
2021年01月11日 17:26



You should be_A_of developing your program,using something
better than the method
that uses the philosophy:write_B_down and then try to get it
working.Surprisingly,this method is wide used to day with result that an
average programmer on an average job _C_ out only between five to ten
lines of correct code per day. We hope your _D_ will be greater.But to
improve requires that you apply some discipline to the _E_ of creating
A:① available ② capable ③ useful ④ valuable
B:①anything ②nothing ③ something ④ thing
C:①does ② looks ③ turns ④ runs
D: ① activity ② code ③ productivity ④
E: ① process ② experience③ habit ④ idea
从供选择的答 案中,选出应填人下面叙述中__内的最确切的解

An anti-virus program _A_ a virus by searching code
recognized as that of one of the thousands of viruses known to
afflict computer systems. An anti-virus Program also can be used to
create a checksum for __B__ files on your disk, save the checksums
in a special file, and then use the checksums to __C_ whether files
have been modified perhaps by a new virus. Special terminate and
stay resident (TSR) programs can check for unusual __D__ to access vital
disk areas and system files, and check files you copy into memory to
be sure they are not __E__.
A: ① declares ②deducts ③ defeats ④ detects
B: ① valuable ② variable ③ voluble ④ vulnerable
C:① calculate ②determine ③run ④write
D:① attempts ② objects ③deprograms ④ routines
E:① copied ②effected ③ infected ④ injected
Applications put computers to practical business _A_, but
below the _B_ it's the heart of an operating system-the
kernel-that provides the technical wizardry to juggle multiple
program, connect to networks and store _C_.
A traditional kernal provides all the functions for

applications. The kernal _D_ memory, IO devices and parcels
out processor time.
The kernel also supports security and fault _E_, which is
the ability to recover automatically when parts of the system
A: (1)used (2)use (3)apply (4)applied
B: (1)earth (2)bottom (3)table (4)surface
C: (1)graphics (2)data (3)text (4)image
D: (1)manages (2)manage (3)managed (4)managing
E: (1)error (2)question (3)tolerance (4)problem
answer:A2 B4 C2 D1 E3
By using MP3,a 600M-byte music CD can be _A_ to 50M bytes
or less. It can be streamed (downloaded in chunks) so that you
can begin listening to the opening bars while the _B_ of the
life arrives in the background. And, most important, MP3 music
files retain good listening _C_ that _D_ compression schemes
lacked. That _E_ of features makes accessing and distributing
music on the Web practical for the first time.
A: (1)pressed (2)compressed (3)compress (4)press

B: (1)past (2)next (3)rest (4)host
C: (1)amount (2)mass (3)quantity (4)quality
D: (1)earlier (2)front (3)later (4)backward
E: (1)addition (2)combination (3)difference (4)condition
Answer: A2 B3 C4 D1 E2
从供选择的答案中,选出 应填入下面叙述中__?__内的最确切的解答,
Because Web servers are platform and application __A__ , they can send
or request data from legacy or external applications including databases.
All replies, once converted into __B__ mark-up language, can then be
transmitted to a __C__.Used in this way, Intranets can __D__ lower
desktop support costs, easy links with legacy applications and databases
and, __E__ all, ease of use.
A:(1)coupled (2)dependent (3)independent (4)related
B:(1)ciphertext (2)hypertext (3)plaintext (4)supertext
C:(1)browser (2)repeater (3)router (4)server
D:(1)off (2)offer (3)office (4)officer
E:(1)abort (2)about (3)above (4)around
Answer: A3 B2 C1 D2 E3

Software quality assurance is now an __A__ sub-discipline of
software engineering. As Buckly and Oston point out, __B__ software
quality assurance is likely to lead to an ultimate __C__ of software costs.
However, the major hurdle in the path of software management in this
area is the lack of __D__ software standards. The development of
accepted and generally applicable standards should be one of the
principal goals of __E__ in software engineering.
A:(1)emerging (2)emergent (3)engaging (4)evolve
B:(1)effective (2)effortless (3)light (4)week
C:(1)balance (2)growth (3)production (4)reduction
D:(1)usable (2)usage (3)useless (4)useness
E:(1)management(2)planning (3)production (4)research
Answer: A1 B1 C2 D1 E4
An instruction is made up of operations that __A__ the
function to be performed and operands that represent the data
to be operated on .For example ,if an instruction is to perform
the operation of __B__ two numbers ,it must know __C__ the two
numbers are .The processor's job is to __D__ instructions and

operands from memory and to perform each operation .Having done
that ,it signals memory to send it __E__ instruction.
A. 1) skip 2) smile 3) smoke 4)specify
B. 1)add 2)added 3) adding 4)addition
C. 1) when 2) where 3) which 4) who
D. 1) get 2) make 3) push 4) put
E. 1) ant 2) last 3) next 4) second
Answer : A4 B3 C2 D1 E3
software design is a __A__ process .It requires a certain
__B__ of f1air on the part of the designer. Design can not be
learned from a book .It must be practiced and learnt by
experience and study of existing systems .A well __C__ software
system is straightforward to implement and maintain ,easily
__D__ and reliable .Badly designed software systems ,although
they may work are __E__ to be expensive to maintain ,difficult
to test and unreliable.
A. 1)create 2) created 3) creating 4) creative
B. 1)amount 2) amounted 3) mount 4) mounted
C. 1)design 2) designed 3) designing 4) designs
D. 1)understand 2) understands 3) understanding 4) understood
E: 1) like 2) likely 3)unlike 4) unlikely
Answer: A4 B1 C2 D4 E2

 In C language, one method of communicating data between functions
is by (1) 。
(1) A、arguments B、variables C、messages D、constants
● In C program,all variables must be (2 ) before use, usually at
the beginning of the function before any (3) statements。
(2) A、stated B、instructed C、illustrated D、declared
(3) A、operative B、active C、executable D、processing
● When a string constant is written in C program, the compiler creates
(4) of characters containing the characters of the string, and terminating
it with “0”.
(4) A、a group B、an array C、a set D、a series
● In C language, (5) variables have to be defined outside
function, this (6) actual storage for it.
(5) A、internal B、output C、export D、external
(6) A、locates B、allocates C、finds D、looks for
●In C language, the increment and decrement (7) can only be
applied to variables, so an expression like x=(i+j)++ is illegal.
(7) A、operation B、operate C、operator D、operand
● In C program, it is convenient to use a (8) to exit from a loop.
(8) A、end B、break C、stop D、quit
● In C language, (9) is a collection of one or more variables,
possibly of different types, grouped together under a single name for
convenient handling.
(9) A、a structure B、a file C、an array D、a string
● In C language, the usual expression statements are (10) or
function calls.
(10) A、IOs B、assignments C、operations D、evaluations
Answer: 1A 2D 3C 4B 5D 6B 7A 8A 9C 10D
从供选择的答案中,选出应填人下面叙述中_?_内的最确切的解答,把 相应编号

Many word processing programs include spell checker. It
checks the spelling of every word in a _A_ by looking up each
word in its
dictionary. If the word does not appear in the dictionary

the user is _B_ to
a possible misspelling and possible
corrections are often _C_ Spell checker dies not
recognize unusual people names or specialized terms, but it
wi11 often allow you to create your own personal dictionary of
specialized words you often use.Spell checker is valuable aids
to proofreading, but it can not catch the _D_ of one correctly
spe11ed word for another ( such as form for from ) . Thus it
does not _E_ a document is free of spelling errors.
A:①document ②equipment ③program ④statement
B,C:①alerted ②alternate ③guessed ④guided
⑤Suggested ⑥surprised
D:①addition ②condition ③notation ④substitution
E:①committee ②correct ③guarantee ④prove
从供选择的答案中,选出应填人下面叙述中_?_内的最确切的解答,把相应编号< br>写在答卷的对应栏内。
A local-area network ( LAN ) is a communications network that _A_ a
variety of device and provides a _B_ for information exchange among those
devices. The scope
of the LAN is small typically a single building or a cluster of buildings.
is usually owned by the same organization that owns the _C_ devices. The
internal data rate of LAN is at least several Mbps.The basic
Of LAN communication is broadcasting.At each station, there is a

transmitter/receiver that communicates over a _D_ shared. by other
stations. A transmits from any one station is _E_ to and received by all
other stations.
A、 B、 D、 E:
①broadcast ②cable ③control ④interconnects
⑤internet ⑥meander ⑦means ⑧medium
⑨modem ⑩output switch relay
C:①adopted ②attached ③selected ④unified
答,把 相应编号写在答卷的对应栏内。
All of these applications will enhance the _A_ of life and spur
economic growth. Over half of the U.S. work force is now in jobs that are
information _B_. The telecommunication and information sector of the
U.s. economy now _C_ for 12 percent of the Gross Domestic Product,
growing much faster than any other sector of the economy. Last year the
_D_ in this sector exceeded 700 billion dollars. The U.S. exported over
48 billion dollars of telecommunication equipment _E_.
A:①quantity ②quality ③mass ④amount
B:①based ②bassed ③bases
C:①look ②looks
③account ④accounts

D:①revenues ②expenses
E:①among ②alone
③outputs ④loss
③simple ④single
Answer: A2 B1 C4 D1 E2
从供选择的答案 中,选出应填入下面叙述中的_?_内的最确切的解
The growth of switching has _A_ a new generation of network
management tools that help _B_ cope with the challenges, _C_ them to
correlate device alarms in order to _D_ pinpoint root causes, or to
monitor service levels without depending on IP subnetting schemes.
These new tools have become essential to coping with the primary _E_
effect of any treatment that significantly increases network flexibility:
added complexity.
①create ②creates ③created ④creating
①technicians ②workers ③salesmen
①enjoying②enabling ③engaging
②well ③welly

②side ③front ④lateral
Answer: A3 B1 C2 D1 E2
从 供选择的答案中,选出应填入下面叙述中_?_内的最确切的解

Network managers have long _A_ practical voice-over-IP(VOIP)
solutions. VOIP _B_ ease network management and decreases costs by
converging a company’s telephony and data infrastructures into one
network. And a VOIP solution implemented at a company’s head-quarters
with far-reaching branch offices can _C_ tremendous amounts of _D_ in
long distance phone bills, provided that solution delivers POTS- like voice
_E_ over the Internet.
①await ②awaited ③awaiting

①promise ②promised
①frequency ②length ③quality
Answer: A2 B3 C3 D2 E3
从供选择的答案中,选 出应填入下面叙述中_?_内的最确切的解
Basically, a firewall is a _A_ process or a set of integrated processes
that runs on a router or _B_ to control the flow of networked application
traffic _C_ through it. Typically, firewalls are placed on the entry point to
a _D_ network such as the Internet. They could be considered traffic cops.
The firewall’s _E_ is to ensure that all communication between an

organization’s network and the Internet conform to the organization’s
security policies.



②client ④sever
③role ④rule
Answer: A4 B4 C3 D4 E3
 MIMD systems can be classified into __(66)__-oriented
systems ,high-avai1ability systems and response-oriented
systems. The goal of __(66)__ oriented multiprocess is to
obtain h1gh __(66)__ __(67)__ minimal computing cost .The
techniques employed by multiprocessor operating systems to
achieve this goal take advantage of an inherent processing
versus inputoutput balance in the workload to produce
__(68)__ and__(69)__ loading of system __(70)__ .
(66): h hout hput
(68):e ed es ing

(70):A resource ces s
 Soon, more of the information we received via the internet
could come __(71)__ in digital wrappers.
Wrappers are made up __(72)__ software code that's targeted
to do specific things with the data __(73)__ within them , such
as helping to define queries for search engines .They also keep
__(74)__ from __(75)__ access to that code.
(71):e ed es ing
(73): e ed
(74):rs ers use
(75): g










● A typical __(66)__ language contains an applicative sub-language
which approximates the mathematical abstractions of functions
applied to 'spaceless'values, where the actual operation sequences and
use of storage space during expression evaluation are organized behind
the __(67)__ .In this setting, values are data structures of low volume,
typically a few computer words or less, which means that an illusion of
spacelessness can be realized by having __(68)__ results during

expression evalution stored at the discretion of the
language implementation, and effecting parameter __(69)__ and __(70)__
operations through value copying.
(66) A. imperative
(67) A. foreground
(68) A. middle
(69) A. tranverse
(70) A. assignment
B. mandatory
B. background
B. intermediate
C. compulsory
C. screen
C. previous
D. voluntary
D. scenes
D. final
B. transportation C. transmmision D. translation
B. design C. value D. dispatch
● Most computer systems are __(71)__ to two different groups of
Insider attacks and outsider attacks. A system that is known to be __(72)__
to an outsider attack by preventing __(73)__ from outside can still be
vulnerable to the insider attacks accomplished by abusive usage of
__(74)__ users. Detecting such abusive usage as well as attacks by
outsides not only provides information on damage assessment, but also
helps to prevent future attacks. These attacks are usually __(75)__ by
tools referred to as Intrusion Detection Systems.
(71) A. vulnerable B. week C. sensitively D. helpless
(72) A. reliable B. secure
(73) A. visit B. access C. IO D. readwrite
D. steady

(74) A. power
(75) A. searched
B. rights
B. checked
C. authorized D. common
C. tested D. detected
(66)A (67)D (68)B (69)C (70)A (71)A (72)B (73)B (74)C (75)D

Communication protocols are __(66)__ connection-oriented or
connectionless,__(67)__ whether the sender of a message needs
to contact and maintain a dialog with the recipient or __(68)__
send a message without any prior connect and with the hope that
the recipient receives everything __(69)__ .These methods
__(70)__ the two ways that communication is implemented on
B. flooded

ing on d by


(69): order
(70): known
●The major problem with E-mail is that it is __(71)__ easy to
use that people can become __(72)__ with messages. __(73)__
they can possibly answer in a addition,mail boxes
require some management to __(74)__ messages or archive those
that might be required later.senders don't always know about
your E-mail backlog and often send __(75)__ messages.



e of
(73):A. more than


(75): many










In the following essay, each blank has four choices. Choose the
most suitable one from the four choices and write down in the
answer sheet. Heterogeneous network environments consist of
computer systems from (66) vendors that run (67) operating
systems and communication protocols. An organization that (68)
its computer resources is usually (69) the task of integrating
its heterogeneous systems. Typically, each department or
division has defined its own network needs (70) OS, LAN
topology, communication protocols, applications, and other

(66): A. same B. similar
C. different D. difference
(67): A. same B. similar

C. different D. difference
(68): A. consolidates B. consists
C. considerate D. consoles
(69): A. faced on B. faced with
C. faced about D. faced up to
(70): A. in general B. in any term
C. in set terms D. in terms of

In the following essay, each blank has four choices. Choose the most
suitable one from the four choices and write down in the answer sheet.
There are two types of key technology: private key and public key.
Private-key encryption methods are called (71) ciphers, information is
encrypted with (72) both the sender and receiver hold privately.
Public-key encryption methods are called (73) ciphers, (74) created
for each user, encryption key and decryption key are (70) .
(71): A. synchronous B. asynchronous
C. symmetric D. asymmetric
(72): A. a key B. two keys
C. three keys D. four keys
(73): A. synchronous B. asynchronous
C. symmetric D. asymmetric
(74): A. two related keys are B. a key is
C. two unrelated keys are D. three keys are

(75): A. same B. different
C. difference D. some
(66)C (67)C (68)A (69)B (70)D (71)C (72)A (73)D (74)A (75)B
●Packet-switching wireless networks are preferable
___(66)___ when transmissions are ___(67)___ because of the way
charges are ___(68)___ per packet. Circuit-switched networks
are preferable for transferring large files or for other
lengthy transmissions because customers are ___(69)___ for the
___(70)___ of time they use the network.
(66):A. to
(67):A. long
B. for
B. short
C. than
C. large
C. incurved
C. free
C. length
D. only
D. small
D. incurred
D. controlled
D. end
B. incurious
(68):A. computing
(69):A. charged
B. fined
(70):A. point
B. start

Multipurpose Internet MaiI Extension (MIME) is a
___(71)___ document messaging standard in the Internet
MIME,users can send ___(72)___ Email messages
that include audio,video,graphices,and text to any other user
of a TCPIP network. Richtext information can also be

___(73)___ into defines the fonts,formats,and
___(74)___ features of a document so the document can be easily
___(75)___on many different types of systems.
(71):A. complete
(72):A. analog
B. compound C. simple
B. many
D. efficient
C. multmedia D. digital
C. stored
C. design
D. filed
D. layout
D. executed
B. filled
(73):A. incorporated
(74):A. color
(75):A. restored






B. size
B. redisplayed C. stored




 In the following essay, each blank has four choices. Choose
the most suitable one from
the four choices and write down in the answer sheet.
A socket is basically an end point of a communication link
between two applications. Sockets that extend over a network
connect two or more applications running on __(66)__
computers attached to the network. A socket __(67)__ two
addresses: __(68)__. Sockets provide a __(69)__ communication
channel between one or more systems.
There are __(70)__ sockets separately using TCP and UDP.
(66):A. unique
B. separate C. same D. dependent

(67):A. is made of
B. composed of C. is composed of D. is consisted of
(68):A. Email address and IP address
(69):A. full-duplex
B. half-duplex
(70):A. message and packet
B. MAC address and port address
C. simplex
B. packet and frame
D. flow and block
D. complex
D. port number and IP address
C. MAC address and IP address
C. stream and datagram
 In the following essay, each blank has four choices. Choose the most
suitable one from
the four choices and write down in the answer sheet.
Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) is a __(71)__ routing algorithm that
__(72)__ work done on the OSI IS-IS intradomain routing protocol. This
routing, as compared to distance-vector routing, requires __(73)__
processing power. The __(74)__ algorithm is used to calculate routes. OSPF
routing table updates only take place when necessary,__(75)__ at regular
(71):A. distance-vector
B. link-state
D. selective flooding
B. deviated from
D. was deviated from
C. same
C. Dijkstra
C. rather than
D. most
D. rather that
B. less
B. rather too
C. flow-based
(72):A. derived from
C. was derived from
(73):A. more
(75):A. but rather
(74):A. Bellman-Ford
B. Ford-Fulkerson







