
2021年01月10日 21:47



六年级(下)Unit 6 Do not eat in class.
[Presenting the 1
PPT about the introduction.]
Well, good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, I am very happy to meet you all here.
Today,I am going to present Unit 6 Do not eat in class. Well, please look at the
teaching material together. Well, this is a letter in the book. Students are required to
read it through, have a look at it, try to write a letter to Zhao Jie, a boy who doesn’t
like any subjects at all. [Presenting the 2
PPT about the given letter.]
Well, I think my teaching aims should include the proper form of English letter,
and second, how to write a letter in an idiomatic way. [Presenting the 3
PPT about
the teaching aims.]Well, to achieve these goals, I am going to arrange my teaching
step by step [Presenting the 4
PPT about the teaching procedures]. Well, these are
the steps, since so many, let me make it simple, actually, they are words, sentences
and paragraphs. As we know that articles consist of words and sentences. So first, I
would like to talk about the words. That is also the first step---revision. Well, you
know, students have learned the names of the subjects in the former lessons. So, I am
going to review the words by playing games with them.
Here comes the first game: who can write more? [Presenting the 5
PPT about the
game]I am going to divide the students into two groups, for example boys and girls.
They are given two minutes to rush to the blackboard and write down the subjects
they know. The group which can write more will be the winner. Imagine how excited
the students are, and at the same time, they are also reviewing the words. Well, what’s
more, you may have noticed these two subjects, Physics and Chemistry. [Presenting
the 6
PPT about the result of the game] Actually, these two subjects are not in this
book. So, in this way, we can know that some students are showing us how much they
know and all the students can also enlarge their vocabulary at the same time.
Well, after words, I would like to turn to sentences. Here comes the second game, who
can make it longer? [Presenting the 7
PPT about the 2
game] I am going to give
students a word, for example subject. Which students can make it longer? Well, you
please. Favorite subject. Good. A phrase appears. Longer? You please. My favorite
subject is English. Well, a sentence appears. Even longer? My favorite subject is
English, I like it very much, it is so interesting. [Presenting the 8
PPT about the
answers of the game]Well, you can see students are constructing words into sentences
step by step. Well, this is the revision part.
After that, it is time to read. From now, I am going to show students the given
material so soon. Actually, instead, I am going to show them those separated pieces.
They should put them into the correct order[Presenting the 9
PPT about the
reordering task]. You know before the lesson, I divided the whole letter into these four
parts, why do I bother to do this? Well, you can see, in this way, students can put more
attention to how to begin and how to end a letter. Then, they have a time, can have a

chance to read through the whole article[Presenting the 10
PPT about the reading
material]. Well, at the same time, they should also pick out those well used words and
sentences, and share them with the whole class. Then, they have a discussion “what
information can we use? [Presenting the 11
PPT about the discussion task]Why
talking about subjects? Of course, it is easy for them to find these information like
these three ones ( time & day, teacher, reason ), because they are in the letter. But
what else? Students need to think about that. Well, why? As we know it is easy to
copy, but difficult to create. Sometimes, the given material gives us a good example,
but sometimes, they may also limit students’ ideas. So they need to go further. As
some teachers may prefer to offer the answers directly to the students. But I am not. I
think teaching students how to learn is much more important than just teaching
knowledge. So students should think about that by themselves. Well, this part is also a
brainstorm to them. Till now, they have known so much. Since that, they should be
given a chance to put what they’ve known into practice. So I prepare two
practices[Presenting the 12
PPT about the 2 practices]. Practice number one,
students have a Free Talk about their favorite subjects, if they can express themselves
fluently and naturally, they won’t have much difficulty in writing them down. Well,
second practice will be the real writing. They are given eight minutes to write a letter
to Zhao Jie[Presenting the 13
PPT about the beginning of the letter]. Well, when they
finish writing, six students get into a group, they exchange their letters and try to
correct mistakes. Why they should do that? Well, teachers may have noticed that not
many students have the habit of rewriting and correcting mistakes when they finish
writing, and I want them to realize this is also very important.
Ok, after that, each group chooses two representatives, the best one and the one
who has made great progress. Which two? I think not only those advanced students
but also the less advanced students should be given a chance to show how good they
are. Well, for example, yes, after that, some representative come to the front and show
their letters to the whole class, but you can think it is a projector like this. This is a
student’s letter and when all students finish writing it, they are welcomed to give
comments. It is so-so, good or great. So which one? Can you find any beautifull
sentences here? They are welcomed to give their ideas.
Well, here comes the last part[Presenting the 14
PPT about the homework]. Last
part will be the homework. They can either write me an email or have a talk with
some one or write an article about his or her favorite ********. I think both of these
are highly connected with our daily life. So, students must be very interested. Ok, so
that is all. Thank you very much!
Questions:Anyhow, I appreciate your teaching, and allow me to say so. My question
is “ how do you check the achievements of the homework you send to your pupils?

Answer:Well, about this question, I think, first, still the group work. They should
exchange their letters and each group should also choose two representatives and
hand in the letters or the articles they have written to me, and I correct them by myself.
And then, put all these representatives’ works on the wall and show them to the whole
class. By this way. Thank you!







