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阅读新题型附在 117 页 19942006 Unit
Passage 1 The American economic system
is organized
around a basically private-
enterprise, market-oriented
economy in which
consumers largely determine what shall be
produced by spending their money in the
marketplace for those
goods and services that
they want most. Private businessmen.
to make profits, produce these goods and services
competition with other businessmen; and the
profit motive,
operating under competitive
pressures, largely determines how
these goods
and services are produced. Thus, in the American
economic system it is the demand of individual
coupled with the desire of
businessmen to maximize profits and
the desire
of individuals to maximize their incomes, that
together determine what shall be produced and
how resources are
used to produce it. An
important factor in a
1 2
market-oriented economy is the
mechanism by which consumer
demands can be
expressed and responded to by producers. In the
American economy, this mechanism is provided
by a price system,
a process in which prices
rise and fall in response to relative
of consumers and supplies offered by
If the product is in short
supply relative to the demand, the
price will
be bid up and some consumers will be eliminated
the market. If, on the other hand,
producing more of a commodity
results in
reducing its cost, this will tend to increase the
supply offered by seller-producers. which in
turn will lower
the price and permit more
consumers to buy the product. Thus,
price is
the regulating mechanism in the American economic
system. The important factor in a private-
economy is that individuals are
allowed to own productive
resources (private
property), and they are permitted to hire
labor, gain control over natural resources,
and produce goo...