
2021年01月05日 01:11



一.a e i o u 的短音
Aa: an am at fat has and bag cap cat hat fat sad had ran pan can
man back that thank happy stand black panda family dragon
apple have Maths animal grandma grandpa blackboard banana
apple parrot animal carry rang stand matter catch
Ee: leg get bed yes red ten help hello desk seven eleven twelve pen pencil
elephant tennis present dress west
Ii: is it in his six bit city this big ship thin skip fish milk sing
give windy animal swim dinner winter animal biscuit children
chopsticks difficult drink dumpling fifteen fifty hill kid listen little live
picture Pink sixteen sixty swim visit win winner sit give wind with skip
miss chick finish finger family sister policemen
Oo:ox on of not dog on hot got box doll doctor body song
pop project stop orange clock frog from lost sorry box hot lost drop cross
bottle coffee shopping
Uu:up bus mum bump lunch summer sunny under run running
luck dumpling hundred hungry jump jumping much mum just hurry

二、a e i o u 的长音
Aa: name day cake lake plane lake make left let letter men next birthday ate
bake game place met well sell bell tell best when them secret smell same
Ee:she he me

Ii: fine nine kite driver bike like nice ride rice time right alright bedtime
china Chinese life like night nineteen ninety ride write nice wide ice(cream)
mine line tired blind climb smile
Oo:home hello old no nose go so home those kilo hold
Uu: pupil
Yy: my by fly July shy why sky
Yy: many happy family body fifty forty gently hungry January merrily ninety
party scary seventy sixty sorry thirty twenty carry city naughty many city
thirsty only hurry lovely ready really angry every
四、元音组ai ay ee ea ie igh oa ow ui ue的发音规则
ai:again rainbow Straight train wait
2. ay:birthday say play today day today May Monday Tuesday Wednesday
Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday yesterday
ee:green three greeting knee tree weekend sleep thirteen fourteen
fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen sweets agree need cheese wheel
coffee feel
ea: please teacher meat eat sea read dream stream east speak tea team
clean cream
igh: high light right
oa:coat road boat
ow:yellow window snow row tomorrow

ui: fruit juice
ue: blue

五、元音组ou ow oi oy aw oo oo ea的发音规则
ou: mouth about house count south
ow:how down
oi: point voice
oy:boy toy
aw: draw
oo:too food afternoon school classroom noodles cool
oo:book look good goodbye foot look football cook took
ea:head breakfast sweater bread deaf ready
六、ar er ir ur or 的发音
ar: arm farmer car art farm argue park supermarket park far march party
er: tiger dinner winter sweater teacher mother father sister brother
driver farmer

afternoon winner supermarket letter September October
November December clever river weather better yesterday fever matter
ir: skirt T-shirt bird girl birthday first thirsty
ur: nurse

or:short orange for sport for north morning
七、辅音字母b c d f g h j k l m n p qu r s t v w x y z的发音
b:big bike basketball banana bag bird birthday black blackboard blue body
book boy brother boat bread bed ball better bump bit back badly bake

before bell best blind bored bottle box
c:cold coat cat cap cake colour classroom camel can clothes come cook count call
carry clever cloudy cold cool curl cute picnic careful catch class clean climb cloud
coffee community control cross
d:doll desk dog door down desk doctor dark day December difficult down
dumpling careful catch class clean climb cloud coffee community control cross
f:favourite fly fat football fish foot fine four five family father farmer finger
far fast February fifteen fifty flute fly for forty fourteen friend frog from fruit
face fair fall far fever first fantastic farm feel feeling finish firemen fly food
forget wonderful careful useful deaf before grandfather
g:get go girl good green goodbye grandpa grandma greeting get good gently
August game give goalkeeper grandfather argue programme playground angry
h:hand happy hat he head hello help his how he his how hat her
head here hand help hello happy high hill homework hooray house hundred
hungery hair happen headache help hen him holiday homework hop hope
horrible housework had hand hear hers his hold home hot how hurry
j:jack jecket join jump juice just
k:kite kiss kid kangaroo kid look park lake drink make cook pink supermarket
l:lion like lake leg little look black family policeman eleven English lake left let
letter life light like listen little live long look lost love low luck lady large last laugh
learn little long line lost lovely list
m:monkey mum milk Maths my me many mother mouth morning Ms Mr. me
make man march may men merrily metre much man many me meet much

manners matter met mine miss moon mountain mum
n: no not name nine nose nice no not now name nine nose nurse
number near next nice night nineteen ninety number November nice need
north nose
p:pass pear pen pencil panda please pupil policeman point present purple pan
park parrot party people picture pink plane play point purple put piano picnic
pop place
qu:quiet queen
r: ride rice red rainbow : read ride right road roar row run running rather ride
right river robot rule everything agree carry ran rang ready really round
s:song small swim skip sleep summer snow say sit six school seven
sister stand scary sea see September seventeen seventy sixteen sixty so some
sorry soup sport station stone straight stream sweets swim same size so south
speak start stop sad sausage say sell sent sit skip sky smell smile stand sunshine
t:tiger table tennis today to ten to toe too teacher talk today
together tomorrow turn take stop tea team tell took
v:very vet van vug visit very voice clever river fever everything
w: watch weekend winter want wash welcome win winner watermelon wait wall
wear well wind with won wonderful word work world
weather west wet wide worse homework housework
x: six sixty sixteen next box
y: yes yellow your you

z: zoo
八、辅音字母组合Ch tch sh wh ph th th kn wr ck tr dr的发音
ch:Chinese chair teacher chess children china Chinese chopsticks chick change
cheese chick
tch:watch catch share
sh:ship short shirt she shoulder English shoe shoulder
wh:what when white where wheat why when
wh: whoops who
wr: write
ph: phone
th:thin Maths thank three birthday mouth thing think thirteen thirty north
think thirsty north south
th: the that them this brother father mother the clothes than then
kn: know knee
ck: clock black blackboard chopsticks luck back chick
tr:tree train
dr:dress driver dragon draw dream drink drop

九、字母组合air ear are air ere ear的发音

ear: ear dear hear

are: care share

chair hair fair
ere:here where there







