s wrong with Grandma?
What are they going to take to the hospital?
What are the rules at the adventure land?
2) Read and explain
5. B3
1) Talk about what is in each picture
2) Listen to the tape once more to check their answers.
6. Exercises in class:
1) We are going to the library.(同义句)
2) We usually talk quietly at the library.(提问)
3) You need to line up.(提问)
4) He always writes carefully.(否定)
5) We never talk loudly at the cinema.(提问)
6) Can I use your pen? Sorry, you _____.
7) May I have an apple? Sorry, you _____.
8) Must we obey the rules? No, you ______.
9) 他总是谨慎驾驶.
10) 我上学从不迟到.
The Third Period
1. Revision
2. C. A story

1) Listening
2) Questions: What must mustn‘t we do when there is a fire drill ?
must : line up walk down the stairs quickly be quiet …
mustn‘t: push take…with…
3) Reading
4) Asking: Why are fire drills important?
3. D 1) Read the story again.
2)Decide if the sentences are true or false
3) Check the answers with the Ss. Ask them to change words in the false sentences to make
them true.
4. Do some exercises
5. Action
Ask Ss to work in groups of four, try to act out the story.
The Fourth Period
1. Revision
2. E.
1) Write the symbols for the sounds on the Bb
2) Get Ss to listen and repeat.
3) Ask Ss to listen to the words and then write them under the correct symbols.
4. Discussion: What are the school library rules?
Help Ss to discuss in groups, see which group can get the most answers.
5. F
1) Talk with the class about each of the Ss in the picture is doing, eg. What is Kevin doing?

2) Ask them to write down each child is doing wrong in the list below, they should only use must
or mustn‘t
3) Put Ss in groups of three and ask them to discuss the rules in a museum or a Children‘s
4) Get Ss to fill in the blanks in the letter
5) Go through the answers with the class.
6. G. Listen and chant
7. Do more exercises.
The Fifth Period
1. Revision
Get Ss to speak out the rules at a library, in a museum, at a Children‘s Palace… as quickly as
they can.
2. Talk to the Ss about what rules they follow out in the street.
3. Point to some signs and ask what they mean.
4. Explain some language points.
at a crossing , be called, at traffic lights,
cross—walk across , until, not… until…
5. Do some exercises:
1. 用适当的形容词或副词填空(可有一个以上答案)
1)Be ______! The bus is coming.
2) He always listens to the teachers __ in class.
3)She was very angry. She shouted ____‖Get out!‖
4) There was a __ rain yesterday. It rained ___.

5) The traffic is _______. Please drive _____.
6)You mustn‘t talk ______ at the library.
7)We must walk _______ in the corridor.
5.This dog ____ ____ Boby. (被叫做)
When the __ __is green ,we___ ___ ___the road ____.
There ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ in the streets in SZ.
8. 她很有礼貌,她总是礼貌的交谈.
She is ___ . She ___ ___ ___.
The Sixth Period
1. Go through the exercises in the WB
2. Do some listening exercises
3. Do some writing exercises
4. Do more oral practice
5. Have a dictation
课后记:本课学习的一些副词较难。特别是usually, never, sometimes, always的区分。还有quietly,
quickly, slowly, loudly, carefully的用法.
时态主要是一般将来时:be+ going to +动词原形 或 will+ 动词原 形。还有must mustn‘t 的用法。
Unit 2 Helping people

Complete simple tasks following a series of instructions
Relate personal experience and opinion in short conversations
Understand and explain information provided in notes
Write short paragraphs about events following models

What happened ? He smelled smoke .She saw a fire.
I dropped my bags. They shouted for help.
He picked up my things.

dropdropped pickpicked carrycarried shoutshouted for help loselost wallet
findfound givegave smellsmelled seesaw a fire

Good for you.
What a day !
Guess what!

Sound and rhyme words: ring string
Rubrics :Read the notes and the report from last week‘s school.
Newspaper .You‘re a reporter for the school newspaper. Read the notes on page
someone as your student of the week. Write about them and read your report to the class.
Chant words : believe

The first period
Step 1 .Greeting
Step 2 .Revision : must mustn‘t (let the ss make some sentences)
Step 3 .Pre-task stage
1. Bring some things :keys , coins , bananas, e.g. Hide some items in the classroom.
2. Tell the ssI lost a banana .Can you find for me? Let the ss look for it.
3. Tell the ss that you are using present and past tense. Ask them look at the word boxes on
page11. Explain the difference.
Step 4. Play a game .
Dropped a key on the floor and ask :Can you pick it for me ? After a volunteer picks it up and
says : I picked it up.
Continue to do this game to demonstrate the differences in tenses.
Step 5.
Task 1 Explain the new words in the word box and teach the ss how to read.
Ask them questions in the present tense , encourage them answer in past tense.
Task 2 Show Transparency . Point the pictures. Read aloud or play Pupil‘s Book
Task the ss to repeat the words after you .
Task 4 .Ask the ss to work in pairs and role-play the dialogues.
Task 5 drop a bag pick up carry sth What happened? Good for you
Smell smoke call 119 see a fire at the police station need to be careful

lose one‘s wallet give sth to sb
Step 6. Homework : Read A and recite.
The second period
Step ng.
Step 2. Read ATeach B
1. Put a word box like the page 12 on the board. Read out a present tense from the table. Ask
the ss to say the past tense of the verb.
2. Write a sentence using the wrong tense on board, e.g.
Grandma lose her glasses today. I find them in the kitchen.
the ss correct them on the blackboard.

Step 3. Task 1. Listen B1 and number the picture .
Task 2. Show transparency. Point out that when someone is telling a story they
are usually using past tense. Play the pupil‘s Book Cassette.
Task the ss to work in pairs and take turns to circle all the past tense verbs they can see
on the page.
Task 4. Activities .
Ask the ss to ask their partner .Did you help anyone today ? Let them tell the story
about who they helped today .Encourage them use the new past tense they have learned.
Task the class one story .Use first ,then next and after that
Task 6 Listen and summary the story.

Step 4. Show Transparency .Read the conversation and ask the ss to repeat after you . Step 5
Homework : ok
2. Read B2

The third period
Step 1. Greeting.
Step 2. Read B1 ,B2
Step 3. Task 1 Teach Workbook page 9 . Ask some ss tell the answers and let the class read.
Task and write the names on page 10 (workbook)
Task page 11, Harry must help his grandma. Listen and tick or cross.
Step 4. (1) Ask the ss to tick the correct sentences according to what they
hear on tape.
(2) Ask ss to listen to the tape once more to check their answers.
(3) Ask the ss to write the sentences in B3 in the correct order. Ask them to include first ,then,
next and after that
Step g up .
Step 6. Homework. C B
T he fourth period
Step 1. Greeting.
Step 2. Do some exercises about the past tenses . For example:
help one‘s grandmother Peter helped his grandmother last Sunday.
cross the road carefully __________________________________.
go to the supermarket __________________________________.

clean the floor _________________________________.
wash the dishes _________________________________.
put the medicine on the table _____________________________.
And …..
Step 3
Task 1. Point to and introduce the shoemaker. Explain that he makes shoes but he is very poor.
Task 2. Ask the ss to cover the last two pictures. Read the first three paragraphs with the ss .
Ask them What do you think will happen next?
Task the Pupil‘s Book cassette for the ss and ask them to say sentences after the
Task the ss Why did the little men help the shoemaker?(He was poor and they were
helpful and kind.)
Step 4. Ask the ss read story again.
Ask them to read through the sentences D.
Tell them to number the sentences in order according to what they read in this story.
Check the answer.
Step 5. Summing up .
Step 6. Homework . Read C
Do workbook Page 14 and 15.

T he fifth period

Step 1. Greeting.

Step 2. Read C and teach Page 14 and 15.
Step3. Task 1 .Recite and write C
Task 2. Write the symbols for the sound on the board. Write the words on the page under each
symbol. Ask the ss tell other words with the same sounds and add them to the list.
Task 3 . Play the cassette and let them listen the sound
Task 4. Listen again, Ask them to listen to the rhyme.
Task 5. Play the cassette ,and ask them write to listen to the words and then write them under
the correct symbols.
Step 4. G Listen and chant on page 18)
1. Play the cassette G. for the ss to the chant.
2. Play again and encourage the ss to join in with the words.
3 .Tell the ss to say the chant again.
Step 5. Summing up.
Step 6 Homework . Read G
Review F and try to write a report.

T he sixth period
Step 1. Greeting.
Step 2. Review and teach I Further reading page19
Task 1 . Arouse interest in the passage by asking the class Does anyone know
who Dr Bethune is? Tell the ss that he was an important doctor and he helped a lot of people.

Task 2. Give the ss watch some information about Dr Bethune . Ask:
Where was he from? Did he love Chinese people? What did do in China?
Task 3 Ask the ss to answer the questions at the bottom of the page . Tell
Ss to write T or F .Check the answers with the ss.
Task 4 . Ask the ss read F after the tape.
Step 3. Teach workbook
Step 4. Homework : Read and do some exercises
找教案 http:
课后记:本课学了一些短语的过去式。我发现他们写倒没什么大问题。在读过去式短语时, 过去式很多都
没读出来,把音给吞了。老师应该多强调一下,多带读几遍,把过去式和现在时的读音比较 一下。

Unit 4 Revision
The First Period
1. Revise the words and phrases in Unit 1-3.
2. Ask Ss to make up some sentences by using their favourite words.
3. B1.
1) Play the cassette. Ss listen carefully.
2) Listen again, ask Ss to circle the correct words.
3) Check answers.
4. B2
1) Get Ss to read the poster quickly
2) Listen and fill in the blanks with the correct words.
3) Answer the questions about the passage. Check the answers with the class.

5. Homework
Write a poster about your city.
The Second Period
1. Translations
1) 他从不在图书馆大声交谈.
2) 我们不能在走廊里追逐.
3) 我们将买些水果带到医院,因为奶奶生病住院了.
4) 你不能把宠物带进宾馆.
5) 在过马路时,我们必须多加小心.
6) 他很乐于助人. 他经常为老人提包.
7) 你能把这些衣服晾好吗?
8) 他把眼镜掉到了地上.
9) 我马上就把自行车还给他.
10) 我丢了雨伞,我到处找都找不到.
11) 他花很多钱买了一只狗.
12) 这位医生挽救了很多人的生命.
2. Task 1
Show Ss a picture about ― Helpful dogs‖, get Ss to talk about it in groups then ask some of them
to report to the class.
3. Task 2
Show Ss another picture, ask them to tell the story in the past tense ( at least 10 sentences)
4. Do more exercises

The Third Period
1. Revise the model verbs
2. Task 1.
Show Ss some pictures of Mcdonalds , ask them to talk about the rules there by using must and
3. C. Look at the pictures and talk about the canteen rules with your friends.
4. D1.
1) Ask Ss to go through D1 quickly ,then try to tell teacher how to make a leaf sample
a. pick… up, carry… home
b. press the leaves, put…between… , put…on…., do …with…
c. wait, dry slowly,
e. stick…onto…, write…under… ( be careful, not look very different)
f. bring… to… give … to…, put…on…
5. Learn the new words and phrase in Part D1
6. Learn Part E1
7. Homework
The Fourth Period
1. Revise some words and phrase
2. Discussion
Do you like dogs? Why or Why ont?
3. Listen to the story in D2 and then answer some questions
1) What can a rescue dog do ?
2) What did Rex do one day?

3) What can a guide dog do ?
4) What did Sunny do one day?
4. Reading
Get Ss to read the story and try to retell it in their own words
Ask some Ss to retell it.
5. Do some exercises
6. Homework
English writing
Compare two pictures of Shenzhen. Write a letter to your pen friend, Tell him or her the great
changes in Shenzhen.
The Fifth Period
1. Revise some phrase and translate some sentences.
2. Read E2 quickly and answer some questions.
1) What could we see in Shenzhen five years ago?
2) What can we see now?
3) What are the interesting things in Shenzhen? What can we do here ?
4) What about the people here ?
5) What about the weather here?
3. Read E2 together.
4. Do the exercises in Wb
5. Do some exercises :

1. The twins study in the same class, but they like different subject.( R or W)

2. Although he is old, he walks quickly.=
3. Because it rained heavily,so we didn‘t go out.( R or W)
much is your watch?=
5. My hobby is different from yours.=
bag looks the same from me.( R or W)
7. I have to look after my sister at home.
6. 用所给动词的正确形式填空及其它练习见所印发的讲义。
课后记:本课是复习课,采取的方式主要是做 练习。通过做练习,发现了学生的很多问题。对过去时的用
法不太熟悉。对连词成句这种体型做得不太好 ,对他们来说,最难的莫过是把中文句子翻译成英文。通过
做练习,发现其实很多学生学习很浮,说的时 候好象都会,做起来就远不是那回事了。应该多做些专项训
Unit 4 Revision
The First Period
6. Revise the words and phrases in Unit 1-3.
7. Ask Ss to make up some sentences by using their favourite words.
8. B1.
1) Play the cassette. Ss listen carefully.
2) Listen again, ask Ss to circle the correct words.
3) Check answers.
9. B2
1) Get Ss to read the poster quickly
2) Listen and fill in the blanks with the correct words.
3) Answer the questions about the passage. Check the answers with the class.

10. Homework
Write a poster about your city.
The Second Period
4. Translations
1) 他从不在图书馆大声交谈.
2) 我们不能在走廊里追逐.
3) 我们将买些水果带到医院,因为奶奶生病住院了.
4) 你不能把宠物带进宾馆.
5) 在过马路时,我们必须多加小心.
6) 他很乐于助人. 他经常为老人提包.
7) 你能把这些衣服晾好吗?
8) 他把眼镜掉到了地上.
9) 我马上就把自行车还给他.
10) 我丢了雨伞,我到处找都找不到.
11) 他花很多钱买了一只狗.
12) 这位医生挽救了很多人的生命.
5. Task 1
Show Ss a picture about ― Helpful dogs‖, get Ss to talk about it in groups then ask some of them
to report to the class.
6. Task 2
Show Ss another picture, ask them to tell the story in the past tense ( at least 10 sentences)
4. Do more exercises

The Third Period
8. Revise the model verbs
9. Task 1.
Show Ss some pictures of Mcdonalds , ask them to talk about the rules there by using must and
10. C. Look at the pictures and talk about the canteen rules with your friends.
11. D1.
1) Ask Ss to go through D1 quickly ,then try to tell teacher how to make a leaf sample
a. pick… up, carry… home
b. press the leaves, put…between… , put…on…., do …with…
c. wait, dry slowly,
e. stick…onto…, write…under… ( be careful, not look very different)
f. bring… to… give … to…, put…on…
12. Learn the new words and phrase in Part D1
13. Learn Part E1
14. Homework
The Fourth Period
7. Revise some words and phrase
8. Discussion
Do you like dogs? Why or Why ont?
9. Listen to the story in D2 and then answer some questions
1) What can a rescue dog do ?
2) What did Rex do one day?

3) What can a guide dog do ?
4) What did Sunny do one day?
10. Reading
Get Ss to read the story and try to retell it in their own words
Ask some Ss to retell it.
11. Do some exercises
12. Homework
English writing
Compare two pictures of Shenzhen. Write a letter to your pen friend, Tell him or her the great
changes in Shenzhen.
The Fifth Period
7. Revise some phrase and translate some sentences.
8. Read E2 quickly and answer some questions.
1) What could we see in Shenzhen five years ago?
2) What can we see now?
3) What are the interesting things in Shenzhen? What can we do here ?
4) What about the people here ?
5) What about the weather here?
9. Read E2 together.
10. Do the exercises in Wb
11. Do some exercises :

1. The twins study in the same class, but they like different subject.( R or W)

2. Although he is old, he walks quickly.=
3. Because it rained heavily,so we didn‘t go out.( R or W)
much is your watch?=
5. My hobby is different from yours.=
bag looks the same from me.( R or W)
7. I have to look after my sister at home.
(改为否定句,就划线部分提问) 找教案 http:
12. 用所给动词的正确形式填空及其它练习见所印发的讲义。
课后记:本课是复习课,采 取的方式主要是做练习。通过做练习,发现了学生的很多问题。对过去时的用
法不太熟悉。对连词成句这 种体型做得不太好,对他们来说,最难的莫过是把中文句子翻译成英文。通过
做练习,发现其实很多学生 学习很浮,说的时候好象都会,做起来就远不是那回事了。应该多做些专项训
Unit 5 A busy week
Task objectives
Relate personal and hypothetical experiences. Understand and use information provided in a
checklist .Take notes based on a conversation. Write paragraphs based on notes and a model.
Language focus
What did you do last week?
I read a book. I won a prize.
I HeShe cleaned my hisher room.
IHeShe did it myself himselfherself.
Topic vocabulary
won a prize , read a book, wrote a letter , sent an email, practised kung fu, myself ,yourself,
himself, herself, itself, ourselves, themselves

Period 1
Pre –task stage
A presentation
the main verbs on the blackboard. Revise the meaning of the word.
2. Ask the Ss to think about the past tense of each verb.
3. Ask the Ss if they know the differences between an email and a letter.
4. (Book open ) Show Transparency. Point to the people on the page and teach the present
and past tense verbs. Read aloud or play the Pupil‘s Book Cassette. Ask the Ss to repeat the
words after you.

B Presentation.
1. Write the reflexive pronouns: myself, himself, herself, yourself, ourselves, yourselves and
e. g. He‘s reading a book by himself.
2. Ask the Ss to listen and read
3. Explain some difficult sentences.
4. Role-play B1
Homework : Read aloud A&B1. Recite them. Learn the past forms of some irregular verbs by
Period 2
Teach B2, B3,
1. Find out some interesting activities that members of the class did on their holiday.

2. (Books closed) Tell the class about one busy week a member of the class had,
3. Ask the rest of the class questions about the student‘s busy week.
1. Read the rubric to the students. Ask the Ss to read through the sentence fragments.
2. Play the Pupil‘s Book Cassette.
3. Listen to B3,say and act.
4. Explain some difficult sentences
Homework; Listen and read aloud. Recite them.
Period 3
Learn C.D:
1. Read through the advertisement with the class. Point to the robot and ask the Ss . Would you
like a robot?
2. Play the Pupil‘s Book Cassette for the Ss and ask them to say the sentences after the cassette.
3. Ask the Ss to role-play the story in pairs. Some pairs may like to come out to the front and act
the story.
4. Explain some important sentences.
Homework: workbook (P. 33-35)
Period 4
Teach E .F. G .H
1. Write the symbols for the sound on the board Write the words on the page under each symbol.
2. Play the Pupil‘s Book Cassette and ask the Ss to listen to the sounds and the words.
3. Say the words slowly and clearly.
4. Check that the Ss are making a distinction between the sounds

Answers: stairs, cheering pier, near, fair, there, hear
F. Ask the Ss to read notes and the story about Helen‘s week. And then talk about it.
5. Put the Ss into pairs and ask them talk about their previous week using the activities they
ticked at the bottom of page 46.
6. Play the Pupil‘s Book Cassette for the Ss to
Listen to the chant.
Period 5
1. Arouse interest in the passage by asking who is the first astronaut from China.
2. Tell the Ss that astronauts have a lot of things to do in space. Ask the Ss Do you know what
they do?
3. Ask the Ss to match the days to the astronaut‘s activities. Check the answers with the
Periods ( 6-7)
Workbook (p.33- 40)
check the answers with the whole class
1. Tell the Ss to look at Mary‘s week and read the words. Tell them to read through the week.
Then ask the Ss to complete Mary‘s diary using the correct tense.
2. Ask the Ss to match the correct day to the correct activity according to the language they hear
on the tape
3. Ask the Ss to familiarize themselves with the table focusing on the children‘s names and the
activities .
Answers: cleaned my bedroom, wrote a letter, sent a letter, read a letter. Practiced basketball
won the game.

课后记:这课的重难点是动词过去式的不规则形 式,对一些学生来说有点难,特别是过去式的发音。这课
的听写比较好。总的来说学生比较容易接受这课 。
Unit 6 The typhoon
Task objectives
Describe events or situations using multiple tenses
Learn and express correct safety rules
Relate personal and hypothetical experiences with the help of the teacher
Compare and contrast in simple paragraph form
Evaluate and describe situations based on pictures and checklists
Language focus
There‘s going to be a storm.
Go inside. It‘s safe.
Don‘t go outside.
We put our plants inside. They didn‘t . They left them outside.
Period I
I. Learn new words :
1. inside adv. outside
We should stay inside when the typhoon comes. Don‘t go outside.
adj dangerous
safety n. being safe road safety typhoon safety
safety first
Is your dog safe? Are these toys safe for small children?
3. leave left
Don‘t leave our pets outside.

Did the postman leave anything for me?
He left all the money to his son.
Leave a place leave for a place.
4. job === work
5. storm windy flood
6. cause v n
Typhoons often cause floods so people do not like them very much.
What caused the plant to die?
The cause of the fire was carelessness.
There is no cause to complain.
II . read new words
III. make sentences by using the new words.
1. Preview A 2. Remember new words by heart

Period II
I.. Show transparency to learn what should we do or should not do when the typhoon is coming.
To recognize the typhoon warnings
II. Ask the students to work in pairs to ask each other and answer about what they should do or
should not do when there is a typhoon.
III. Show transparency and ask the Ss what did you do when typhoon Dujuan came last year?
IV. Play the Pupil‘s Book Cassette A and ask Ss to repeat after the cassette.
V. Homework: 1. Read aloud A the typhoon rules in the notebook.

Period III
I. Revision of A, read aloud the text
II. Ask Ss to speak out the typhoon rules they know.
III Play cassette B1 and learn language points
Close all the windows put them in the living room
Listen to the radio use the mobile phone
Talk to sb .later
How about…..?
So did we . So does he. So am I……
He is a teacher, so am I.
My mother goes to work early every morning, so does my father.
I will go to America this holiday, so will Tom.
Be ready for sth to do sth
Are you ready for the picnic?
Everyone was ready for the for the contest to begin.
He is always ready to help others.
Are you ready to go home?
Get ready: She had plenty of time to get ready.
They are getting everything ready.
IV.B2 What happened to these two families? Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks.
V . listen to the interview and complete the sentences.
VI. Homework. Do exercises in workbook.

Period IV
I Learn C A story
need to go home run home find sb. Stay inside
be worried worry hide under my bed
II. Play the cassette and ask them to repeat . Answer the questions in D
III. Ask Ss to retell the story
IV. Ask the Ss What would you do when the typhoon is near? Would you hide under the bed ?
VI. Homework: remember the story by heart.
Period V
I. Read the symbols and say the words
II. F typhoon safety
III. G listen and chant
IV. Further reading.
A big , strong storm every year
from July to September become warm
in the West Pacific Ocean circle around
get strong the centre of the typhoon
in turn cause floods
V Ask the students to retell how typhoon are formed by listening to the passage.
VI . A composition. Typhoon in my eyes
课后 记:恰好我们教这课的时候遇到台风,很具有现实意义。在遇到台风时要注意那些事情学生心里有个
数, 所以学生对这课比较容易接受。学得也教好。现在要是让学生说出台风时有那些规则,大部分同学能
对答 如流。

Unit 7 Summer Holiday Book II
Task objectives:
Write about factual and hypothetical situations
Relate personal experience and emotional situations
Discuss and write about events and emotional states using multiple tenses
Language focus:
I‘m going to go to Australia.
I‘m going to stay at a nice hotel.
I‘m going to ski there.
That‘s comfortable.
That‘s exciting.
The food is spicy and delicious.
Topic Vocabulary:
exciting, frightening, tiring, interesting, comfortable, spicy, delicious, beautiful, stay, Thailand,
South Africa, mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs
Additional language:
It was terrible.
You do?
The First Period
exciting excited excitedly
Has he got an exciting piece of work?
I read an exciting story.

Newton had an exciting discovery.
The excited children forgot to take presents to the party.
It‘s nothing to get excited about.
They are talking excitedly.
interesting interested a.
I‘m interested in interesting people and books.
I tried to tell him about it, but he just wasn‘t interested.
We‘re interested listeners.
I shall be interested to know what happens.
frighten v. – adj. frightening frightened
Don‘t frighten the thief, he‘s telling the truth.
What made you so frightened?
When I saw her in the river I was frightened.
It was a very frightening experience.
She was frightened of the police.
It‘s frightening even to think of the horrors of the nuclear war.
tiring tired a.
It‘s a tiring journey.
The work is very tiring.
He was tired when he got back from that long climb.
I‘m dead tired. 累得要死
boring bored a.
I‘m bored with the subject.

It‘s a rather boring book.
I‘m getting bored and homesick.
The lesson was so boring that we couldn‘t help yawing.
We were so bored that we couldn‘t help yawing.
Those relations of his are boring people.
comfort n. v. – comfortable adj. – comfortably adv.
Please make yourself comfortable. 别客气
He‘s got a comfortable income. He lives in comfort.
a few words of comfort
comfort a dying man
Read, recite and practise new words.
Then do some exercises about new words.
The Second Period
Pre-task stage
Part A: It will be summer holidays soon. The students are talking.
1. Bring in a large world map in English. Put it on the board.
Teacher: Where is China? Can you show me?
Where is Shenzhen on the map?
Point to the place you‘d like to go to.
Where is South Africa? What do you think you would see there?
Please point to Thailand. Have you ever been there?
What kinds of things can you see and do there?
Which is closer, South Africa or Thailand?

2. Play VCD. Show pictures. Ask students to repeat. Read aloud.
3. Let students work in pairs. They should role-play and continue the conversation using the
locations and words shown in the pictures.
4. Ask students to collect newspaper and magazines. Ask them to decide where they would like
to go on a summer holiday. Ask them to cut out and label pictures of things they could do in
that place if they were there on a summer holiday.
Homework: Make a travelling plan on the coming summer holiday.
The Third Period
tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, soon, this afternoon, this evening
this year, before long, next week ( month, year, summer )
in the future, in two weeks, some day
be going to + do表示事先考虑好的意图,表示打算、计划、准备
will shall + do 表示未经事先考虑的意图
is going to change his job.
is somebody at the door. I‘ll go and open the door.
3.A:I‘m sorry. I forgot to mail the letter for you.
B: Never mind. I‘ll mail it tomorrow.
Rewrite the sentences: visited the city last month.(next week)
have a meeting every week.(tomorrow)
you clean the room yesterday?(this afternoon)
4.I didn‘t make a kite last Sunday.(next Sunday)

do you often do in the evening? (this evening)
had a rest an hour ago.( soon)
7.I‘m going to carry the books for you.(划线提问)
parents are going to Nanjing next week.( 同上)
Translate the sentences:.
5. 我们今晚要去上海。
Homework: Exercises about ‗The Simple Future Tense ‘.
The Fourth Period
B1 The tour guides are finding their group‘s bags.
1. Bring in different things, such as bags, books, toys and pens. They should be different sizes
or colours.
2. Let students guess whose things they are. It‘s his hers theirs.
Fill in the blanks with proper pronouns:
those books (她的)? No, are (他们的).
2. (我的)tie is different from (你的).
(我的) is dark blue.

3. (他们的) classroom is brighter than (我们的).
找教案 http:
B2.B3. Bring in a leaflet or brochure in English about a holiday destination..
Ask them: Where is the place you‘d like to go to? Why?
What will you do there?
Students work in pairs to complete the conversation. Role- play the conversation, play the
Cassette and check the answers with the whole class.
Fill in the blanks :
Sun family home now.
his family some presents.
3. What the family want to do today?
4. My family all doctors.
The Fifth Period
C. A story: A good and bad holiday
students: Have you ever had a bad holiday?
If you have, talk to us about what happened.
be the boys in the picture. Read the text silently.
Ask them: Who had the bad holiday? Point to Jeff.
3. Play the Cassette. Read after it. Talk about their different holiday.
4. Read the story again. Match the words and the the person.
Dough Jeff
exciting and interesting frightening and tiring
see lots of beautiful animals monkey--- take and break camera

be exciting,happy--go to a tall bridge want to go back to the hotel
love spicy food hate, terrible ( bland )
climb a mountain, beautiful so tiring
--- Different people have different hobbies.
They should go to different places.
Homework: WB exercise.
The Sixth Period
While-task stage
F A holiday
1. Children have been on holiday. Play the Cassette. Read through the notes. Finish the
sentences in section 2,3 and check the answers with students.
2. Ask students to work individually. Ask them what they would like to do on holiday.
3. Tell the students to pretend they have been on their holiday and use their questionnaire
responses as cues to complete the email in part 5.
4. Ask volunteers to read their emails. Display the most interesting emails.
Complete Part G, H and E.
Homework: You are back from your holiday. Talk about your trip with your partner. Then write
a letter to your friend.
The Seventh Period
Post-task stage
Tell students that some children in the UK go to summer camp during their summer holidays.
They took part in lots of activities and sports at the camp. They also play games and experience

Ask them: Would you like to go to a summer camp?
What would you like to do there?
Further reading:
1. Tell students to read the emails silently first. Then ask them questions about them.
2. Complete the notes by using the information provided in the emails.
3. Check the answers with the students. Read through the emails.
The Eighth Period
Revision: Complete WB exercise.
寒暑假winter summer holidays
故宫the Forbidden City 长城 the Great wall
颐和园the Summer Palace 天坛the Temple of Heaven
秦始皇兵马俑the Terracotta Warriors 南非South Africa
其中一些公园诸如香山公园some of the parks like Xiangshan Park
一些旧建筑和老城墙some old buildings and old city walls
至于美丽的景致for beautiful scenery
美丽的山水pretty hills and beautiful rivers
相当恐怖pretty frightening 多吃多睡eat a lot and sleep a lot
吃大量的辛辣美味食物eat lots of spicy and delicious food
思考think about 了解know about… 写作有关…write about… 度假回来be back from holiday
一副滑雪板a pair of skis 第二天the next day
an interesting ,exciting and comfortable trip

一次恐怖而危险的旅行a frightening and dangerous trip
呆在一个漂亮的旅馆stay inat a nice hotel
Multiple Choice:
Almost every family in the village a television.
A. own B. owns C. owning D. owner
All my family skiing.
A. enjoy B. enjoys C. enjoies D. enjoying
It will be summer holiday (s) vacation soon.
Where are you going to go for your holiday?
你将如何度假?How will you spend your holiday?
假期想做什么?What do you want to do on your holiday?
我和父母正计划假期去中国。My parents and I are planning our holiday to China.
在澳大利亚划水非常令人兴奋。It is exciting to ski in Australia.
It will be frightening to see wild animals in South Africa.
假期愉快Have a nice holiday.
What about other places? Where else should we go?
课后记:第一课时教授的单词对学生来说比较难,因为它涉及到词性。如: comfort既可以是动 词又可以
是名词,comfortable是形容词,comfortably是副词。这些词的变化倒 不难,难的是他们的用法。再如:
interesting和 interested,两个都是形容词 ,那究竟什么时候用interesting什么时候用interested对
学生来说就比较难区分 了。这是这堂课的难点和重点。本单元还有另一个重点就是名词性物主代词。这个

知识点 学生掌握得教好。还有就是活动手册上有些题有点偏难。如P56页最后一道题很少有学生能不出一
点错 误。
Unit 8 Revision
The First Period
1. Review the words from Unit 5—7.
2. Ask the students to make some sentences with their favorite words.
3. Tell the teacher the words they learned by themselves.
4. Tell the teacher the sentences they learned by themselves.
5. Say the difficult words and the sentences the students think.
The Second Period
Learn B1. Kevin went on holiday. What happened? Listen and circle the correct words.
1. Show‗Koko 爱英语‘. Tell the students that Kevin went on holiday. Ask the students to read
through the sentences.
2. Tell the students to listen to the sentences. Ask the students to circle the correct words
according to what they hear.
3. Check the answers.
Learn B2. Albert and Beth are back from their holidays. Listen and write T and F.
1. Show ‗Koko‘ . Ask the students to read through the sentences.
2. Explain that Albert and Beth are back from their holidays. Tell the students to familiarise
themselves with the sentences.
3. Ask the students to listen to the dialogue. Tell them to write T or F next to the sentences
according to what they hear.
4. Ask individual students to read aloud their sentences to check the answers with the whole

The Third Period
Part C. A Typhoon hit your city yesterday. You did a very good job. Look at the pictures below
and tell your partner what you did.
1. Put the students into pairs and ask them to look at the typhoon rules.
2. Then ask them to ask questions about the typhoon rules using the example question at the
bottom of the page.
3. Each student should answer the question using the example rules. Walk around the
classroom to listen and help the students if necessary.
4. Ask for a couple of pairs to come forward and role—play the answers.
D1. Jim wrote a letter to his friend, Alison. Read the letter and number the pictures.
1. Tell the students to read the letter to Alison.
2. Then tell the students to look at the four pictures at the bottom of the page.
3. Ask the students to number the pictures according to the letter.
4. Check the students‘ answers.
The Fourth Period
D2. Yesterday, Tyohoon Yuan Yuan hit Shenzhen. Read Paul‘s diary and tick the correct
sentences below.
1. Show ‗Koko‘. Tell the students to read the diary entry.
2. Then ask the students to look at the sentences below and tick the correct sentences
according to the information provided in the passage.
3. Ask individual students to read aloud their sentences to check the answers.
4. Then show the answers to the class.
E2. Jacky Luo is a kung fu film star. Yesterday, something happened. Complete the news report.

1. Tell the students to read the news report and fill in the blanks using the words from the word
2. Ask individual students to read aloud a sentence each to check the answer.
课后记:这课前面的几部分较容易。在 culture club 2 School holidays







