
2021年01月11日 11:47



Topic Talk

(P = Presenter S = Sarah Hughes)
P:And you are now on Radio Richmond.We've got Sarah Hughes from
West London Wildlife.Sarah,do you teach people about nature in this part of
S:Yes.we're lucky.Actually,the whole city is quite green.About 66
percent of the city is covered with water or green space.Amazing,isn’t it? And
there are three million private gardens.
P:Three million? Wow!
S:Yes.It's great for wildlife.You can see different kinds of birds - there
are over 350. And there are other interesting animals too,like deer.My
favourite animals are deer.We've got them here in Richmond Park.
P:Talking about nature,what about the Thames River?
S:Well,there's less water pollution now than fifty years ago.In fact,there
are about 120 different kinds of fish in the river.
P:And climate change?
S:I think our climate is definitely changing.And the greenhouse effect is
quite obvious.For example,the winters aren't as cold these days and we don't
get snow very often.
P:And other environmental problems?
S:The biggest environmental problems are air pollution and noise
pollution from cars and airplanes.Nearly forty days a year in London suffer
from dangerous levels of pollution.That's very worrying.
P:OK,thanks a lot,Sarah,for sharing with us.

(B = Boy G = Girl)
B:Wow.The lecture was so shocking.I didn't know we were harming
nature so much.
G:Me neither.We tried to make use of nature as much as we could,but
we over did it.Nature got hurt,felt pain,and finally turned its back on us.
B:Yes.Nature is our home.Humans,animals.plants and all other living
things live in it.We should take care of our .
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G:Just like the title of the lecture - Living with Nature 一 we should
protect nature.
B:I agree.In the future,we should...

Lesson1 A Sea Story
About three years ago,something terrible happened to me. That was
the day when it took only six hours to break my body and soul. You
think I am a very old man — but I am not.It took less than a single day
to change my hair from black to white.

One day,my two brothers and I were coming back from the islands
where we often risked going and got more fish than others. All at once,
the sky was covered with dark clouds and in less than a minute we were
in a terrible storm.A huge wave covered our boat and my younger
brother fell into the sea.My elder brother put his mouth close to my ear
and cried out“Moskoe- strom!”The moment I heard the word I became
very frightened.I knew what he meant by that one word well enough.

With the wind and waves,we were going in the direction of the
whirlpool.We were hopeless.Nothing could save us.I felt sick,as if I
was falling from a mountain top in a dream.We went round and round,
nearer and nearer to the horrible edge of the whirlpool.It may appear
strange,but at that moment,when we were on the edge of the
whirlpool,I felt calmer than when we were moving towards it.I began to
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think how amazing a thing it was to die in such a way,and how
wonderful it was to see the power of nature.Suddenly,we went over
the edge.I thought my life was over.But moment after moment passed,
and l was still safe.

The boat was on the inside of the huge whirlpool and we were going
round in circles at great speed.I saw clearly that there were other
objects in the whirlpool — trees and barrels.After a while,I became
curious about the whirlpool itself.I then made three important
observations.The first,the larger the bodies were,the more rapidly they
fell;the second,between two objects of equal extent,round objects fell
down less rapidly;and the third,between two objects of the same size,
objects shaped like a tube fell down more slowly.So I tied myself to a
barrel to help me float.I tried to make my brother understand,but he
was too frightened and stayed in the heavy boat.Without waiting,I
jumped into the sea to try and escape.
主+谓+宾 主 (定) +系+ 表
As you can see,the reason why l'm here to tell the story is that l made
the right decision.Some time after I left the boat,with my brother in it,
it was pulled into the bottom of the whirlpool. Soon after that,the
whirlpool became less wild.Then the sky was clear,the wind calmer,
and the moon was shining.I was still tied to the barrel and the waves
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soon carried me to an area where the other fishermen were.In the end,
a boat picked me up.I was very tired.The fishermen were my old
friends,but they were unable to recognise me.When I told them my
story,they did not believe it.Now I have told you,and I cannot expect
you to believe me any more than the fishermen did.

Lesson 2 听力原文


(P = Presenter W = Mr Wang)
P:Today,we're talking about professional teams who work in natural
disaster rescue.As you know,natural disasters like earthquakes,floods and
landslides can cause death and other loss and damage that is hard to
measure.So what do professional rescue teams do when a natural disaster
happens? Today,Mr Wang from China International Search and Rescue
Team is here to tell us all about this.
P:Mr Wang,I know you have been part of many rescue operations
overseas,as well as in China,for example the Wenchuan earthquake in
2008.So what happens on your rescue attempts?
W:Well,in the rescue attempts our first and most important goal is to save
lives,for example at an earthquake site.So we use search and rescue
vehicles and trained dogs to look for anyone who is still alive and try our best
to save them.
P:Sounds like a very challenging process.How long does a rescue
attempt usually take?
W:To give you an example,one of my recent attempts was the Nepal
earthquake.Over sixty members and six dogs took part,and we were there for
twelve days.We rescued two people and provided medical help to over 2,000
P:Twelve days! You rescued two people and helped 2,000! Hard to
imagine.It must have been really tough.
W:Yes.It was a battle against time.
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P:Wow,I can't imagine how much pressure you are under.
W:It's definitely hard.But it's our duty to try our best to reduce suffering
and the loss of life.We're trained to do so.

(W = Mr Wang P = Presenter)
W:... So,we feel proud of what we do...
P:Excuse me,Mr Wang,but can I interrupt you there? You've told us a
lot about how you conduct rescue attempts,but could you please tell us more
about protection? For example,what should we do in an earthquake?
W:Right.If you're outdoors,stay there and move away from any buildings
or streetlights.If you're indoors,stay away from anything that can break or fall,
like windows or lamps.
P:OK,if I'm outdoors,move away from any buildings or streetlights.If I'm
indoors,stay away from anything that can break or fall.But what if I'm trapped?
Should I try to shout as loud as I can,or...
W:Sorry,but my advice is to knock on a wall to help people find you and
only shout when someone is nearby.
P:Sorry for interrupting again.But why so?
W:This is because shouting can cause you to breathe in a dangerous
amount of dust.
P:I didn't know that - great advice! We've all learnt a lot today.Well,I'd
love to know more,but,unfortunately,we've run out of time.So,I'm very sorry,
but we'll have to finish there.Thank you again,Mr Wang.
W:My pleasure.

Lesson3 Race to the Pole
On 1 June,1910,Captain Robert Falcon Scott left London to begin his journey to
Antarctica. While he was on the way to Antarctica,he received a message from the Norwegian
explorer Roald Amundsen which said he was going south,too. Then the race to the South Pole

During the polar summer of 1910 — 1911,both teams organised food bases in preparation for
their journeys the next year. Then came the total darkness of the polar winter.Scott and
Amundsen waited anxiously for spring.

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Amundsen was the first to leave on 8 September,1911.He had teams of dogs pulling the sledges
and all his men were on skis .Because of this,he made rapid progress.Scott left on 1
November and soon had problems.First,his two sledges broke down and then the horses
began to have serious difficulties with the snow and the cold.After a while,Scott and his men
had to push the sledges themselves.

Amundsen reached the Pole on 14 December,1911 and put a Norwegian flag there.Then he
prepared for the return journey.Amundsen and his team arrived safely back to their starting
base on 25 January,1912,ten days ahead of their planned schedule.

Scott finally arrived at the Pole with four team members on 17 January,1912.They were shocked
when they saw the Norwegian flag.Scott wrote in his diary:

,we have now lost the goal of our ambition and must face 800 miles of hard pushing —
and goodbye to most of our dreams.

The return journey was one of the worst in the history of exploration .The men were soon
very tired and were running out of food.The weather conditions were terrible.Scott started to
realise their hopeless situation:

,but what each man feels in his heart I can only guess. Putting on our
shoes in the morning is getting slower and slower.

However,on their way back they found time to look for rocks.They carried twenty kilos of rocks
all the way with them.Later,these rocks proved that at one time in the distant past,the
continent of Antarctica was covered by plants.

Then disaster came.Edgar Evans had a terrible disease and died after a bad fall.The next to go
was Captain Oates,who was having great difficulty walking.Scott recorded his death:

,'I am just going outside and may be some time.
walking to his death,but though we tried to stop him,we knew that it was the act of a brave man
and an English gentleman.We all hope to meet the end with a similar spirit,and certainly the
end is not far.

Scott and two of his team members carried on and got within eleven miles of one of their food
bases.But then a terrible storm started and they could not leave their tent .Scott spent some
of his last hours writing.He wrote a letter full of sadness to his wife Kathleen:

. What stories you would have for the boy... but
what a price to pay.

Scott's diary also told the story of their end:

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.It seems a pity,but I do not think I
can write more.

The news of Scott's death shocked the world.Even Amundsen was moved by Scott's death
saying,for honesty,sincerity,for bravery,for everything that makes
a man.Scott had failed to win the race to the Pole,but the great courage shown by Scott and his
men made them heroes.

Writing Workshop
How to Survive an Earthquake

If you're indoors

Don't run,but protect yourself.Don't try to run out of the building during an earthquake.The
most important thing is to protect yourself as much as you can.

Drop,cover and hold on. DROP down onto your hands and knees.COVER your head and
neck with your hands,arms or hard objects.If possible.find a strong shelter nearby which will
cover your whole body.HOLD ON to your shelter until the shaking stops.

If you're outdoors

Move away from anything that can fall.Move to open areas.Buildings,trees,streetlights
and power lines can fall down during an earthquake.

Find a shelter where you can stay. If you are near objects that can fall,find a shelter to protect
yourself from them.

Wait before moving to another place.Objects may also fall after an earthquake and there are
always strong aftershocks. Observe carefully before you move away.

If you're in a car

Stop.Stop your car as soon as you can,but avoid stopping near a building or under a tree.

Stay seated.Stay calm in your car.The car's metal body can protect you from falling objects.

Drive carefully when the quake stops. Avoid bridges that have been damaged or may be
damaged by the aftershocks.

Reading Club
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Fact File
·New Zealand is home to 4.7 million people,31 million sheep and 10 million cows.

·Moa birds were native to New Zealand.but are now extinct.They were two metres tall and
weighed over 250 kilogrammes.

·New Zealand is home to more species of penguins than any other country.

·New Zealand is one of the few countries in the world without snakes.


New Zealand is a country in the South Pacific.It has a total area of 270,000 square kilometres
and has two large islands (the North lsland and the South island),as well as other smaller
islands.Almost every geographical feature ln the world can be found in New Zealand — forests,
mountains,deserts,beaches and volcanoes.A mountain range runs down the middle of the
South island,and includes the country's highest mountain:Mount Cook (3,724 metres).New
Zealand has a varied climate that changes a lot from place to place.In fact,lt's a common saying
that in New Zealand,you can get four seasons in one day! Generally,the further south you go,the
colder it will be.

New Zealand has a lot of unique native animals,including fish insects,birds and frogs.The
country is famous for its birds.The most famous is the kiwi (the symbol of New Zealand),which
is a large bird that cannot fly.New Zealand is also home to the world's largest insect — the
giant weta.It looks like a big,scary grasshopper,but it is actually harmless.

Places to Visit and Things to Do

New Zealand's forests are great for hiking and camping.In fact,one third of the country is made
up of national parks,which are full of hiking trails and beautiful campsites.If you love skiing,the
South lsland is the best place to go,but there are some amazing ski fields on the North lsland,
too.The country's beaches,lakes and rivers are perfect for boating and water sports.


A place to discuss nature films

Wildlife on the Silver Screen

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Tom Tom:Hey everyone! I just watched the film Wolf Totem.It was directed by a French director
called Jean-Jacques Annaud — I hope I've spelt that right! It's about a young student who went
to lnner Mongolia in the 1960s.He became interested in wolves.I enjoyed the film and I
wondered if other people liked it,too.Some things I liked were:


·exciting scenes — especially the one where the horses are attacked by a pack of wolves

·great shots — the grasslands of lnner Mongolia look really beautiful

·strong environmental message (The main character quickly sees how easy it is for humans to
upset the natural balance of the environment.)

Rubicon:Actually,it's not an original story — the film was based on a book by a Chinese writer
called Jiang Rong.He wrote the book about his experiences in Inner Mongolia.

Josie55:What were the special effects like in the film? I mean,were the wolves all created by

TomTom:@Josie55 No,there's not a lot of CGl in Wolf Totem — almost all of the shots are of
real wolves! I read in a magazine that the production company chose Annaud to direct the film
because he had worked with animals many times.Annaud actually had wolf cubs specially
trained for the film.It took several years to train them — they had to learn to trust humans and
not to be afraid of cameras.I admire the way the film crew took such good care of the
animals.For me,this further highlights the environmental message of the film.

Josie55:@TomTom Can you explain the thing about the environmental message? What do you
mean by

TomTom:@Josie55 Maybe I can give you an example from the film to help explain... At one
point,some greedy people steal a lot of meat from the wolf pack.That leaves the wolves with
nothing to eat so they start attacking the farmers' animals.As a result,a decision is made to kill
the wolves.ignoring the warning that wolves protect the grassland from the invasion of hares,
rats and other animals.The disappearance of the wolves brings disaster to the grassland and has
inevitable negative effects on the farmers.

If people hadn't taken the meat,the wolves would have left the farmers' sheep alone.This shows
how one small human action can cause major problems for many other species.

Rubicon:Yes,the book and the film really show how important it is for humans to protect the
environment.Here's a relevant quote from the book,.If
we don't kill wolves,there'll be fewer of us.But if we kill too many of them,there'll be even
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