
2021年01月10日 00:10




unit 1
weigh weigh 有 重:重
kilogram kilongram 千克;公斤(缩略形式kg)
centimetre centimetre 厘米(缩略形式cm)
taller taller 更高的
fan fan (足球,电影)迷;爱好者
fantastic fantastic 极好的
themselves themselves 他们自己;她们自己;它们自己
theatre theatre 剧院
go fishing go fishing去钓鱼
enjoy oneself enjoy oneself 玩的愉快;得到乐趣
get in get in 收割
unit 2
life life 生活
writer writer 作家
photographer photographer 摄影师
film film 胶卷
digital digital 数码的
street cleaner street cleaner 环卫工人
sweep sweep 扫地

broom broom 扫帚
drive drive 驾驶
street sweeper street sweeper 扫地车
wife wife 妻子
poor poor 贫穷的;差的;次的
fairy fairy 仙子;小精灵
wish wish 愿望;祝愿
by hand by hand 用手
right away right away 立即;马上
in a short time in a short time 很快
unit 3
carry carry 被;提;拿
online online 在线地;在线的
head teacher head teacher 校长
mountain mountain 由:山脉
even even 甚至
space space 太空
dinosaur dinosaur 恐龙
a piece of a piece of 去野餐
better and better better and better


unit 4
oil oil 油
oil painting oil painting 油画
powerful powerful 强有力地,力量大的
ink ink 墨水;墨汁
chinese ink painting chinese ink painting 中国墨水画
brush brush 画笔:刷子;刷
paints paints 绘画颜料
artist artist 艺术家;(尤指)画家
unhappy unhappy 不高兴的
carefully carefully 仔细地
on the left on the left 在左边
on the right 在右边
all the time 一直;始终
unit 5
craft craft 手艺:工艺
crown crown 王冠;皇冠
scissors scissors 剪刀
tape tape 胶带
glue glue 胶水
saw saw 锯
craftsman craftsman 工匠;手艺人(复数craftsmen)

tool tool 工具
easily easily 容易地
himself himself 他自己
still still 仍然
model house model house 房子模型
along time ago along time ago 很久以前
at work at work 忙着(做事情)
say to oneself say to oneself 自言自语
unit 6
long race long race 长跑
short race short race 短跑
win win 获胜:赢
long jump long jump 跳远
high jump high jump 跳高
swimsuit swimsuit (尤指女式的)游泳衣
swimming cap swimming cap 游泳帽
swimming pool swimming pool 游泳池
warm up warm up 准备活动;热身练习;
fit fit 健壮的
swimming goggles swimming goggles 游泳镜

unit 7

bell bell 铃铛
neck neck 脖子
ago ago 以前
gatekeeper gatekeeper 门卫
praise praise 赞扬;称赞
praise for praise for 因 而表扬
unit 8
sign sign 标识
middle middle 中间;中部;中心
special special 特别的
path path 小路;小径
may may 可能;可以
lost lost 迷路的;迷失的
worry worry 担心
follow follow 跟随;跟着
in the middle in the middle 在中间
look out look out 小心,当心
no smoking no smoking 禁止吸烟
no swimming no swimming 禁止游泳
get lost get lost 迷路
some time some time 一段时间
on the way on the way 在路上

unit 9
reuse reuse 重新利用
can can 金属罐
rubber rubber 橡皮
vase vase 花瓶
pen holder pen holder 笔筒
envelope envelope 信封
plastic plastic 塑料制的;塑料的
rubbish bin rubbish bin 垃圾桶
truck truck 卡车
piece piece 碎片;碎块
cloth cloth 布;布料
throw away throw away 扔掉

unit 10
fairy tale fairy tale 童话;(故事)
adult adult 成年人
well-known well- known 众所周知的;著名的
stronger stronger 更强大的
than than 比
scarf scarf 围巾(复数scarves或scarfs)
unit 11

western western 西方的
turkey turkey 火鸡
bright bright 明亮的;鲜艳的
laugh at laugh at 嘲笑
jack-o'-lantern jack-o'-lantern 南瓜灯
unit 12
pea pea 豌豆
pod pod 豆荚
forever forever 永远
bigger bigger 更大的
excited excited 兴奋的
bullet bullet 子弹
lazy lazy 懒惰的
roof roof 屋顶
yard yard 院子
hit hit 喷撞;撞击
see the world see the world 见世面
one by one one by one 一个接一个地
look out of look out of 往外看







