
2021年01月11日 19:58



小学作文教学是小学语文教学的重要组成部分,也是小学生掌握知识的标志,但这又是 小学
学生普遍存在 着怕写、厌写、不会写、没东西可写的情况。习作,在学生眼里成了一件“苦
差事”,甚至有部分学生产 生了谈“文”色变的恐惧心理。作文教学投入颇多,但收效甚微,
造成了学生怕些,教师怕教的局面。针 对以上问题,如何提高学生的写作能力呢?下面就谈

Primary school composition teaching is an important part of the primary school Chinese teaching
of elementary school students to master knowledge, but it is difficulties of primary school Chinese
teaching. Over the past few years, I have been engaged in primary school Chinese teaching work,
in the teaching process, found that there was no substance in quite a few students composition
content, form, or inflexible formal; Neither language specification, articles and a lack of sensitivity.
In actual teaching, the students there are afraid of writing and writing, can't write, nothing can be
written. Project, in the eyes of students has become a
fear of
students afraid of some teachers teaching situation. How to solve these problems, improve the
students' writing ability? Just talk about my opinions below.


1 the composition combined with life

“真正的学校应 当是一个积极思考的王国”,这就告诉我们在指导学生进行写作时,“思
维”十分重要,大量地背范文、 套模式,期望通过模仿提高写作水平,是不能真正提高作文
水平的,这是因为忽视了学生的主体地位、忽 略了思维训练,没有开拓思路。只有在“思维”
中获取灵感,才能做到思如泉涌、下笔有神、笔奕生辉。 根据目前学生的实际情况,适当地
带领学生走入生活,不仅是让学生参加一些社会实践活动,广泛接触社 会,更重要的是引导
他们学会观察社会、观察生活、认识事物的方法。事实证明,往往是参加了社会生活 实践活

should be a real positive thinking kingdomit tells us in guiding students to write,

level, can't really improve the level of composition, this is because ignore the students' subject
status, ignores the training of thinking, not ideas. Get inspired only in the can do,
such as stop, god pen, pen yi is unripe brightness. According to the current actual situation of
students, properly lead the students into life, is not only let the students take part in some social
practice activities, contact the society, more important is to guide them learn to observe social,
observing life, a method of recognizing things. Facts have proven that tend to be participated in
the social life practice, write a composition is much better, has a gift, also reveals the vivid and
visible. That is to say, teachers should let the students find thinking starting point in your life.


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2 in the reading teaching to cultivate the students' writing ability

首先,阅读教学能帮助学生学会审题。在阅读教学 中教师指导学生从课题入手,让学生
弄清作者写了什么,怎么写的,为什么这样写,学生遇到类似的作文 题后,便心中有底,这
样就知道该写什么,该怎样写,避免了学生在作文中审题时误入“歧途”,劳而无 功的情况
程„„”从 这一点说,阅读实际是一种美育手段,文学作品读得多了,审美能力就会随之提
高。学生作文的深层立意 也就会一触即发。如在引导学生阅读《背影》后,学生被父亲的平
凡而伟大的形象所感动,我随后让学生 进行一个练笔,有一位学生在《秋雨》中,就写出了
一个平凡的母亲在秋雨之后,气温剧降的一个黎明, 艰难爬过泥泞的山路给孩子送衣服的情

First of all, reading teaching can help students to learn the topic. Teachers guide students in the
reading teaching from the perspective of the subject, make students understand what the author is
writing about, how to write, why like this, students meet after similar thesis topic, and in the heart
bottom, so you know what to write, how to write, to avoid the students in the composition of the
topic go when nothing happens. Secondly, reading can cultivate the students'
composition conception. the Angle of reception aesthetics, the process of reading is the
reader to the works of the author intentionally left blank and did not try to fill, enrich and
sublimate of qualitative factors gradually, perfect to create process...
is actually a kind of means of aesthetic education, much literature reading, and aesthetic ability
will improve accordingly. Student thesis deep conception can be explosive. As in guiding students
to read backthe students were struck by the ordinary and the great image of his father,
then I let the students carry out a practicing writing, a student in
mother, after the rain, the temperature drops in a dawn, hard to climb over the muddy trail send
clothes for children, let the little author feel the greatness of a mother's love.


3 pay attention to the accumulation of at ordinary times


Composition is also need to accumulate as language knowledge, reading, such as good word,
sentence, highlights, etc.

3.1根据课文内容来积累: “重视文本”也是新课标的要求,而且很多课文的思考练习
中都出现“背 诵自己喜欢的自然段,摘抄好词、佳句”这样的练习,让学生在背诵时感受语
言文字的优美,摘抄中积累 材料。如果学生能掌握一些好词佳句就为写作做好了铺垫,能够
让他们有词可用、有话可说。比如:在教 完《颐和园》这课后,就让学生以后写熟悉的景物

http: http: http:
3.1 according to the text content to accumulate:
requirement of new, and a lot of text thinking exercise is to recite the paragraph that
oneself like, good words, loversa practice, let the students sense the beauty of language
when reciting, extract the accumulation of material. If the student can master some good word
lovers has laid a good groundwork for writing, can make they have available, have words to say.
Such as: teaching after the class, Summer Palacelet students write familiar scenery
foreshadowing later.

3.2通过写日记来积累: 坚持写日记是积累材料的是最好方式,也是练笔的最佳途径.由
于日记的内容很广,可写昕到的、可写看 到的、也可写想到的。总之,自己的喜怒哀乐都可
无拘无柬地表达出来。这样就让学生有一个自由表达的 空间,也能够写真实的事情。比如:
每组织学生看完一场电影,搞完一次大扫除,都可让学生把当时的情 景和感受用日记的形式

3.2 accumulated by writing diary: keep an diary is the accumulation of material is the best way,
also is the best way of practicing writing. Due to the content of the diary is very wide, but writing
xin to, but write see, also can think of. In a word, your joys and sorrows can express no detained in
Cambodia. So that let the students have a freedom of expression space, also be able to write the
real thing. Such as: each organization students to watch a movie, finish do a thorough cleaning,
can let the student feel the scene at the time and in the form of a diary written.

3.3及时修改作文,加快思想交流: 学生辛辛苦苦写好作文后,总喜欢得到老师的表 扬
受 ,让学生自己修改自己的作文,或别人的,或轮流交换互阅等。教师一定要让学生明确修
改作文的目标, 要求学生能写出他们的真情实感,用通顺的语句、清楚的层次、鲜明的观点,
恰如其分地记叙见闻、写景 状物、说明事物、发表意见,此时,若再重新习作一次,就能上

3.3 timely modify the composition, speeds up the ideas: after students have worked so hard to
write good composition, always like to get the teacher's praise and praise, in a very short period of
time, very impressive, should give timely evaluation, and put forward modify opinions, students
can easily accept, ask students to modify their own thesis, or someone else, or take turns to read
each other. Teachers must let students clear revises the thesis the goal, asked the students to write
their true feelings, a coherent statement, clear hierarchy, distinctive point of view, narrative stories
appropriately, landscapes and explain things, their opinions, at this point, if the project again once,
can on one level, this undoubtedly improve the composition.

3.4培养学生的自我修改的能力: 丁有宽老师主编的小学语文教材是以培养和发展语言
到大面积提高 小学生听说读写的能力为目的。这是新时期素质教育的体现,指出了作文的能
力培训的一条途径。“自改 ”作文,既能培养学生的自学精神,又能提高学生的作文能力。
在多年的小学语文作文教学中,笔者一直 尝试让学生参与作文评改。学生把自己的作文看几
遍,通读几遍后,看它是否顺口,以发现错漏之处,并 自己进行修改,以从根本上提高学生

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3.4 develop the students' ability of self modification: editor Ding Youkuan teacher of primary
school language teaching material by nurturing and developing language ability and thinking
ability as the center, in order to cultivate the ability to self-study complacent, since the change as
the goal, promote all-round development of students, achieve large area for the purpose of
improving students ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing. This is the embodiment of
the quality education in the new period, points out the composition of a way of training.
composition. In the years of primary school Chinese composition teaching, the author has been
trying to let the students participate in composition correction. Students see their own composition
several times, we may read a few times, making it easy to see if it, to find any errors, and modify,
in order to fundamentally improve the students' writing ability.

3.5培养学生的写作兴趣: 瑞士心理学家皮亚杰说过:“所有 智力方面的工作都要依赖于
兴趣。”当小学生对写作发生兴趣时,让他们长时间从事写作活动,他们也不 会感到累,更
量课 第一论文网内外活动中,通过教育进行激发和培养出来的。所以,教师必须注重在多种
活动中,有意识地 培养小学生的写作兴趣。对作文头痛的学生,则是作文还提不起他们的兴
趣。兴趣是写好作文的起点。作 文教学要取得一定成效,语文教师必须千方百计培养学生的
写作兴趣,让学生变被动学写为主动学写,逐 步使他们乐写。

3.5 to cultivate the students' interest in writing: the Swiss psychologist jean piaget said:
intellectual work should depend on the elementary school students to take an
interest in writing, let them for a long time in writing activities, they will not feel tired, more won't
feel is a kind of burden. Instead they will pull out all the stops, threw himself into writing
activities. Interest in writing, as it were, is the important guarantee of students write a composition.
Elementary student's writing interest, however, is not born of, is the first papers in their large class
inside and outside activities, inspired by education and training. Therefore, teachers must pay
attention to in a variety of activities, consciously cultivate students writing interest. Headache of
students to the thesis, the composition haven't interest them. Interest is the starting point for
writing. Composition teaching to obtain certain result, the language teacher must be one thousand
ways to cultivate students' interest in writing, let the students become passive learning to active
learning written to write, write step by step to make them happy.







