My name is Chen
yang. I'm twelve years old. I live on Wan Steet at
Hung Hom in Kowloon City.
My habit
is reading. I love science books best. My favorite
book is
called 'Earth In The Book'. It is
about the things which was happened on
Earth in past. My favorite food is beef. I think
it is very yummy.
I get up at 7:00a.m.
and go to bed at 10:00p.m. every day, I think
this habit is the best because I can sleep
nine hours to keep my body
healthy .
I want a pet but my mom says our home doesn't have
more places
for a pet. However, if I can have
a pet, I want a dog because I think dogs
people's good friends, they can do many things for
us, like play with
us, be a loyal friend when
we feel sad, help us take things, some dogs are
very good-looking or cute.
I have a
big family. They are my father, my mother, my two
brothers and me. My father is tall and
fat. He wears glasses. He is very
strong, as
strong as an ox. He can lift heavy things like
desk and bed.
My mother is short and
thin. She wears glasses too. She is wise like
an owl. She always can help me to solve my
problem and check my
homework. Her cook is
very good, the food which was made by her is
very yummy. I like eating the breads
My second brother is five years
old. Although he often do silly
things which
make me think he is not smart, I usually play with
him. You
know, I always win.
My third
brother was born at about two and a half months
ago. He
is so cute. Although he cried so much,
I like him.
My marks are always good. I
studied in Shang Hai before fifth
grade. When
I was fifth grade, I came to Hong Kong. First, I
studied in
SCHOOL. Then, I transfer to S.K.H.
this primary school until today. Now, I
am at
sixth grade. It is a high grade and next year, I
will go to secondary
school's first grade.
My best subject is Math but I want to be
scientist when I grow up.
Every person know,
The scientists are work with science. However, my
best objective is Math, not Science. Is it
strange? I don't think so, Every
person has
their own ideal.
My worst subject is
English but it is past. Now my English
is rise steadily. It is because I study English
hard and my mother
buy a English supplementary
course for me. The supplementary course's
teacher is very friendly. She teaches
me a lot. She's a gentle and patient
My strengths are Math, Destination
Imagination and Odyssey Mind.
I got many
I still remember that my
team's stage show which we show in the
competition. It called 'The Forest's God And
Warriors'. It is about the
people in a country
kills too many trees in the forest so the forest's
punishes them. They need to play the
forest's music and they need to find
forest's musical instrument first. If they don't,
their country will be
destroyed by monster.
They go to the island which in the mid of
sea to find the forest's
musical instrument.
Finally, they find the musical instrument and save
their country.
My role in the stage
show is the forest's god, I do my best to be this
role. I think my expression is good. Well, I
don't say I am the best. It is
because my
members' expression is good too.
On one
occasion, my primary school hold a Math race, all
in school join it. At that time, I
was fifth grade.
Do you want to know the
final result? I was the champion! Teacher
I was the school's first! I got a certificate. On
the paper, there write
'Chen yang is
the school's first' . I was so happy when I saw
certificate. I am over the moon!
In the OM competition, my team got the country's
third. However,
only the first and second can
join the world's competition. What was
If we can get more than two points, we will
become the
I think our stage
show isn't so good because although it has many
funny places, its arrange isn't well to show
in the country's competition. I
thought we
should choose a more serious stage show, I told
this to my
teacher but she didn't agree.
This is myself-introduction.