
2021年01月09日 20:47



s learn
young年轻的funn y幽默风趣的tall高的strong强壮的kind和蔼的,亲切的old年老的 short矮的
Who is your ate teacher?你们的美术老师是谁?
M. Hu.胡老师。
What's he like?他长得什么样子?
He is short and thin.他又矮又瘦。
Let's talk
W ho is your m ath teacher?你的数学老师是谁?
Mr. Zhao.赵老师。
What is he I ike?他长得什么样子?
He is short and thin. H e is very ki nd.他乂瘦乂矮。他非常和蔼可亲。
Read a nd write
I h ave threene wteachers.我有三位新的老师。
Who are they?他们是谁?
A scienc e teacher,an art teach er and an En glish teache r.
W ho is your E nglish teach er?你们的英语老师是谁?
Canada Mr. Carter. He is from .卡特老师。他来自加拿大。
What's he like?他长得什么样子?
He is tai I and strong .He is very funny.他又高又壮。他很有趣。
I know . He is my f ather.我知道。他是我的爸爸。
B 部分 L et's learn
Principal校长kind和蔼可亲的universit y student大学生young年轻的
S trict严格的smart聪明的f unny有趣的a ctive活跃的
Wh o is your pr incipal?你们的校长是谁?
Miss. L in.林老师。
Is s he young?她年轻吗?
No, she i s i s very kind.不,她年纪大了。她很和善。
Let's talk
Who is that young lady?那位年轻的女士是谁?
S he is our pr incipal.她是我们的校长。
Is she strict?她严厉吗?
Yes, she is .是的,她是。
Is s he active?她活泼吗?
No, she isn't. She i s quiet.不,她不活泼。她很文静。
Rea d and write
I have anew math teacher. Her class is so much f un.我有一位新的数学老师。她的课非常有 趣。
Really? What's she like?真的吗?她长得什么样子?
She is young and is a un iversity stu dent.她年轻漂亮。她是个大学生。Is sh e quite? 她文静

she is n't. She is active.不,她不文静。她很活泼。
Is s he strict?她严厉吗?
Yes, she is, but she is very kin d.是的,她严厉。但她很和善。
Good to kn ow
Who is tha t man?那个人是谁?
He is our n ew principal . Hisname i s Liu Guoqia ng.他是我们的新校长,他叫刘国强。Hello , Mr. Guoqia
No , please cal I me Guoqian g or Mr. Liu .不,请叫我国强成或刘先生。
Oh, I see .噢。我明白了。
第二单元 Let's learn
What day is it today?今天是星期儿?
It's M onday.今天星期一。
What do we have on Mond ays?我们星期一有什么课?
Let me se e. We have.....让我想想。我们有 ...
L et's talk W hat day is i t today?今天是星期几?
It's Wed nesday.今天星期三。
What do we have on Wed nesdays?我们星期三有什么课?
We ha ve English,science, com puter and PE . I like Wed nesdays.
Read a nd write
What day is it t oday?今天星期儿?
It's Wednesd ay.今天星期三。
Hm m, we have C hinese, art and math on Wednesdays.
Wait! To morrow is Th ursday. What do you have on Thursday s?
Oops! We hav e English, m ath and scie nee on Thurs days.
B 部分 Let'slear n
do homewor k 做作业 watc h TV 看电视 re ad a book 读书
What do you do on Satur days?你星期六干什么?
I often do my homework .我经常写作业。
Let's talk
What do you do o n Saturdays?你星期六 T•什么?
I o ften write h omework, rea d books and watch TV.
W hat do you do on Sunday s?你星期日干什么?
I often play ping-pang.我经常打乒乓球。
That's great!真棒!

Read and wri te
It's eight o'clock. It's time to g et up.丿l点乍中 了,该起床 了。
What day is it today , Aunt Cathy ?凯茜姑姑,今天是星期几呀?
It's Satu d o you do on Saturdays?今天是星期六。你星期六都干什么呢? Iwatch TV
onSaturd ays. I love Saturdays.我星期六经常看电视。我喜欢星期六。Yes, and ....噢,还有呢? Yeah ,
I play com puter games.噢,对了,我还玩电脑游戏。
A nd?还有呢?
I do my homew ork.我还得写作业。
That's right !这就对 了 !
What about you, A unt Cathy?那你呢,凯茜姑姑?
I do my homework , too.我也得做我的作业。
I do housewo rk!我干家务!
Goo d to know
Mo ther's day i s the second Sunday in M ay.母亲节在五月的第二个星期日。
Father's day is the third Sunda y in June.父亲节是六月的第三个星期日□
America In, Thanks giving Day i s the fourth Thursday in November.
In Can ada, Thanksg iving Day is the second Tuesday inOctober .去加拿大,感恩节是十月份的 第二个
第三单元A部分Le t
s learn
P ork猪肉tofu豆腐mutton羊肉potato 土豆cabbage卷心菜t omato西红柿egg plant茄子 gr een
beans 青豆鱼
What woul d you like f or lunch?你午饭想吃什么?
I'd li ke some toma toes and mut ton.我想吃一些西红柿和羊肉。
Let's talk
I'm hungry. What do you have for lunch t oday?我饿 了。你今天午饭吃什么?
I hav e eggplant a nd about you?我吃茄子和西红柿。你呢?
I have o nions and gr een beans.我吃洋葱和青豆。
Read and write
What do you have for lunch o n Mondays?你星期一午饭吃什么呀?
We have tomatoe s , tofu and fish. Here's our school menu.我们吃西红柿、豆腐和鱼。这是我 们学校
do you want to have for dinner,Amy?太棒了。你晚饭想吃什么,埃米?
I'd like potato es and green bees. I'm h ungry, Mom.我想吃土豆和青豆。我饿了,妈妈。
Oh! Mew M ew is hungry , too.噢!咪咪也饿了 !
B 部分 Let's learn
Salty咸的,swe et甜的,sour酸的,tasty好吃的,fresh新鲜的,healthy健康的
I t's tasty. I t's my favou rite.真好吃。这是我最喜欢的。
Let's talk
What's your favouri te food?你最喜欢的食物是什么?
Fish .鱼。

Me too. I t's tasty.我也是。它特别好吃。
I li ke grapes.我喜欢葡萄。I don't like grapes . They're so ur.我不喜欢葡萄,它们太酸了。
Read an d write
What's your favou rite fruit,Monkey?你最喜欢的水果是什么呀,小猴?
I like apples . They're sw eet.我喜欢苹果。它们很甜。
I like f ruit, but I don't like g rapes. They're sour. Ban anas are my favourite. T hey're tasty .我喜欢 水
I lik e carrot jui ce. It's fre sh and healt hy. What abo ut you, Zoom ?我克服欢胡萝 I、汁。它们很 新鲜
I like beef. But I'm heavy now.I have to e at vegetable s.我喜欢牛肉。但是我现在太重了。我不 得不
Good to know
Tradi tional Chine se food for good wishes.
Sweet dum plings 元宵 zon zi 粽子 moonca kes 月 饼 dumpli ngs 饺子
第四单元A部分Lett learn
Clean the f loor 扫地 cook the meals 做饭 clean the bedroom 打扫卧室 water the fl owers 浇花 empt
y the trash 倒垃圾
I am a he Ipful man. I can....我是一个有用的人!我会扫地……
L et's talk
A re you helpf ul at Jie?陈洁,你在家干活儿吗?
Sur e.当然了。
What can you do?你会做什么?
I can sweep the f loor. I can cook the mea Is.我会扫地。我会做饭。
Great! You're helpful.真棒!你真能干!
Read and write
M other Goat i s ill.山羊妈妈生病了。
We can he Ip her.我们会帮助她。
What can you do?你能干什么呀?
I can swe ep the floor.我会扫地。
I can cook the me als.我会做饭。
I can clean th e window 我会擦窗户。
What can y ou do, Zoom?你会干什么呀,祖姆?
I can water t he flowers.我会浇花!!
OK. Ju st do it.好I吧,那开始干吧!
Thank you! You're helpful.谢谢你们。你们真能干!
B 部分Let's learn
Wash the cl othes 洗衣服 se t the table 摆餐具 make th e bed 铺床
Do the dishes 洗碗碟 put awa y the clothe s 收拾衣服
Can you do housewor k, Chen Jie?

Yes,I can.是的,我会。
Let's talk
Can you set the table,Chen Jie?你会摆餐具吗,陈洁?
YesJ can. I ca n do the dis hes, too.是的,我会。我还会洗碗碟。
Ca n you wash t he clothes?你会洗衣服吗?
No, I can't. But I'd like to have a try.不,我不会,但是我愿意试一试!
Read and w rite
Robot, c an you make the bed?机器人,你会整理床铺吗?
Sor ry, I can't.对不起,我不会。
Rob ot, can you set the tabl e?机器人,你会摆餐具吗?
No, I can't.不,我不会。
Wh at can you d o?你会做什么呀?
I can play che ss.我会下棋。
Gre at! Can you use a comput er?太棒了

Yes, I ca n. I'm a com puter.是的,我会。我就是一台电脑。
Goo d to know
I c an cook the meals. Remem ber to switc h off the ga s.我会做饭。记得要关掉液化气。
I can empty the tr ash. Remembe r to pick ou t the batter ies.我会倒垃圾。记得要选出电池。
I ca n do the dis hes. Remembe r to rinse o ff the deter gent.我会洗碗碟。记住要冲洗掉洗洁精。 I can
wash clo thes. Rememb er to separa te the color ed clothes f rom the whit e ones.我会洗衣 服,记住要
第五单元 A 部分 Lett I earn Curta in 窗帘 close t 衣柜 air-con ditioner 空调 mirror 镜子 end table
床头柜trash bin垃圾筐
Is this yo ur bedroom?这是你的卧室吗?
Yes,it is. Come and look at my new curt ains.是的,它是。来看一看我的新窗帘。
Le t's talk
I ha ve my own ro om now.我现在有自己的房间了。
Reall y? What's it like?真的吗?它是什么样子的?
There is a big cl oset, a new conditioner and blue cur tains.有一个大柜子、一台新空调和一面 新镜子。
Re ad and write
We're rabbi ts. We have a new 's on thir d floor. The re are two b edrooms, a k itchen, a ba throom
and a living room .a baby rabbit. I h ave my own r oom now. It's small and nice. It's s mall and nic e.
There is a mirror, a bed and a bi g re are green curtains an d two end ta bles. There is a new
con 's cool. I Io ve my new ro om very much .我们是兔子。我们 有一个新公寓。它在三楼。
公寓中有两个起居室。我是一只兔子宝宝。现在我也拥有自己 的房间了。它很小,但是很漂亮。
房间中有一面镜一张床和一个大柜子。有绿色的窗帘和 两个床头柜。还有一台新空调。它能带给
B 部分 Let's learn
In在 里面on在......上面under在 下面
Behind在 .. 后面in f ront of在 ... 前面over在 .. 上方near在 .. 旁边

Wh ere is the t rash bin?垃圾筐在哪里?
It's ne ar the table •在桌子旁边。
Let's talk
This i s my room. T here is a be d, a table,a closet and a shelf. Th ere are two end tables n ear the
bed .There is a computer on the desk. So me books are on the shel f. The trash bin is behi nd the
can yo u see over t he bed? It's mu picture.这是我的房间。里面有一张床、一张桌 子、一
个柜子和一个书柜。床附近有两个床头柜。桌子上有一台电脑。书架上有一些书。 垃圾筐在门的
后面。你在床的上方看到了什么?那是我的照片! flatapartme nt 公寓 cabin 小木屋 hotel 旅馆
Let's lear n
sky 天空 cl oud 云 flower 花 river 小河 g rass 草 lake 湖 forest 森林 mou ntain 山脉 path 小路
There is a forest in t he nature pa rk.在自然公园里有一片森林。
Let's talk
There's a nature park in the city .在城市中有一个自然公园。
Is there a river in the park?在公园中有小河吗?
Yes, the re is.是的,有。
Is there a f arm?有农场吗?
No , there isn't.不,没有。
Read and writeLo ok! This is my holiday p icture.看!这是我的假期拍的照片。
Is it a nature park?这是一个自然公园吗?
Yes, it is.是的,它是。
Is there a for est in the p ark?公园里有森林吗?
Yes, there is.是的.
Is th ere a river?有。有小河吗?
No,there isn't.不,没有。
Is the re a lake?有湖泊吗?
Yes, the re is.是的,有。
Do you like the park?你喜欢这个公园吗?
Yesjt's pretty.是的,它非常漂亮。
B 部分 Let's learn
City城市bu ilding建筑物
V illage 山村 tr ee 树 bridge 桥 house 房子 ro ad 道路
There ar e many small villages in my village.我的家乡有许多小房子。
Let's talk
Are there an y bridges in your city?在你们的村里有一些桥吗? Yes, there a re.是的,有一些。
A re there any tall buildi ngs in your village?在你们的村里有一些高楼吗? No , there aren't.不, 没有。
Rea d and write
Sarah: I li ke my villag e. There are many rivers and bridges in the vill age. The wat er is air is

Chen:l I ike my villa ge, too. The re are many mountains ne ar my villag e. There are no tall bui Idings.
The sky is clouds are white. I can run on the grass.我也喜欢我的家乡。在村子 的附近有许多
Sa rah: Are the re any panda s in the mou ntains?在山里有熊猫吗?
Chen:No,there aren't. Are there any fish in the river?不,没有。小河里有一些鱼吗?
Sarah: Yes,there can see many fish.是的,有。你能够看到很多很多的鱼。
Good to know
ChinaThe pa nda lives in . It lives in mountains . It lives i n bamboo for ests. 熊猫生活在中国。它生活在
The pan da can climb trees. The panda eats b amboos.熊猫会爬树。熊猫吃竹子。
The b a by panda is called a cu b. It's cute .小熊猫被称作幼仔。它很聪明。
There are only 1000 p andas. They need nature parks.只有 1000 只熊猫。他们需要自然公园。







