
2021年01月04日 00:10



Unit 1
图书馆:library 借,借用:borrow 参观者,访问者:visitor
会议,集会:meeting 日期,约定:date 科学:science
课,功课:lesson 道路 ,方法:way 语言:language
实验室:lab 许多:many所有的,全部:all 俱乐部:club 经常: often
木偶:puppet 疲倦的:tired

1. 会议室:meeting room 2. 借书:borrow books
3.向某人借某物:borrow sth from sb
4. 开会:have a meeting have meetings
5. 带领某人参观某地 show sb around+地点
6.今天下午:this afternoon
7.来图书馆:come to the library 8. 这边走: this way
9.在湖边:by the lake 10. 做蛋糕: make a cake make cakes
11.把…带到…:take…to… 12.迟到 :be late for
13. 英语课:English lesson 14.科学课:science lesson
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15.语言实验室:language lab 16.科学实验室:science lab
17.美术俱乐部:art club 18 .语文课:Chinese lesson
19.数学课:maths lesson 20.在科学实验室:in the science lab
21.在一周内:in a week 22.很,非常:very much
23.多少:how many(后接可数名词复数)how much(后接不可数名词)
24.上科学课:have science lessons have a science lesson
25.上英语课:have English lessons have an English lesson
26画画:paint a picturepaint pictures draw a picturedraw pictures
27.音乐俱乐部:music club 28.弹钢琴:play the piano
29.会议厅:meeting hall 30.在会议厅:in the meeting hall
31.让某人做某事:let sb. do sth. 32.听…listen to …
33.请求,要求,寻找:ask for 34.整天:all day
35.静静地看书:read quietly 36.许许多多,好几百:hundreds of
37. 问问题:ask questions 38.获取答案:get answers
39.通过电话:over the phone 40.通过互联网:through the Internet
41.越来越多人:more and more people
42.世界各地:around the world all over the world across the world

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1. 欢迎来到我们学校。 Welcome to our school.
2.我们经常从图书馆借书。We often borrow books from the library.
3.我们将带你们参观我们的学校。 We’ll show you around our school .
4.你们经常来图书馆吗? Do you often come to the library?
5.请这边走。This way , please.
6.你们经常在这里开会吗? Do you often have meetings here?
We’ll have a meeting in it this afternoon.
8.我们在会议室开会。 We have meetings in the meeting room.
How many English lessons do you have in a week?
10.我们一周有三节英语课。 We have three English lessons in a week.
We have one science lesson in the science lab.
12.我们经常在里面上科学课。 We often have science lessons in it.
How many science lessons do you have in a week?
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We often have English lessons in the language lab.
15.你们英语说得很好。 You speak English very well.
How many music lessons do you have in a week?
We often draw pictures in our art club.
We often sing and dance in the music club.
19.你可以为我们唱歌跳舞吗? Can you sing and dance for us?
20.你们想跳舞吗? Would you like to dance?
21.我们累了。 We are tired.
22.我喜欢唱歌和跳舞。 I like singing and dancing.
How many Chinese lessons do you have in a week?
24.我哥哥英语说得很好。 My brother speaks English very well.

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Unit 2
玩具火车: toy train 玩具飞机:toy plane 玩具轮船:toy ship
玩具小船:toy boat 忙碌的:busy 选择:choose 摩托车:motorbike
吉普车:jeep 长途公车:coach 买:buy 想要:want=would like
想要做某事:want to do sth. =would like to do sth. 长裤:trousers
短裤:short pants=shorts 衣服:clothes 钱:money
双、对、条、副:pair 一条(对、双、副):a pair of
一条裤子:a pair of trousers 等待:wait 等待……: wait for 说:say
对某人说:say to sb. 那条短裤:that pair of short pants 价格:price
1.你买点什么?Can I help you? What can I do for you?
2.我想要一辆玩具火车。 I want a toy train.
3.它多少钱? How much is it?
4.它56元。It’s fifty- six yuan.
5.你喜欢哪个? Which one do you like?
6.我们把它买了。We’ll take it.
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7.我能买一艘玩具轮船吗?Can I have a toy ship?
8.我想买一辆摩托车。I want to buy a motorbike.
9.这个怎么样?How about this one?
10.这辆摩托车看起来不错。The motorbike looks nice.
11.他想买一条裤子。He wants to buy a pair of trousers.
12.这些短裤多少钱?How much are these short pants?
13. 它们65元。They’re sixty-five yuan .
Would you show me that pair of short pants?
15.这条怎么样?How about this pair?
16.我可以试穿它们吗?Can I try them on?
17.它们对我来说太大了。 They are too big for me.
18.我买它们了。I’ll take them.
19.那些裤子多少钱?How much are those trousers?
20.它们94元。They’re ninety-four yuan.
21.我们可以去玩具店吗?Can we go to the toy shop?
22.你想要哪一个?Which one would you like?
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23.我想要一条黑裤子。I would like a pair of black pants.
24.他很高兴玩这些玩具。He’s very happy to play with the toys.
25.他们去买一些新衣服。They go to buy some new clothes.
26.他妈妈在等他们。His mother is waiting for them.
27.从银行取回来的钱在哪里?Where’s the money from the bank?
28.我没有钱了。I have no more money.

Unit 3
问:ask 回答:answer 问题:question 积极地:actively
噪音:noise 认为,想:think 小心地,仔细地:carefully
从未:never 领导者:leader 规则:rule 垃圾:litter灯:light
必须,一定:must 应该:should 吐痰:spit 地面:ground
混乱:mess 有时:sometimes
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1.组长:group leader 2.班规:class rules 3. 校规:school rules
4.在课堂上:in class 5. 交上:hand in 6.准时,按时:on time
7. 做家务:do housework 8.在床上看书:read in bed
9. 晚回家:go home late 10.保持房间清洁:keep your room clean
11. 起床:get up 12.睡觉:go to bed 13.帮助老人:help old people
14.不要踩踏草坪:keep off the grass 15.照顾好:take good care of
16.在街上玩:play on the street 17.摘花:pick flowers
18.过马路:cross the street 19. 制造混乱:make a mess
20. 家规:home rules 21.制造噪音:make noise
22.认真听老师讲课:listen to the teacher carefully 23.一列:a list of
24.列个清单:make a list 25.骑自行车:ride a bike ride bikes
26. 并排、并肩:side by side 27.在河边:on the riverside
28.安静:be quiet 29.在课上:in class 30.在学校:at school
31.在家:at home be in 32.很晚:very late
33.注意:look out be careful 34.不接近:keep off
35.照顾、照看:take care of look after
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36.好好照顾照看:take good care of look after…well
37.摘花:pick flowers 38.与…一样… :as …as 39.举起:hold up
40.指向…:point to … 41.扔进:throw…into
42.结束告终:end up 43.例如:such as 44.塑料袋:plastic bags
45.六倍六次:six times 46.对…有害:be bad for
47. 遵守规则:obey the rules
1.认真听老师讲课。 Listen to the teacher carefully.
2. 上课不要迟到。Don’t be late for class.
3. 上学不要迟到:Don’t be late for school.
4.积极提问和回答问题。 Ask and answer the questions actively.
5.安静。Be quiet.
6.不要在课堂上制造噪音。Don’t make noise in class.
7.不要在课上吃东西。 Don’t eat in class.
8.认真听讲并积极发言。Listen carefully and talk actively.
9.按时交作业。 Hand in your homework on time.
10.他很了解校规。He knows the school rules very well.
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11.他很早就来学校。He comes to school early.
12.他认真听课并积极发言。He listens carefully and talks actively.
13.他从不在课上制造噪音。He never makes noise in class.
14.他是一名组长。He’s a group leader.
His group is making a list of class rules.
16.你应该早点睡觉。You should go to bed early.
17.你不应该在床上读书。 You shouldn’t read in bed.
18.我们应该保持房间干净。We should keep the room clean.
19.你应该帮忙做家务。 You should help to do housework.
20.你不应该晚起床。You shouldn’t get up late.
21.你不应该太频繁看电视。You shouldn’t watch TV too often.
22.他经常把他的房间弄乱。 He often makes a mess in his room.
23.你必须等待绿灯。You must wait for the green light.
You mustn’t cross the street when the light is red.
25.你必须远离草地。You must keep off the grass.
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26.你一定不要摘花。You mustn’t pick the flowers. No picking flowers.
27.你不许随地吐痰。You mustn’t spit on the ground.
28.你不要乱扔垃圾。You mustn’t litter.
29.你必须照顾好小孩。You must take good care of young children.
30.当心,小心。Look out.
31.不能通过。No crossing.
32.请勿乱扔垃圾。No littering.
Unit 4
生病的,有病的:ill sick 害怕的,恐怕:afraid 担心:worry
担心的,焦虑的:worried 明天:tomorrow 带来:bring 感觉:feel
更好的:better 巧克力:chocolate 火龙果:dragon fruit
健康的: healthy 药:medicine
1.为…而担心:worry about be worried about
2.在某方面帮助某人:help sb. with sth. 3. 得了重感冒:have a bad cold
4.发烧:have a fever 5. 头痛:have a headache 6. 咳嗽:have a cough
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7.牙痛have a toothache 8. 胃痛:have a stomachache
9.吃点药:take some medicine 10. 好好休息:have a good rest
11.吃药,服药:take medicine to a doctor 看医生
13.给某人打电话:call sb. ring sb. 14.呆在床上卧床:stay in bed
15.多喝水:drink more water 16.休息一下:takehave a rest
17.好好休息:take have a good rest 18.恢复健康:get well
19. 康复卡:get -well card 20. 对……有害:be bad for…
1. Kate今天感觉不舒服。Kate doesn’t feel well today.
2.请问我可以跟刘老师说话吗? May I speak to Miss Liu , please?
3.我是刘老师。This is Miss Liu speaking.
4.我今天生病了。I’m ill today.
5.我得了重感冒。I have a bad cold.
6.你得了重感冒吗?Do you have a bad cold?
7.恐怕我今天不能去上学了。I’m afraid I can’t go to school today.
8.不要担心你的功课。Don’t worry about your lessons.
9.你应该去看医生。You should go to a doctor.
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10.我妈妈将带我去看医生。My mum will take me to the doctor.
11.好好照顾你自己。Take good care of yourself.
12.我会帮你学英语。I’ll help you with your English.
13.你能和我去放风筝吗?Can you go and fly a kite with me?
14. Kate和她的妈妈去看医生。Kate goes to the doctor with her mother.
15.他们中的一些人发烧了。Some of them have a fever.
They are waiting outside the doctor’s room.
You should take some medicine and stay in bed.
18.你应该多喝水。You should drink more water.
19.我明天可以去上学吗?Can I go to school tomorrow?
20.你应该好好休息。You should have a good rest.
21.我希望你会很快恢复。I hope you will get well soon.
22.你怎么了?What’s wrong with you?=What’s the matter with you?
23.布朗医院在哪里?Where is the Brown Hospital?
24.你今天感觉如何? How are you feeling today?
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25.我感觉好多了。I feel much better.
26.这是一张给你的康复卡。Here’s a get- well card for you.
27.我担心我的功课。I’m worried about my lessons.
28.他们给她带来很多东西。They bring her a lot of things.
29.他们想要帮助她的功课。They want to help her with her lessons.
30. Kate感到很高兴。 Kate feels very happy.
31.这是一些巧克力给你。Here are some chocolates for you.
32.我不想吃药。I don’t want to take any medicine.]
33.你的冰淇淋对我不好。Your ice cream is bad for me.
34.让我带你去医院。Let me take you to the hospital.
You should take some medicine and have a good rest.
36.请问你叫什么名字?May I have your name ?

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Unit 5
一. 单词:
星期一:Monday 星期二:Tuesday 星期三:Wednesday
星期四:Thursday 星期五 :Friday 星期六:Saturday
星期天:Sunday 忙碌的:busy 衣服:clothes 曲子,曲调:tune
准备:prepare 穿着,戴着:wear小狗:puppy 打,接连地击打:beat
鼓:drum 参加:join 月亮:moon 太阳:sun 地球:earth
表兄弟姐妹:cousin 站着,站立:stand 坐: sit 刚刚,仅仅:just
疯狂的:crazy 马戏,马戏团:circus 木制的,呆板的:wooden
梯状物,阶梯:ladder 笑,引人发笑的事或人:laugh
野生的,未驯化的:wild 山,山脉:mountain 森林:forest
科学家:scientist 烧伤的,烧坏的:burnt 自然:nature
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自行车:bicycle(书面用语) bike(口语用的多)

二. 短语部分:
1.打电话:make a call 2. 写一封电子邮件:write an email
3.洗衣服:wash the clothes 4. 打扫房间:clean the room
5. 讲故事:tell a story 6. 唱一首歌:sing a song
7. 弹吉他:play the guitar 8. 拉小提琴:play the violin
9. 打鼓:beat the drum 10. 一个英文派对:an English party
11.为……准备:prepare for 12.等一下:hold on
13.戴着一顶滑稽的帽子:wear a funny hat
14.看图片:look at the picture 15. 谈论图片:talk about the picture
16.吃早饭have breakfast 17.去散步:go for a walk
18.所有的乐趣:all the fun 19. 马戏表演:circus show
20.木棍,木棒:wooden stick 21.爬上去,攀登:climb up
22.野兽,野生动物:wild animals 23. 骑自行车:ride a bicycle

1. Lily正在家给她的爷爷打电话。Lily is calling her grandpa at home.
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2.请稍等。 Hold on ,please。
Are you coming here with your parents this morning?
4. 今天我们都很忙。We’re all very busy today.
Dad is writing an email on the computer.
6.妈妈在洗衣服。Mum is washing the clothes.
7.你现在在做什么呢?What are you doing now?
8.我正在打扫房间。I’m cleaning the room.
9. Peter和他的同学正在为一个英语聚会做准备。
Peter and his classmates are preparing for an English party.
10.他正戴着一顶滑稽的帽子。He is wearing a funny hat.
11.他在做什么?What’s he doing?
He’s telling a story about the funny hat.
13.李燕正在做什么?What is Li Yan doing?
She’s singing a very famous English song.
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15.多么美妙的一首歌呀!What a beautiful song!
16.你在看这张图片吗?Are you looking at this picture?
17.他在看月亮吗?Is he looking at the moon?
18.她在看着太阳。She’s looking at the sun.
19.他们在做什么?What are they doing?
20.他们在谈论图片。They are talking about the picture.
21.他只是站在那儿。He is just standing there.
22.他只是在那边唱歌。He’s only singing over there.
23.我在吃早餐。I’m having my breakfast.
24.我要去公园散步。I’m going for a walk in the park.
25.我可以看到Micky站在外面。I can see Micky standing outside.
26.你想成为我的朋友吗?Do you want to be my friend?
27.李燕正在拉小提琴。Li Yan is playing the violin.
28. Tom不在弹吉他。Tom isn’t playing the guitar.
29.你不是在打电话。You aren’t making a call.
The students are listening to the teacher carefully.
31. Mary和杨明在看着他们。Mary and Yang Ming are watching them.
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32.我不这么认为。I don’t think so.
33.看画中的这个人。Look at the man in the picture.
34.他在看着太阳吗?不,他没看。Is he looking at the sun? No, he isn’t.
35. 他们互相玩。They play with each other.
36.他们寻找食物。They look for food.

Unit 6
一. 单词:
1.跑步者:runner 2.骆驼:camel 3.鹿:deer 4. 长颈鹿:giraffe
5.海豚: dolphin 6. 海豹:seal 7. 游戏,比赛:game
8. 最喜欢的:favourite 9.害怕,忧虑:fear 10.跳过,跳跃:jump
11.稀有的:rare 12.平方,广场,正方形:square 13.分享,共享:share
14.关心,顾虑:care 15.获胜,赢:win 16.冠军:champion
17.踢:kick 18.滚动,左右摇晃:roll 19.奥林匹克的:Olympic
20.竞争,比赛:competition 21.板球:cricket 22.冰球:ice hockey
23.小姐:Miss 24.女士: Ms. 25.先生:Mr 26.太太:Mrs
27.国家的,民族的:national 28.英式橄榄球:rugby
29.艰苦的,牢固的,坚强的 :tough
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1.踢足球:play football 2. 打排球:play volleyball
3.打篮球:play basketball 4. 打羽毛球:play badminton
5.打网球:play tennis 6. 打乒乓球:play ping-pong
7. 打棒球:play baseball 8.看比赛:watch the games
9.在操场上:on the playground 10.跳高:do the high jump
11.跳远:do the long jump 12.跳高: high jump
13.跳远:long jump 14.跑得快:run fast
15.遵守规则:follow the rules 16 :足部运动:foot exercise
1.我们在看比赛。 We’re watching the games.
2.男孩们正在踢足球。 The boys are playing football.
3.女孩们正在打排球。 The girls are playing volleyball.
4. 老师们正在打篮球。 The teachers are playing basketball.
Let’s go and watch the games on the playground.
6.他们打得很好。 They’re playing very well.
7.你们在做什么? What are you doing?
8.我们在打乒乓球。 We’re playing ping-pong.
9.他们在做什么?What are they doing?
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10.他们在打网球。 They’re playing tennis.
11.我最喜欢的运动是乒乓。My favourite sport is ping-pong.
12.我可以和你打羽毛球吗?Can I play badminton with you?
13.你们在看跳高吗?Are you watching the high jump?
14.他们也在跳高吗?Are they doing the high jump ,too?
15.他们在踢足球吗?Are they playing football?
16.小女孩正在跑步。The young girls are running.
17.他们跑得这么快。They’re running so fast.
18.他们都是好赛跑运动员。They’re all good runners.
The animals are watching the games over there.
20.海豹们正游得很快。The seals are swimming fast.
21.那只狗正在草地上奔跑。The dog is running on the grass.
22.海豚们正在海里游泳。The dolphins are swimming in the sea.
23.狮子们在吃什么?What are the lions eating?
23.女孩们在做什么?What are the girls doing?
24.她们在跳远。They’re doing the long jump.
25.我不这样认为。I don’t think so.
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