
2021年01月08日 04:17




基础全练全测 一、 【三会词汇】读一读,写出汉语意思。(46 分)
1window'w?nd??________ 2.boardb??d________ 3.lightla?t________ 4.picture'p?kt??________
5.doord??________ 6.floorfl??________ 7classroom'klɑ?sr?m________
8.computerk?m'pju?t?________ 9.teacher's desk________ 10.wallw??l________ 11.fanf?
n________ 12.in?n________ 13.the? ?________ 14.wewi?________ 15.haveh? v________
16.newnju?________ 17.goɡ??________ 18.wherewe?________ 19.youju?________
xK b 1 .Com
20.memi?________ 21.whatw?t________ 22.look at________ 23.seesi?________ 二、 【二
会词汇】给单词或短语选择正确的汉语意思。(30 分) ( ) ( ) ( )ate ( ) a look
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) idea ( ) right ( ) job A.干得好 B.好主意 C.座位
D.许多的 E.同学 F.好吧;好的 G.看一看 H.我们的 I.打扫;清洁;擦干净的 J.在??
的旁边 三、 【重点句子】给下面的句子选择正确的汉语翻译。(24 分) ( ) is my 's
big. ( ) picture is green. ( ) board is black. ( ) have 6 new lights. ( )'s go and have a
look. ( )'s near the door. ( ) the window. ( ) me clean the classroom. A.我们有六盏新灯。
B.图画是绿色的。 C.让我们去看一看吧。 D.这是我的教室。它很大。 E.打开窗户。 F.让
我来打扫教室吧。 G.它在门旁边。 H.这块写字板是黑色的。 综合全练全测 听力部分(40 分)
一、听音,写出所听字母的大小写形式。(10 分)

二、听音,选出你所听到的句子。(15 分) ( )1.A.I am OK. B.I am a boy. C.I am a student. ( )
floor is green. B.The floor is blue. C.The floor is
第 2 页 共 35 页

white. ( ) nice! B.It's nice. C.What a nice! ( ) is my classroom. B.This is my bag.
C. This is my desk. ( )'s clean the room. B.Let's clean the classroom. C.Let me clean the board.
三、听音,选择相应图片。( 15 分 )





















笔试部分(60 分) 四、写出它们的邻居吧!(写出大小写形式。)(8 分) F B 五、选出不同类的一项。
(10 分) ( ) B.board ( ) B.good ( ) B.fan ( ) B.idea ( ) B.ant
( ) B.six ( ) B.lamp ( )r B.doctor ( ) B.cake ( ) B.desk
第 3 页 共 35 页-


C.desk C.cake C.school C.girl C.egg C seven C.apple C.desk C.hand C.dog
六、火眼金睛选一选。(6 分) ( ) have six new________. A.light B.lights C.the light ( )
classroom is so________! A.tall B.big C.best ( )________ new classroom. A.has B.have
C.have a ( )'s go________have a look. A.and B. C.to ( )5.I have a________idea. A.well B.good
C.great ( ) sharpener is near the fish________. A.bowl B.glass C.cup 七、情景交际。(4 分)
( )1.你想询问教室里有什么,你应说:________ A.What's in the classroom? B.Where's the classroom?
( )2.你想介绍你的新朋友张鹏,你应说:________ A.That's Zhang Peng. B.This is Zhang Peng. ( )3.
你想询问自己的座位在哪里,你应说:________ A.Where's your seat? B.Where's my seat? ( )4.
你想表达自己喜欢热狗,你应说:________ A.I like hot dogs. B.I like dogs. 八、连词成句。(12
分) 1.me,clean,board,let,the(.) ,clean,classroom,let,the(.) ,what,are(?) ,
clean,it,nice,and(.) ,is,new,this,classmate(.) ,is,the,blue(.) 九、阅读广角。
(8 分) Ann:Our classroom is not clean. David:'s clean the classroom. Li Ming: me clean

the window. Liu Xin:Let me clean the board and sweep the floor. David:Hi,Ann!Let's clean the desks
and chairs. Ann:Good idea! Let's clean the classroom.
第 4 页 共 35 页-


Ann Li Ming Liu Xin David 十、牛刀小试。(12 分) 新学期开学了,用英语向你的新同学介绍一下
你们的新教室。参考词汇: nice,big,light,desk,chair。

desks and chairs √



第 5 页 共 35 页-

基础全练全测 一、 【四会词汇】根据所给汉语写出相应的英语单词。(18 分) 1.包________ 2.铅
笔________ 3.钢笔________ 4.书________ 5.尺子________ 6.铅笔盒________ 二、 【三会
词汇】读一读,写出汉语意思。(32 分) 1.Chinese book________ 2.English book________ 3.math
book________ 4.schoolbag________ 5.story?book'st??r?b?k________
6.notebook'n??tb?k________ 7.mayme?________ 8.sure???________ 9.here you are ________
10.sorry's?r?________ 11.twenty?one________ 12.thirty'θ ??t?________ 13.thirty?one________
14.forty'f??t?________ 15.forty?one________ 16.fifty'f?ft?________ 三、 【二会词汇】根据
所给英文写出相应的汉语意思或按要求写出单词。(20 分) 1.colour________ 3.too many________
________ ________
第 6 页 共 35 页-

5.what's(完整形式)________ 四、 【重点句子】给下面的句子选择正确的汉语翻译。(30 分) ( )1.I
have a new schoolbag. ( )'s black and white. ( ) schoolbag is heavy. ( ) your pencil in your
desk. ( ) colour is it? ( )'s in your schoolbag? A.它是什么颜色的? B.我有一个新书
包。 C.你的书包里有什么? D.它是黑白相间的。 E.我的书包很重。 F.把你的铅笔放到你
的书桌里。 综合全练全测 听力部分(40 分) 一、选择你所听到的字母,将序号写在括号里。(10 分)
( )1.A.N B.L C.K ( )2.A.B B.C C.M ( )3.A.E B.F C.N ( )4.A.J B.L C.K ( )5.A.M B.N C.G
二、听音,选择恰当的介词短语完成句子。(20 分) ( ) your pencil?case ( ) your notebook
( ) your eraser ( ) your English book ( ) your pen A.on your head. B.under your bag.
C.in your desk. D.on your chair. E.near your pencilcase. 三、听音,选出你所听到的单词。(10 分)
( ) B.open C.pen ( ) B.rice C.quiet ( ) B.nurse C.lock ( )
B.jacket C.monkey ( ) B.pencil C.kite 笔试部分(60 分) 四、写出它们的邻居。 (8 分)
M ; P J ;
第 7 页 共 35 页-


五、看一看,填一填。(10 分) 1. 2.

3. 1.I have a r________. 2.The p________is nice. 3.Do you like this c________? 4.I have a new
schoolb________. 六、你来翻译吧!(10 分) ( ) many to count. ( )2. After you. ( ) idea.
( ) books. ( ) me. A.您先请。 B.对不起,打扰了。 C.太多了数不清。 D.好主
意。 E.十本书。 七、火眼金睛选一选。(16 分) ( )1.—How many crayons do you have? —________.
A.fifteen B.Forty ( )2.—It's a toy car. —________nice! A.How B.How is ( )3.—May I have a look?
—Sure,here________are. A.your B.you ( )4.________fat panda. A.a B.an ( )'s
black________white. A.to B.and ( )6.—Is it in your room? —________ A.Yes,it isn't. B.No,it isn't.
( )7.—What is that? —________
第 8 页 共 35 页-



C.How are

C.yours C.A C.in

C.No,it is.

A.It is a bee. B.It is a bees. ( )8.—How old are you? —________ A.Thank you. B.I am ten. 八、
选出错误的选项并在横线上改正。(8 分) have a book ( )1.I A B English C .________ ( ) colour
is it?________ A B C ( )'s in you bag?________ A BC ( )4.I have many book in my
bag.________ A B C

C.It is bee.

C.I am fine.

九、想一想,选一选。(8 分) ( )1.你们班来了一位新同学,你想把他介绍给大家,你应说:________
A.He is Tom,this is my new classmate. B.This is Tom,our new classmate. C.We have a friend. ( )2.
当你饿的时候,你应说:________ A.I am fine. B.I am hungry. C.What is this? ( )3.当你想告诉
别人你来自中国时,你应说:________ A.He is from Chinese. B.I am from China. C.I am from
Canada. ( )4.当别人问你问题你不知道时,你应说:________ A.Sorry.I don't know. B.OK. C.Great.

第 9 页 共 35 页-
基础全练全测 一、 【四会词汇】根据所给汉语写出相应的英语单词。(20 分) 1.教师________ 2.
学生________ 3.男孩________ 4.女孩________ 5.朋友________ 二、 【三会词汇】读一读,写
出汉语意思。(32 分) 1.long hair________ 2.short hair________ 3.thinθ ?n________
4.strongstr??________ 5.quiet'kwa??t________ 6.friend(s)frend(z)________

7.music'mju?z?k________ 8.science'sa??ns________ 9.sportssp??ts________ 10.computer
game________ 11.painting'pe?nt??________ 12.hash? z________ 13.namene?m________
14.hehi?________ 15.she?i?________ 16.rightra?t________ 三、 【二会词汇】根据所给单
词写出相应的汉语意思或按要求写出单词。(24 分) 1.Chinese________ ________
3.his________ ________ 5.her________ 6.he's(完整形式)________ 7.she's(完整形
式)________ 8.you're(完整形式)________ 四、 【重点句子】给下面的句子选择正确的汉语翻译。
(24 分)
第 10 页 共 35 页-

( ) friend is strong. ( ) has short hair. ( )3.I like music. ( ) likes science. ( )'s his
name? ( ) name is Jenny. ( )7.A Chinese friend? ( )8.I have a new friend. A.我喜欢音乐。 B.他
叫什么名字? C.他留着短头发。 D.她喜欢科学。 E.她的名字叫詹妮。 F.我的朋友很健壮。
G.我有一个新朋友。 H.一个中国朋友? 综合全练全测 听力部分(40 分) 一、选择您所听到的
组合。 (10 分) ( ) B.QC ( ) B.HJ ( ) B.BOX ( ) B.VCD ( )
B.IQ 二、听单词选图片。(15 分)


















第 11 页 共 35 页-





三、听音,用数字排序。(15 分)











笔试部分(60 分) 四、你知道元音字母吗?请写出它们的大小写形式。 (5 分)

五、打开记忆,填一填。(5 分) 1.t________cher ____ dent 3.b____ y 4.g____ ____l 5.fr____
____ nd 六、火眼金睛选一选。(8 分) ( ) Peng________big eyes. A.have B.has C.are ( )2.I
have two good________. A.friend B.a friend C.friends ( ) is________seat. A.she B.her C.him
( ) is________book. A.Amy B.Amys C.Amy's ( )________sports. A.like B.likes C.do

( )6.I have________English book. A.a B.an C. ( )7.—________is she? —She is my mother.
第 12 页 共 35 页-

A.Who B.What C.Where ( ) is________name? A.you B.your C.yours 七、你会翻译
吗?(5 分) ( ) you. ( ) the room. ( ) to music. ( ) the floor. ( )'s so
nice. A.听音乐。 B.它是如此漂亮。 C.扫地。 D.打扫房间。 E.谢谢你。 八、判断下列
图片与句意是“ ”否“ ”相符。(7 分)


) likes music.


) like painting.

( (

) has short hair. ) is a ruler.


)'s a book under the desk.


)6.I have a Chinese friend.

( )'s strong. 九、连词成句。(10 分) 1.have,a,I,friend,Chinese( .) ,she,science(.)
第 13 页 共 35 页-

,friend,music,my(.) ,she,is(.) 十、你来回答吧!(10 分) ( ) is the inventor of
paper? ( ) you see my bag? ( ) much is this book? ( ) many pens are there in your
pencil?case? ( ) is he? A.Yes,I do. B.Chinese people. C.Five yuan. D.He is my brother. E.Six.
十一、牛刀小试。(10 分) 你能试着描述这个女孩吗?参考词汇:quiet,long hair,music,big eyes,
small ears。

第 14 页 共 35 页-

基础全练全测 一、 【四会词汇】根据所给汉语写出相应的英语单词或短语。(18 分) 1.家________
2.房间________ 3.学校________ 4.教室________ 5.窗户________ 6.课桌________ 7.门________
8.椅子________ 9.床________ 二、 【三会词汇】读一读,写出汉语意思或按要求写单词。(40 分)

1.study'st?d?________ 2.bathroom'bɑ?θ r?m________ 3.bedroom'bedr?m________ 4.living
room________ 5.kitchen'k?t??n________ 6.fishf??________ 7.hereh??________
8.phonef??n________ 9.bedbed________ 10.sofa's??f?________ 11.shelf?elf________
12.fridgefr?d?________ 13.table'te?bl________ 14.keyki?________ 15.open'??p?n________
16.lookl?k________ 17.pleasepli?z________ 18.on?n________ 19.non??________ 20.isn't(完
第 15 页 共 35 页-

三、 【二会词汇】根据所给单词写出相应的汉语意思或按要求写出单词。(20 分) 1.hey________
________ 3.it's(完整形式)________ 4.aren't(完整形式)________ 5.they're(完整形
式)________ 四、 【重点句子】给下面的句子选择正确的汉语翻译。(22 分) ( ) is my 's
big. ( )2.I have a living room. ( ) is my bed. ( )'s my pen? ( )e to my home!
( ) this your bedroom? ( ) it in your hand? ( )'s in the kitchen. ( )9.I like my school.
( ) are the keys? ( ) they near the phone? A.这是我的床。 B.它在你的手里吗? C.这
是你的卧室吗? D.这是我的房子。它很大。 E.我有一间起居室。 F.它们在电话附近吗? G.我
喜欢我的学校。 H.我的钢笔在哪里? I.她在厨房里。 J.欢迎来到我家! K.钥匙在哪儿?
综合全练全测 听力部分(40 分) 一、听音,选出你所听到的单词。(10 分) ( ) B.student
C.strong ( ) B.home C.classroom ( ) B.desk C.duck ( ) B.bedroom
C.bathroom ( ) B.hair C.hi 二、听音,看图并判断是否相同,相同用(√),不同用(×)表
示。(15 分)





第 16 页 共 35 页-





5.( ) 三、听音,排序号。(15 分) ( )I have a new ruler. ( )Where are the books? ( )Welcome to my school.
( )Is he in the study? ( )Are they on the table? 笔试部分(60 分) 四、打开记忆,你会选。(5 分)
( )____dy A.u B.a ( )____n A.a B.e ( )3.s____f____ A.o,e B.o,a ( )4.b____throom
A.u B.a ( )____ne A.o B.a ( )____lf A.a B.e ( )7.b____droom A.e B.a ( )____ng
room A.e B.i ( )9.t____ble A.a B.e ( )____dge A.o B.i 五、选出不同类别的一项。(5 分)

( ) B.bedroom C.study ( ) B.school C.shelf ( )n B.home C.bathroom
( ) B.fridge C.look ( ) B.desk C.door 六、字母站队组单词。(5 分) 1.o,e,m,
h 2.o,c,l,o,h,s 3.i,d,w,w,n,o 5.c,s,r,l,s,a,m,o,o 七、火眼金睛选一选。
(10 分)
第 17 页 共 35 页-


( )e________my home. A.to B.too ( )2.________this your classroom? A.Am B.Is
( )________my bag? A.is B.am ( )4.—Are________near the phone? —Yes,they are. A.we
B.you ( ) can you see in________room? A.I B.my 八、你会排序吗?(8 分) 1.No,it isn't.
2.Yes. It's in my desk. 3.Where is my book? 4.Is it in your desk? 5.Is it under your chair? 正确顺
序: __3__→____→____→____→____ 九、连词成句。(10 分) 1.to,living room,the,go(.) 2.I,
a,new,have,eraser(.) ,in,the,classroom,is(?) ,near,window,are,the(?) ,

C.two C.Are C.are

C.they C.me

十、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。(5 分) Look at my is a desk and a chair in it.A bed is near
the door.A cat is under the the wall, there is a beautiful the floor, there is a
room is small,but it's very nice! ( )1.I have a big room. ( ) the floor,there is a ball. ( )3.A desk is
near the door. ( ) is a phone on the wall. ( ) is a cat under the desk. 十一、牛刀小试。(12
分) 请你以“My Home”为题写一篇小短文,简单描述你的家。包括家中摆设、物 品等。(不少于 30

第 18 页 共 35 页-

第 19 页 共 35 页-

基础全练全测 一、 【四会词汇】根据所给汉语写出相应的英语单词。(24 分) 1.米饭________ 2.
牛肉________ 3.面包________ 4.牛奶________ 5.蛋________ 6.水________ 7.鸡肉________ 8.
鱼________ 二、 【三会词汇】读一读,写出汉语意思。(13 分) 1.fishf??________
2.noodle(s)'nu?dl(z)________ 3.vegetable'ved??t?bl________ 4.soupsu?p________
5.hungry'h??ɡr?________ 6.forf??________ 7.thank you________ 8.knifena?f________
9.chopstick(s)'t??pst?k(s)________ 10.spoonspu?n________ 11.plateple?t________
12.forkf??k________ 13.useju?z________ 三、 【二会词汇】写出所给单词或短语的汉语意
思或按要求写出单词。 (18 分) 1.have________ 3.wait________ 5.pass________ ________
________ ________
第 20 页 共 35 页-

7.try________ yourself________ 9.show________ ________ 11.food________

12.I'd like(完整形式)________ 四、 【重点句子】给下面的句子选择正确的汉语翻译。(45 分)
( ) would you like for dinner? ( ) yourself. ( ) me a plate,please. ( ) the
chopsticks. ( )5.I'd like some fish and vegetables,please. ( )'s for dinner? ( ) and see.
( )hing's ready. ( )9.I can use chopsticks. ( ) me show you. ( ) had a good time.
( ) you tomorrow. ( ) me try. ( ) night. ( )15.I like Chinese food. A.我喜欢中国食
物。 B.等等看。 C.你晚餐想吃什么? D.明天见。 E.一切准备就绪。 F.请递给我一个
盘子。 G.我想要一些鱼和蔬菜。 H.用筷子。 I.晚餐吃什么? J.我能使用筷子。 K.让我
试试。 L.我们过得很愉快。 M.让我展示给你看。 N.请随便吃。 O.晚安。 综合全练全测
听力部分(40 分) 一、听音,填写字母补全单词,并在括号里写出汉语意思。(10 分) 1.____i____
____( ) 2.f____ ____ ____( ) 3.____ ____u____( ) 4.____ ____ ____ ____e( ) 5.____ ____a____
____( ) 二、听音,给图片按(A~E)的顺序排序。(15 分)

第 21 页 共 35 页-

1. ( )

2. ( )

3. ( )

4. ( )

5. ( ) 三、听音,选择单词完成对话。(15 分) ( )1.________,I'm hungry. A.Mom B.Dad ( )'s
for________? A.lunch B.dinner ( )3.________and see. A.Look B.Wait ( )________you like?
A.would B.do ( )5.I'd like some________. A.hot dogs B.hamburgers 笔试部分(60 分) 四、打开
记忆,写单词,别忘了写出汉语意思。(10 分) 1.r____ c ____( ) 2.b____ ____f( ) 3.br____ ____
d( ) 4.m____ l____( ) 5.____ ____g( ) 6.w____ t ____r( ) 7.ch____ ck ____n( ) 8.s____ ____p( )
9.pl____t____( ) 10.f____ ____k( ) 五、你会选吗?(5 分) 1.Can________(I,me)have some juice?
2.What's________(to,for)dinner? 3.Pass me________(a,two)spoons.
第 22 页 共 35 页-

4.I'd like four________(pear,pears). 5.What________(can,would) you like? 六、火眼金睛选
一选。(10 分) ( )________ready! A.am B.is C.are ( ) forks and________. A.knifes
B.knifse C.knives ( ) me________you. A.see B.try C.show ( )4.I like________food. A.China
B.English C.England ( )5.I can________chopsticks. A.use B.to use C.using 七、考考你的眼力。
(把错误选项写在括号里。)(10 分) I'd some soups ( )1. A like B C . this you pen ( ) A B C ? What
an fish ( )3. A B big C ! cann't eat much ( ) A B so C ! like Chinese food ( ) A B C . 八、
你会回答吗?(5 分) ( ) I have some fish? ( ) I help you? ( ) would you like? ( )4.I
like Chinese food. ( ) much is it? A.Yes, please. B.It's twelve yuan. C.Sure,here you are. D.I'd
like some orange juice. E.Me too. 九、你知道吗?(10 分) ( )1.当妈妈把饭做好了,她会说:________
A.You can eat. B.Everything's ready. ( )2.你去饭店时,服务员会问你:________ A:What's for dinner?
B.What would you like? ( )3.当你饿时,你会说:________ A.I'm hungry. B.I'm full. ( )4.当别人
到你家吃饭时,在饭桌上你会说:________ A.Help yourself. B.Help you.
第 23 页 共 35 页-

十、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。(10 分) My best friend is is a has curly hair. She is
from has a yellow 's in it?Two English books,three story?books and a
math book. She likes English very much. She likes music, too. ( ) has curly hair. ( ) has a red
schoolbag. ( ) are ten English books in her schoolbag. ( ) likes music. ( ) is from

第 24 页 共 35 页-

基础全练全测 一、 【四会词汇】根据所给汉语写出相应的英语单词。(24 分) 1.姐妹____________
2.兄弟____________ 3.父亲____________ 4.母亲____________ 5.司机____________ 6.医生
____________ 7.农民____________ 8.护士____________ 二、 【三会词汇】读一读,写出汉语
意思。(24 分) 1.family'f? m?l?________ 2.parents'pe?r?nts________ 3.uncle'??kl________
4.auntɑ?nt________ 5.baby'be?b?________ 6.comek?m________ 7.whohu?________
8.baseball player________ 三、 【二会词汇】根据所给单词写出相应的汉语意思。(28 分)
1.people________ ________ 3.only________ ________ 5.look________
________ 7.gee________ 四、 【重点句子】给下面的句子选择正确的汉语翻译。(24 分)
( ) many people are there in your family? ( ) this your father? ( )'s your mother? ( )
looks strong.
第 25 页 共 35 页-

( ) mother is a doctor. ( ) and introduce your family. ( ) like a cat. ( ) is my uncle.
A.这是你的爸爸吗? B.我的妈妈是一名医生。 C.你家里有几口人? D.你妈妈是做什么工
作的? E.他看起来很健壮。 F.扮演一只猫。 G.画一画并介绍你的家人。 H.这是我的叔叔。
综合全练全测 听力部分(40 分) 一、听音,选出你听到的单词所代表的图片。(10 分)













( )5.A. B. 二、听音,选出你听到的句子。(15 分) ( ) is my family. B.Come and meet my
第 26 页 共 35 页-

( ) are they? B.Where are they? ( ) uncle is a doctor. B.My aunt is a doctor. ( )
likes painting. B.She likes painting. ( ) many pens? B.How many pencils? 三、听短文,根
据你听到的内容,判断下列句子的对(√)错(×)。(15 分) ( ) likes English. ( ) are four
people in Amy's family. ( )'s father is tall. ( )'s mother is a teacher. ( )'s mother likes

笔试部分(60 分) 四、选一选,译一译。(10 分) ( )1.p ____ rents A.or ________ ( ) ____ ly B.en
________ ( ) ____ le C.i ________ ( ) ____ y D.b ________ ( ) ____ E.ie ________
( ) ____ F.ro ________ ( ) ____ t G.c ________ ( ) ____ t H.n ________ ( )9.b ____
ther I.a ________ ( ) ____ nd J.er ________ 五、选出不同类别的一项。(10 分) ( )
B.puppy C.father ( ) B.look C.see ( ) B.aunt C.teacher ( ) B.father
C.driver ( )r B.boy C.sister 六、火眼金睛选一选。(10 分) ( ) and________my
family. A.look B.looking C.meet ( ) many________are there in your family? A.peoples
B.people C.people's ( )3.—________are they? —They're my parents. A.What B.How much C.Who
( ) family________six members. A.has B.had C.have ( )'s________father? A.you B.your
C.yours ( ) many apples are there________the tree? A.on B.for C.in
第 27 页 共 35 页-

( ) brother________sports. A.like B.likes C.liking ( )________strong. A.look at B.look
C.looks ( ) they________? A.farmers B.teacher C.a teacher ( )10.I'm going to________a
teacher. A.is B.be C.am 七、读句子,选答语。(10 分) ( ) is this girl? ( )'s your uncle?
( ) she a nurse? ( ) they students? ( ) are they? A.She is my sister. B.They are in the
kitchen. C.No, they aren't. D.He's a farmer. E.Yes, she is. 八、你知道吗?(8 分) ( )1.当你想问别
人的妈妈是做什么工作的,你应说:________ A.What's your mother? B.Who's your mother? ( )2.
当你向别人介绍你姑姑的职业时,你应说:________ A.This is my aunt. B.My aunt is a nurse. ( )3.
当别人询问你爸爸的爱好时,你应说:________ A.He likes music. B.I like music. ( )4.当你想问“这
是你的叔叔吗?”,你应说:________ A.This is your uncle? B.Is this your uncle? 九、牛刀小试。
(12 分) 请你以“My Family”为题写一篇小短文,简单介绍你的家人。(不少于 40 个 单词)

第 28 页 共 35 页-

附录 1:

根据中文写出正确的英语单词(Unit 1)
窗户______________ 教室_____________ 门__________ 图画_____________ 黑板
_______________ 灯________________ 蚂蚁_________ 苹果__________ 手掌_____________ 牛
肉______________ 男孩___________ 球____________ 猫______________蛋糕_______________
小车____________ 医生__________ 鸭子_____________桌子_______________ 鸡蛋
____________ 大象_________ 床_______________ 电脑_____________ 讲台______________ 风
扇________ 墙壁_____________ 地板_____________ 鱼_______________ 薯条_________ 农民
______________ 女孩____________ 鹅____________ 好的____________ 热狗_____________ 汉
堡包_____________ 帽子_________ 雪糕_____________ 冰_________ 主意_____________

根据中文写出正确的英语单词(Unit 2)
语文书____________________ 英语书________________ 数学书____________ 故事书
_____________________ 笔记本________________ 书包____________ 吉普车___________图画
______________ 夹克衫__________ 鼻子_________ 护士_____________ 面条_____________ 猴
子___________ 老鼠___________ 男人_____________ 台灯_____________ 锁_____________ 狮

第 29 页 共 35 页-



风筝_____________ 铅笔_________

钢笔_____________ 二十_____________ 三十_____________ 四十___________ 五十
_____________ 二十一________________ 三十一____________________ 四十一
________________ 可乐_____________ 可以__________ 打开_________ 铅笔盒_____________
狗__________苹果___________ 猫________ 兔子_____________ 尺子_____________ 米饭

根据中文写出正确的英语单词(Unit 3)
朋友_____________ 长头发__________________ 短头发__________________ 瘦的
_____________ 强壮的___________ 安静的___________ 勺子___________ 蛇_____________ 学
生_____________ 老虎_____________ 电视_____________ 老师___________ 雨伞
_____________ 下面_____________ 杯子_____________ 背心_____________ 小提琴
_____________ 货车_________ 音乐_____________ 科学_____________ 运动_____________ 电
脑游戏_____________________ 绘画_________ 窗户_____________ 西瓜_____________ 随声听
_____________ 出租车_____________ 箱子_____________ 六___________ 黄色_____________
悠悠球____________ 快艇___________ 斑马__________ 动物园_____________ 拉链

根据中文写出正确的英语单词(Unit 4)

第 30 页 共 35 页-

书房_____________ 浴室_____________________


客厅_______________ 厨房____________ 家___________ 房间_____________ 学校
_____________ 教室______________ 电话___________ 床____________ 沙发___________ 书柜
____________ 冰箱_____________ 台____________

门____________ 窗户______________ 桌子___________ 椅子______________ 钥匙
____________ 它们______________

根据中文写出正确的英语单词(Unit 5)
米饭____________ 鱼______________ 牛肉______________ 汤______________ 面条
____________ 蔬菜____________ 果汁____________ 面包____________ 牛奶____________ 鸡
肉____________ 汉堡包____________ 热狗___________

鸡蛋____________ 水____________ 碟子____________ 刀________________ 筷子____________
勺子____________ 叉子____________ 早餐____________ 午餐____________ 晚餐____________

根据中文写出正确的英语单词(Unit 6)
家庭____________ 叔叔____________ 阿姨____________ 小弟弟____________ 父母
____________ 姐妹____________ 兄弟____________ 爸爸____________ 妈妈____________ 棒
球运动员_____________________ 司机______________ 医生____________农民____________ 护
士____________ 谁____________ 人____________ 婴儿____________
第 31 页 共 35 页-

附录 2:
? 按实际情况回答问题: usually watch? __________________________________ 17. Where do you
usually have lunch? __________________________________ 18. What would you like to have for
dinner? __________________________________ 19. Would you like some orange juice?
__________________________________ 20. What time do you usually have dinner?
__________________________________ 21. How much does your school bag cost?
__________________________________ 22. What do you usually have for breakfast (lunch dinner)?
__________________________________ ? 常用一般疑问句归纳: 1. How old are you?
__________________________________ 2. How old is your mother?
__________________________________ 3. What does your mother do?
__________________________________ 4. What‟s your father‟s job?
__________________________________ 5. What‟s your hobby?
__________________________________ 6. What do you think of the TV plays?
__________________________________ 7. What time do you often have breakfast?
__________________________________ 8. What TV programme do you like?

__________________________________ 9. What‟s your favourite food?
__________________________________ 10. Which do you like best, ice cream or juice?
__________________________________ 11. What would you like to have for lunch?
__________________________________ 12. What is your mother doing now?
__________________________________ 13. What is your favourite sport?
__________________________________ 14. Which sport are you good at?
__________________________________ 15. What TV programmes does your father like?
__________________________________ 16. What programmes does your mother 23. Is he …?
__________________________________ 24. Is she …? __________________________________ 25.
Are you …? __________________________________ 26. Are they …?
__________________________________ 27. Do you …? __________________________________ 28.
Do they …? __________________________________ 29. Does he (your father)…?
__________________________________ 30. Does she (your mother) …?
__________________________________ 31. Can you …?

第 32 页 共 35 页-

__________________________________ 32. Is there …? __________________________________ 33.
Are there …? __________________________________ ? What …? Who …? Where …? Which …?
What time …? How much …? How many …? 提问价钱 提问时间 提问数量 提问事物 提问地点
提问哪一个 提问人物 常用特殊疑问句归纳(连线题) :

really [?ri:?li] (表示兴趣或惊讶)真的 near [ni?] 距离近 TV [.ti:'vi:] 电视 clean [kli? n] 打扫 Unit
2 schoolbag [sku:lb?g] maths [m?θs] 数学 英语 中国的 故事书 包

附录 3: Unit 1 classroom ['klɑ:srum] window ['wind?u] 教室

English ['i?gli?] Chinese ['t?ai'ni:z] storybook 写字板


['st?:ribuk] 头发

blackboard[bl? kb?:d] light [lait] 灯,管灯

hair 英音:[h??]

candy ['k?ndi] 糖果 notebook toy key ['n?utbuk] 笔记本

picture ['pikt??] door [d?:] 门


[t?i] 玩具 [ki:] 钥匙

teacher‟s desk ['ti:t??z] [desk]讲台 computer [k?m'pju:t?]计算机 fan [f? n] wall [w?:l] floor [fl?:] 扇
子,电扇 墙 地板

wow [wau] 哇,呀 lost [l?st] 丢失(lose 的过去式) so much [s?u] [m?t?] 非常地 cute [kju?t] 可

第 33 页 共 35 页-


Unit 3 strong [str??] 强壮的

fridge find



friendly ['frendli]友好的 quiet ['kwai?t] hair 安静的

[faind] 找到

them [??m] 他(她、它)们 Unit 5 beef [bi:f] 牛肉

[hε ? ] [he? ] 头发

shoe [? u:] 鞋 glasses ['glɑ?siz] 眼镜 music ['mju:zik] his [hiz] 他的 or [?:] 或者 right [rait] 正确
的 hat [h? t] (常指带檐的)帽子 her [h?:] 她的 音乐

chicken ['t? i kin] 鸡肉 noodles ['nu:dlz] soup [su:p] vegetable 汤 蔬菜 面条


chopsticks ['t??pstiks] 筷子 bowl fork [b?ul] 碗 [f?:k] 叉子 刀 勺子

knife [naif]

spoon [spu:n] Unit 4

bedroom living


dinner ['din?] (中午或晚上吃的)正餐 卧室 ready ['reidi]准备好 help yourself [help] [[j? ?'self] 为(自

['livi?] room[ru:m] 客 厅 书房 厨房

study ['st?di] kitchen ['kit?in]


pass [pa:s] 给,递 try [trai] 尝试 Unit 6 parents ['p??r?nts] 父母

bathroom ['b?θru:m] 洗手间, 浴室 bed [bed] 床 电话 桌子 沙发

phone table sofa

[f?un] ['teibl] ['s?uf?]

cousin ['k? zn] 同辈表亲或堂亲 uncle ['??kl] 叔叔、伯伯、舅舅、 姑父、姨夫


aunt [ɑ:nt] baby ['beibi]

姑姑,婶,姨 婴儿 医生

doctor ['d?kt?] cook [kuk] 厨师 driver ['draiv?]

司机 农民

farmer ['fɑ:m?] nurse [n?:s]


people [„pi:pl] 人们 but [b?t] 但是 little [„litl] 小的 puppy[ „p?pi] 小狗 football player [„futb?:l
„plei?] 足球运动员 job [d? ? b] 工作 basketball ['bɑ ? skitb? ? l] 篮球







