
2021年01月14日 11:18



Week 1: Starter、Let’s Review.
Alphabet: A a ~ Z z
Colors and Numbers: red yellow blue pink green
purple orange 1~20
Week 2: Unit 1、Let’s Learn and talk.
Words: firefighter soldier doctor police officer
driver farmer
1)、What do you want to be?∕I want to be a ___.
2)、Your father is a police office!
3)、Cody, this is my father.
Week 3: Unit 1、Let’s sing. “what do you want to
I want to be a firefighter.
To put out fire, to put out fire.
I want to be a firefighter.
What do you want to be?

Week 4: Unit 1、Let’s read.
A a (apple alligator)
Ad (sad) ap (cap) an (van) at (bat)

Week 5: Unit 2、Let’s Learn and talk.
Words: hamburger hot dog salad corn soup
chicken nuggets fries
sentences:1)、What would you like?∕I’d like a
2)、Would you like some corn soup?∕Yes, please.
3)、May I help you ?∕Yes, please.
4)、For here or to go?∕For here, please.
Week 6: Unit 2、 Let’s sing. “What would you like?”
Hamburger, hamburger, cheese and meat.
Apple pie, apple pie, warm and sweet.
Hot dog, hot dog, yummy, yummy.
Salad, salad, healthy, healthy.…
Week 7: Unit 2、Let’s read.
E e (egg elephant)
ed (bed) et (net) en (hen) eb (web)
Week 8: Unit 3、Let’s Learn and talk.
Words: Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday
Thursday Friday Saturday
Sentences: 1) What day is today? It’s Friday.
2)、What’s wrong, Gino? I’m late.

3)、There’s no school today.
Week 9: Unit 3、Let’s sing. “Days of the Week”
Jump on Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,
Jump on Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
Let’s all jump one more.
It’s Sunday! It’s Sunday!
Let’s go out and play.…
Week 10: Unit 3、Let’s Read.
I i (ink, insect)
Ig (big) id (lid) ib (bib) ix (six)
Week 11: Unit 4、Let’s Learn and talk.
Word: headache toothache tummy ache fever
caugh runny nose
sentences: 1)、What’s the matter?∕I have a ___.
2)、Do you have a cough?∕Yes, I do.
3)、Rest and drink lots of water.
Week 12: Unit 4、Let’s sing. “I AM Sick”
Hello,doctor. Hello, doctor.
I am sick. Very sick.
What’s the matter?
What’s the matter?

I have a fever,And a runny nose.
Week 13:
Unit 4、Let’s Read.
O o (ox octopus)
ot (pot) og (log) op (top) ox (box)
Week 14:
Unit 5、Let’s Learn and talk.
Words: jacket T-shirt dress shoes shorts pants
Sentences: 1)、Whose jacket is it? It’s Cody’
s jacket.
2)、Take off your jacket.
3)、Cody, here is your jacket. Oh, I forgot! Thanks!
Week 15:
Unit 5、Let’s sing. “Getting Dressed”
I can get dressed by myself.
I can get dressed by myself.
I can put on my pants.
I can put on my shirt.
I can get dressed by myself.…
Week 16:
Unit 5、Let’s Read.

U u ( up umbrella )
ug (mug) us (bus) ub (tub) un (sun)
Week 17:
Unit 6、Let’s Learn and talk.
Words: strawberries papayas grapes watermelons
bananas kiwis
Sentences: 1)、Do you like ___? Yes, I do.
2)、I like kiwis and strawberries.
3)、Here you are. Thanks.
Week 18:
Unit 6、Let’s sing. “Lots of Fruit.”
Lots of fruit, For you and me.
Lots of fruit, What can you see?…
Week 19:
Unit 6、Let’s Read.
a ad (add) e ell (bell) i itt (mitt)
o oll (doll) u uzz (buzz)
Week 20:
Unit 7、Let’s talk.
Sentences: 1)、Look at his nose! It’s red.
2)、We can’t fly in this.

3)、Wait a minute! Who is that?







