
2021年01月05日 01:43



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1. 掌握小学课本里所有的单词和短语;
2. 熟记下面300个单词和短语
我的my 名字name 时钟clock 好的;令人愉快的nicee 遇见;相逢meet 你;你们
you 你的;你们的your 他的his 她的her 问题;难题;询问;疑问question 看;
望;看起来look 回答;答复;答案answer 第一的first 最后的;上一个的last 姓
氏family namelast name 名字namefirst name 男孩boy 女孩girl 零zero 一one
二two 三three 四four 五five 六six 七seven 八eight 九nine 十ten 十一eleven
十二twelve 十三thirteen 十四 fourteen 十五fifteen十六sixteen 十七seventeen 十八
eighteen 十九nineteen 二十twenty 三十thirty 电话telephonephone 数;数字number 电
话号码phonetelephone number 它it 卡;卡片card 身份证ID card 家;家庭family
这;这个this 铅笔pencil 钢笔pen 书book 橡皮;铅笔擦eraser 尺;直尺ruler
箱;盒;橱case 铅笔盒;文具盒pencil case 双肩背包backpack 卷笔刀;铅笔刀pencil
sharpener 字典;词典dictionary 那;那个that 原谅;宽恕 excuse 感谢 thank
英语;英文English 拼写spell 棒球baseball 手表watch 电脑;电子计算机computer
游戏game 电子游戏computer game 钥匙key 笔记本notebook 环;戒指ring 打
电话call 遗失lost 找回found 失物招领lost and found 请please 学校school
一套;一副a set of
姐;妹sister 妈妈;母亲mother 爸爸;父亲father 父亲或母亲parent 兄;弟brother
祖母;外祖母grandfather 祖父;外祖父grandfather 朋友friend 祖父(母);外祖父
(母)grandparent 那些those 这些these 她she 他he 姨母;姑母;伯母;婶母;
舅母aunt 儿子son 堂(表)兄弟;堂(表)姐妹cousin 女儿daughter 叔;伯;
舅;姨夫;姑父uncle 照片;图画picture 为……而感谢thanks for 照片;相片photo

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这里;在这里here 在哪里where 桌子desk 床bed 梳妆台dresser 书橱;书柜
bookcase 沙发sofa 椅子chair 抽屉drawer
植物plant 在……下under 他们they 知道;了解know 数学math 闹钟alarm
录像;视频video 录音带tape 录像带video tape 帽子hat 拿走;带到take 东西;
物thing 拿来;取来;带来bring 需要need 地板;地面floor 英式足球soccer 网
球tennis 网球拍tennis racket 排球volleyball 篮球basketball 听起来 sound 运动
sport 俱乐部club 有趣的;令人感兴趣的interesting 无聊的;令人生厌的boring 有
趣的;令人愉快的fun 困难的difficult 轻松的relaxing 看电视watch TV 美妙的;
大的great 收藏品;收集物collection 只;仅仅only 每一;每个 every
喜欢like 香蕉banana 汉堡包 hamburger 西红柿tomato 花椰菜 broccoli 炸马铃
薯条;薯条French fries 橙子orange 冰 ice 奶油;乳脂cream 冰淇淋ice cream 沙
拉salad 草莓strawberry 梨pear 食物food 苹果 apple 胡萝卜carrot 鸡;鸡肉
chicken 早餐breakfast 午餐lunch 晚餐;正餐dinner 水果fruit 蔬菜vegetable
奔跑者runner 吃 eat 跑;奔跑run 星星;明星 star 大量;许多lots of 健康的healthy
(饭后的)甜食 dessert 清单list 家具(总称)furniture 人,人民people 空白 blank
交谈;谈话conversation 另外的人(物)other 也;亦;并且also
(价钱)多少how much 裤子pants 短袜sock 男衬衫;衬衫shirt T恤衫 T-shirt
短裤 shorts 毛衣sweater 鞋shoe 裙子 skirt 出售;廉价销售sale 元(美国、加拿
大等国的货币单位,符号为$$)dollar 色;颜色color 黑色(的)black 白色(的)white
红色(的)red 绿色(的)green 蓝色(的)blue 黄色(的)yellow 大的;广大的
big 小的;小号的 small 短的;矮的short 长的long (银行、办公室、商店等的)
职员;办事员 clerk 帮助;援助 help 想要 want 给你。Here you are. 不客气。You’re

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welcome. 例子;实例 example 衣服;服装clothes 商店 store 来;来到 come 购买;
买 buy 很;非常;颇very 价格price 每个 each 任何人 anyone 负担得起;买得起
afford 看见see 卖;销售sell 看一看;看一眼have a look 廉价出售;出售on sale 抱
(疑问副词)什么时候;何时when 生日birthday 月;月份month 一月;正月January
二月February 三月March 四月April 五月 May 六月June 七月July 八月
August 九月September 十月October 十一月November 十二月December 第十
tenth 第四fourth 第十五fifteenth 第二 second 第三third 第五 fifth 第六 sixth
第七seventh 第八 eighth 第九ninth 第十一eleventh 第十二twelfth 第十三
thirteenth 第十四fourteenth 第十六sixteenth 第十七seventeenth 第十八 eighteenth
第十九 nineteenth 第二十twentieth 第三十thirtieth 日期date 生日快乐!Happy
birthday! 出生;出世;诞生birth 年龄;年纪age 多大年纪how old 演说;讲演
speech 竞争;竞赛;比赛contest 旅途;观光旅行(常指短程)trip 学校庆祝日 School
Day 艺术;美术;艺术品 art (音乐、芭蕾舞、戏剧等之)节;节日 festival 中文;中
国人Chinese 音乐 music 年year
去看电影go to a movie 动作片 action movie 喜剧comedy 纪录片documentary 恐怖
电影或小说thriller 种类 kind 京剧 Beijing Opera 寻找;查找 find 可怕的;吓人的
scary 有趣的;好玩的 funny 令人激动的;振奋人心的 exciting 学习;学会 learn 历
史 history 最喜爱的 favorite 演员actor 成功的successful 周末 weekend 吉他
guitar 参加;加入join 跳舞;舞蹈 dance 游泳 swim 唱;唱歌 sing 国际象棋chess
画画 paint 鼓drum 钢琴 piano 喇叭 trumpet 小提琴 violin 音乐家;擅长音乐的人
musician 摇滚乐 rock 乐队band 电子邮件e-mailemail

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I.1. B 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. A
II. 1. aren’t in 2. Is, under 3. Where are 4. it is 5. they aren’t
III. 1---5: CBDBC 6 ---10: BDABA
IV. 1. Rick Miller Rick found a set of keys. 2. Yes, he does.
3. It’s His phone number is 298-5671. 4. I can call 678-8934.
5. I can go to the Lost and Found Case.
V. My name is Wang Peng. I like sports very much. I have a football. My friends and I often play
football after school. I think playing football is relaxing. I like watching football games on TV. I
am a football fan.

I. 1. C 2. D 3. A 4. D 5. B
II. 1. don’t like 2. he doesn’t 3. has breakfast 4. Does play 5. Let’s play
III. 七、1—5 A B C D C 6—10 A B C D A
IV. 1.He likes to eat in a restaurant.
2.He often eats a hamburger and potato chips.
3.Yes,they do.
4.They often ask him,“Why do you like to eat here? ”
5.He says,“Because I like the toys here. ”
My favourite food
I have three meals a day. They are breakfast, lunch and supper. For breakfast. I like coffee
and chicken. I have hamburger, cola, French fries for lunch. For supper, my favourite food is salad,
vegetables, meat and broccoli dessert.

I. 1. B 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. C
II. 1. doesn’t like 2. Do, have 3. What do 4. they do 5. Look at
III. 1-5、C A D C B 6-10、A A D D D
IV. 1. He likes eating fish very much.
2. Sam’s wife and her friends eat the fish that day.
3. It weighs one kilo.
4. Sam’s wife gives him some bread for supper.
5. Maybe he knows they eat up the fish.
V. Fashion Clothes Store
Please come to Fashion Clothes Store. The things here are nice and cheap. Do you need
school bags? We have school bags in all colors at $$28 each. Do you like red sports bags in all
colors for $$38? Do you want T-shirts? We have red T-shirts for just $$18! And that’s not all!
Socks ,in all colors, are $$2, the pants are $$58 and the hats are only $$5. They are in all colors.
Welcome to Fashion Clothes Store!

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I. 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. D
II. 1. don’t have 2. Do, they 3. your age 4. When, play 5. he doesn’t
III. 1-5 A B D D B 6-10 B B A C D
IV. 1. It’s on February 16th. 2. It’s 890621.
3. She starts her party at 4:30. 4. She has her party at Flat 3A, Dong Dan Building.
5. Her family name is White.
V. My English teacher
William Brown was born on November 12th. He is 24 years old. He is from America. He is
my English teacher. He likes playing basketball. His favourite food is chicken and hamburgers. He
likes blue best.

I. 1. D 2. A 3. D 4. A 5. A
II. 1. Does, like 2. When is 3. don’t want 4. Who is 5. What’s, price
IV. 1. 1.The name of the movie is Cape Fear. 2.She wants two tickets.
3.She sees the movie at six o’clock.. 4.They are fifteen pounds.
5.It’s 65423857920.
V. My name is Bob. I am 12 years old. My birthday is on December 4 th. I like football. I play
football with my friends at noon every day. My favorite kind of movie is action movies. I think
they’re exciting. Jet Li is my favorite movie star. Shaolin Temple is my favorite movie.







