
2021年01月04日 03:53



让孩子赢在起跑线上Let the children win on the starting line. 1
I Can Speak Good English

English is an international
English is beautiful!
English is useful!
English is powerful!
I want to talk with the world!
I want to travel around the world !
I want to meet people from all over the world!
I want to everyone in my family to speak good English!
I want everyone in my hometown to speak good English!
I want everyone in China to speak good English!

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让孩子赢在起跑线上Let the children win on the starting line. 2
Let’s speak English now!
第一节: 打招呼

A: Good morning. How are you? 早上好,你好吗?
B: I’m OK. How about you?我很好。你怎么样?
A: I’m great . Today is my birthday.我很好。今天是我的生日。
B: Wow! Happy Birthday! 哇!生日快乐!
A: Hi, how are you? 嗨,你好吗?
B: Great. 棒极了。
A:How are you , Teacher Chen? 陈老师,您好吗?
B: I’m fine. Thanks for asking. 我很好。谢谢你的关心。
How are you today? 你今天怎么样?
A: I’m great. Teacher Chen. 我很好,陈老师。
B: I’m glad to hear that. 听你这么说我很高兴。
A: Hi, Dad. How are you ? 嗨, 爸爸,你好吗?
B: I’m a little tired. How are you , son?
A: So-so. 一般般。
A: Hi, Grandpa. How are you? 嗨, 爷爷,你好吗?
B: Pretty good. How about you ? 不错。你呢?
A: I’m really happy today. 我今天非常高兴。
B: Why? 为什么呢?
A: I don’t have any homework. 我没有家庭作业。
A: Hi, Uncle Li, how are you ? 嗨,李叔叔,你好吗?
B: Supper. I got a raise and bought a new car today.
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好极了。我涨了工资, 今天刚买了一辆新车。
A: Hi! What’s up? 嗨,最近好吗?
B: Not much. How about you? 一般般。你怎么样?
A: Same. Nothing new. 跟你一样。没什么新鲜的。
A: What’s up, Dad? 爸爸,你怎么样?
B: Nothing. What’s up with you, kid? 没什么。你呢?孩子?
A: It was a bad day. I lost my bike. 今天真不走运,我丢了自行车。
B: But I just bought it for you last week!
A: What’s up , John? 约翰,有什么事?
B: I’m on my way to a party. Want to go?
A: What’s up , Kim? 金姆,最近好吗?
B: Same old thing. 老样子。
A: How is your teacher? 你的老师好吗?
B: She is fine. 她很好。
A: How is your mom?你妈妈好吗?
B: My mom is OK. 我妈妈不错。
A: How is your grandpa? 你爷爷好吗?
B: He is great. He will be sixty soon. 他很好。他快60岁了。
I love him. 我喜欢他。
A: How’re your parents? 你父母好吗?
B: They are fine. Thank you. 他们挺好的,谢谢。
A: How’re the kids? 孩子们好吗?
B: They’re great. 很好。
A: How is school? 你的学校怎样?
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B: Boring.没意思。
A: How is Guangzhou? 广州市怎么样?
B: It’s really hot. 很热。
A:How’s it going? 过得怎么样?
B: Pretty good. How about you ? 不错。你呢?
A: Super. Where are you going? 很好。你到哪里去?
B: I’m going home. I have a lot of homework to do.
A:That’s too bad. 真不幸。
I’m going to my friend’s house for a party. Can you come?
B: Maybe next time. 下次吧。
A: How’s it going , Dad? 爸爸,一切还好吗?
B: It’s going great. 一切都好。
A: How’s it going, Miss Lee? 李小姐,一切都好吗?
B: Very well. Thanks. 非常好。谢谢。
A: How’s it going , Jimmy? 吉米,一切还好吗?
B: Not too good! I’m big trouble. 不太好!我遇到麻烦了。
A: What’s wrong? 怎么回事?
B: I flunked.我考试不及格。
A: Hi, Mom. I’m home.妈妈,我到家了。
B: Hi, dear, how was your day? 宝贝,你今天过得怎么样?
A: Not bad. How was your day, Mom?
B: Busy as usual. 跟往常一样忙。
A: Where is Dad? 爸爸在哪里?
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B: He is still at work. 他还在工作。
A: When is dinner? 什么时候吃饭?
B: About an hour. Go practice your English!
A: Hi, Dad, I’m back.
B: Hi, son. How was school?
A: Pretty good. How was your day?
B: Pretty busy.

01.我丢了自行车。 I lost my bike.
02.我要去参加一个舞会。 I’m on my way to a party.
03.你的老师好吗? How is your teacher?
04.她很好。 She is fine.
05. 爸爸在哪里? Where is Dad?
06.你过得怎么样? How was your day?
07.我非常为你骄傲! I’m very pround of you!
08.你非常有天分!You’ve very talented!
你有很多天分!You have a lot of talent!
09.你真是聪明!You’re so smart!
10.你真是很特别。You’re very special.
11.你很勇敢。You’ve very brave.
12.那才是我的好孩子。 That’s my boygirl.
13.继续好好干。 Keep up the good work.
14. 他得了重感冒。 He has a bad cold.
15.我喜欢他。 I love him.
16.你到哪里去? Where are you going ?
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I’m going to my friend’s house for a party.
18.一切还好吗?How’s it going?
19.一切都还好。It’s going great.
20.我到家了。 I’m home.
21.我回来了。 I’m back.
22.什么时候吃饭?When is dinner?
23. 你做得对!That was the right to do.
24.你是个好孩子。You’re a good boygirl.
25.别害羞!尽管去尝试! Don’t be shy! Just try!
26.尝试,尝试,永远不要气馁! Try, try,k never say die!
27.让我们坐飞机到中国去。 Let’s fly to China.
28.我爱吃炸薯条。 I like to eat French fries.
29.你会骑自行车吗? Can you ride a bike?
30.你为什么笑? Why are you smiling?
31.我不介意。I don’t mind.
32. 别哭!擦干眼泪,笑起来!Don’t cry! Dry your eyes and smile !
33. 我喜欢中国的生活方式。I like the Chinese lifestyle.
34.多让我惊喜啊!What a nice surprise!
35.我们能否试着节省时间? Can we try to save the time?
Would you like to go ice skating with me tonight?
37.我很好。I’m cool.
38.真酷!That’s cool.
39.你今天看上去真酷!You look cool today!
40. 我撞到头了! I hit my head!
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41.多糟的一天啊! What a day!
42.我要迟到了! I’m late!
43.我的早餐在哪里? Where is my breakfast?
44.我等不及了。I can’t wait!
45.我不能太急躁了!I can’t fuss!
46.汽车来了!There’s the bus!
47.车走了。It’s gone.
48.我爱我的家人。I love my family.
49. 放松!冷静点! Cool it Relax Calm down Take it easy!
50. 我们在一起很快乐。We’re all very happy together.
51.我每天早上在公园里跑步。I run in the park every morning.
52.你今天看起来很不错。You look nice today.
53.你是个好朋友。You are a good friend.
54.她喜欢卡通片。She likes cartoons.
55.我姐姐比我高。My sister is taller than me.
56.我们星期六去看电影。We go to the movies on Saturdays.
57.他们住在乡下。They live in the countryside.
58. 孩子们有了新玩具车很高兴。
The kids are very happy with the new toy car.
59.我们看英文电影吧! Let’s watch a movie in English.
That will help you with your English listening.
61.我可受不了他。I can’t stand him.
Let me tell you about my family.
63.广州是个激动人心的城市。Guangzhou is an exciting city.
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64.我爸爸是个商人。My father is a businessman.
65. 我的妈妈是个老师。My mother is a teacher.
66. 她很喜欢她的学生。She loves her students.
67.我祖父母已经退休了。My grandparents are retired.
68.我是个好学生。 I’m a good student.
69.我真的很喜欢英文和中文。I really like English and Chinese.
I hope to become computer expert when I grow up.
I’ll have to study hard to make this dream come true.

Part 2 Top Ten Praises Parents Have to Learn

1. 我非常为你骄傲。We are very proud of you.
2. 妈妈非常为你骄傲。Mommy’s proud of you.
3. 我们非常为你骄傲。I’m very proud of you!
4. 你非常有天份!You’re have a lot of talent!
5. 你有很多天份!You’re very talented!
6. 你真是聪明!You’re so smart!
7. 你是最好的!You’re the best!
8. 你真是很特别。You’re very special.
9. 你很勇敢。You’re very brave.
那才是我的好孩子!That’s my boygirl.
继续好好干。Keep up the good work.
你做得对。That was the right thing to do.
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第三部分: 彻底掌握一个发音[ai]
Part 3 An Important Sound -[ai]

01. 别害羞!尽管去尝试!Don’t be shy! Just try!
02.尝试,尝试,永远不要气馁!Try, try, never say die!
03.让我们坐飞机到中国去。Let’s fly to China.
04.我爱吃炸薯条。I like to eat French fries.
05.你会骑自行车吗? Can you ride a bike?
06.你为什么笑? Why are you smiling?
07.我不介意。 I don’t mind.
08.高高的天空白云飘。White clouds fly by, high in the sky.
09. 别哭!擦干眼泪,笑起来!Don’t cry! Dry your eyes and smile!
10.我喜欢中国的生活方式。I like the Chinese lifestyle.
I ride my bicycle to the drycleaners.
12.我非常喜欢冰淇淋。I’m excited about ice cream.
I’d like to write a story about a kind, polite child.
Tonight, I might go see the bright lights of the big city.
15.夜晚美丽宁静。It’s nice and quiet at night.
16.多让人惊喜啊!What a nice surprise!
17.就像野火一样蔓延开来。It spread like wild-fire.
The spider spied a fly flying by.
19.我们能否试着节省时间?Can we try to save the time?
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Would you like to go ice skating with me tonight?

A: Star light, star bright, 星儿明,星儿亮。
First star I see tonight, 今晚我看见第一颗星在闪光。
I wish I may I wish I might, 我希望我能够,
Have the wish I wish tonight.实现我今晚的愿望。

B: Books I think are very nice. 我认为书本非常奇妙。
Through books you live 通过书,你不仅活一次,
not once but twice.还能再活第二遍。
Onions make me cry. 洋葱让我流眼泪。
I cannot tell you why. 我却说不出为什么。
They burn my little eyes. 他们刺痛了我的小眼睛。
Perhaps that’s why I cry. 也许这就是我哭的原因。

One, two, three, four, five, 一,二,三,四,五,
Once I caught a fish alive. 我曾经捉过一条活鱼。
Six , seven, eight, nine, ten. 六,七,八,九,十,
Then I let it go again. 然后我又把它放了。
Why did you let it go? 你为什么把它放了?
Cause it bit my finger so. 因为它咬了我的手指。
Which finger did it bite? 它咬了哪只手指?
The little finger on the right. 右手的小指。
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Andrew’s Note:
American youth are often familiar with rhymes like these.
From a young age, children recite things like this to amuse
themselves. Practicing them helps your pronunciation, and
they are easy to remember because of their simple rhymes
and fun, bouncy rhythms.
美国的年轻人对这样的小诗都很熟悉。从小时候起,孩子 们背诵
单元韵律和活泼有趣 的节奏,易于记忆。
Dreams 梦想
Hold fast to dreams 紧紧地抓住梦想
For if dreams go 因为一旦梦想消失
Life is a barren field 人生犹如一片茺原
Frozen with snow 终年雪地冰天

第四部分 让我们学一首小诗
Part 4 A Poem : When I was a Child

When I was a child, 当我还是孩童,
Storybooks were true. 故事书都如此真实。
And everything I saw and felt, 我看到,感觉到的每事每物,
Was wonderful and new. 都美好而新奇。
When I was a child, 当我还是孩童,
I’d talk with all my toys. 我会与我所有的玩具交谈。
And live in worlds of make- believe, 生活在幻想的世界中,
Like other girls and boys. 就像其他女孩和男孩。
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When I was a child, 当我还是孩童,
Dinosaurs weren’t dead. 恐龙都没有灭亡。
But were very much alive; 它们栩栩如生,
They lived inside my head. 生活在我的脑海中。

When I was a child, 当我还是孩童,
The full moon was a face, 满月就是一张脸,
Smiling down upon the world, 从遥远的太空,
From far away in space. 对着世界微笑。

When I was a child, 当我还是孩童,
The new moon was a ship, 新月就像一条船,
Slowly sailing in the sky, 慢慢地在空中遨游,
Upon its monthly trip. 进行它每月一次的旅程。

When I was a child, 当我还是孩童,
I’d journey to the stars, 我愿意前往星星,
Imagining what life was like, 想像木星和火星上,
On Jupiter and Mars. 生活是哪般模样。

When I was a child, 当我还是孩童,
My mind was fresh and free, 我的头脑清新又自由;
And I know it can be again, 我知道在诗歌的世界里,
In the world of poetry. 一切又可以重新来过。

Andrew’s Note:
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Childhood is a wonderful time because the imagination is
so fertile. But growing up doesn’t have to mean that your
imagination dies. Poetry is one of life’s great pleasures
because it has the power to evoke one’s childhood. Reading
poems like this one gives you a chance to practice your
English and recapture a childlike sense of wonder!
并不意味着你 的想像力消失了。诗歌是人生中重要的乐趣之一,因为
它能唤起人们童年的记忆。读上面这样一首诗给你 提供了练习英语的

第五部分 让我们学习一个重要的单词
Part 5 A Useful World —Cool

1. I’m cool. 我很好。
A: Are you all right?你好吗?
B: Yeah, I’m cool. 相当于I’m OK. 是啊,我很好。
2. That’s cool. 真酷。
A: I went go the pop concert last night. 我昨晚去音乐会了。
B: That’s cool. Who was playing? 真酷。演出的是谁啊?
3. You look cool today! 你今天看上去真酷!
A: You look cool today in that jacket!
B: Thanks of saying so. My mom bought it for me.
4.He’s a cool guy. 他是个很帅的家伙。
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A: What do you think of Ricky Martin? 你觉得瑞奇.马丁怎么样?
B: He’s a cool guy. I’m crazy about him.
5. That’s a real cool toy car. 这个玩具车真是太棒了。
A: That’s a real cool toy car. 这个玩具真是太棒了。
B: Thanks. You can play with it if you like.
6. That’s not cool. 那并不酷。
A: Don’t you think it’s cool to smoke? 你不觉得抽烟很酷吗?
B: Come on! You know that’s not cool. 算了吧。你知道那并不酷。
7. I got a cool one-hundred yuan for the Spring Festival !
A: Why are you so happy? 你为什么这么高兴呀?
B: I got a cool one- hundred yuan for Spring Festival !
8. It’s cool with me.= It’s OK with me.我没问题。
A: Is it OK if I borrow your book? 我能借你的书吗?
B: It’s cool with me. 没问题。
9. Father lost his cool at dinner when I talked back to him.
A: Father lost his cool at dinner when I talked back to him.
B: Oh-oh! What did you do ? 哦,你做什么?
10. If we keep our cool, there will be no problem.
A: What are we going to do?我们要做些什么?
B: If we keep our cool, there will be no problem.
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11. Cool it !=Relax Calm down Take it easy!放松!冷静点!
A: I’m so mad. I think I’m going to start a fight.
B: Cool it! You’ll get all of us in trouble.
12. Cool off before I do something you won’t like.
A: Cool off before I do something you won’t like.
B: Like what, tough guy?

第六部分 怎样描述发生了的事
Part 6 How to Describe What Happened

描述发生在你身上的一事情,这 不但是一个练习英语的绝好机会,还
A Bad, Bad Day糟糕的一天
Hurry! Hurry! Out of bed! 快!快!快起床!
Hurry! 快点!
Ouch, I hit my head! 哇,我撞到了头!
Out of my window I see gray. 窗外是灰灰的天空。
What a day! 什么天气呀!
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A bad, bad day! 真是糟糕的一天!
Hurry! Hurry! I’m late! 快!快!我要迟到了!
Where is my breakfast? 我的早餐在哪里?
I can’t wait! 我等不及了。
I spilled my breakfast! 早餐给我洒了。
I can’t fuss! 我不能太急躁!
Hurry! Hurry! There’s the bus! 快!快!汽车来了!
Oops! Too late! It’s gone! 哎呀!太迟了!车走了!
We must take the car. 我们坐小车去吧!
What a day! 什么日子呀!
But at last, I got a star! 不过,最后我得了颗五角星。
I love my family. 我爱我的家人。
I run in the park every morning. 我每天早上在公园里跑步。
You look nice today. 你今天看起来很不错。
You are a good friend. 你是个好朋友。
He plays basketball well. 他篮球打得很好。
My father works for IBM.我爸爸在IBM公司工作。
She likes cartons. 她喜欢卡通片。
My sister is taller than me.我姐姐比我高。
We go to the movies on Saturdays.我们星期六去看电影。
My family and I get together on Sundays.
They live in the countryside. 他们在乡下。
The kids are very happy with the new toy car.

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第八部分 关于电影的经典对话
Part 8 A Classis Dialogue about Movies

Mrs. Li: Andy, what are you up to this Sunday?
Andy: Nothing, Mom. Why? 没什么,妈妈。什么事?
Mrs. Li: Well, Mrs. Wang and I decided to take you and Mike to
the movies. 哦,王太太和我决定带你和迈克看电影。
Andy: Cool. Which theater are we going to ?
Mrs. Li: We’ve going to meet them at the Guangming Theater.
Andy: Okay. What movie are we going to see?
Mrs. Li: Let’s watch a movie in English. That will help you with
your English listening. 好吧。我们看什么电影呢?
: Let’s watch a movie in English. That will help you with
your English listening.我们看英文电影吧。这样有助于你英文听力。
Andy: That’s true, but even the movies in English have
Chinese subtitles.那倒是,但即使是英文电影也有中文字幕。
Mrs. Li: Well, you’ll just have to not read them. OK?
Andy: OK. What movies are we going to see?
Mrs. Li: How about The Beach? 《海滩》怎么样?
Andy: The Beach? Isn’t Leonardo DiCaprio in that?
Mrs. Li: Yes, he sure is. Isn’t he handsome?
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Andy: Handsome? He looks like a girl. I can’t stand him.
Mrs. Li: I thought he was handsome in Titanic.
Andy: He was stupid in Titanic. 他在《泰坦尼克》里傻傻的。
He’s so skinny, just like a little girl.他真是皮包骨,像个小女孩。
Mrs. Li: Okay, we can see something else. How about Rush
Hour 2?
Andy: That’s better. Jackie Chan is in that movie.
He is so cool, and I admire his Chinese Kung Fu.
He doesn’t look like a girl at all.
Mrs. Li: Yes, Jackie Chan certainly is a real man.
Great, then we’ll watch Rush Hour 2.
Andy: Thanks, Mom. You’re the greatest.

第十部分 从小必须脱口而出的演讲
Part 10 A Speech One Has to Blurt Out in Childhood

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每个人都会有自己的故事,在聚会地场合,你可能需要做一个 小
准备了一个经典的演讲, 可以让你在各种需要介绍自己的场合自如地
Hi, everybody, My name is William. You can call me Willy. I’m
ten years old.
Let me tell you about my family.
There are five people in my family: my grandfather,
grandmother, father, mother, and me. We are not very rich,
but we are a happy family. We live in Guangzhou. Guangzhou
is an exciting city.
但我们是快乐的一家。我们住在广州 。广州是个激动人心的城市。
My father is a businessman. He’s very busy all the time. He
often comes home late. Sometimes he goes away on
My mother is a teacher. She loves her students and spends a
lot of time with them. Of course, they both love me very much,
too. They talk with me and do things with me whenever they
have time.
然,他们两人都很爱我。一有时间 ,他们就跟我聊天,和我一起做事。
My grandparents are retired. They work out every
Yasi English Family Education Center

让孩子赢在起跑线上Let the children win on the starting line. 20
morning in the park. For the rest of the day, they read books,
watch TV, play cards, and cook for the family. They are both
good cooks. I always enjoy the meals they make for us.
As for me, I’m a good student. I really like English and
Chinese. I’m good with computers, and I like to play video
games after class. I hope to become a computer expert when
I grow up. I’ll have to study hard to make this dream come
得很好, 下了课我就喜欢打打游戏。我希望长大后能成为一名电脑专
I love my family. 我家我的家人。
We’re all very happy together. 我们在一起很快乐。
This is Willy’s story. You have your own story, too, and
this new book gives you all the tools you need to share that
story with others in English. Parents and children alike can
use this material to speak with confidence, knowing that it is
authentic American English. Start blurting out your story
你所需 要的所有的材料,你可以用英语与别人分享你的故事了。父母
和孩子们一样,可以用这份资料充满信心地 讲英语,因为这是绝对纯
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