
2021年01月14日 12:10



1. Thank you very much. Mayor Han, I appreciate your kind words of introduction. And we're delighted to be here today. My
wife and I are privileged to have the opportunity once again to travel in China.
We are grateful for the welcome we have received, especially for the kind of reception here at Fudan University. We thank
you for the honor, and we bring you good wishes from President George W. Bush and the people of the United States.
I know that many of you will soon graduate from this great university. I am told the standards are extremely demanding
here, and a degree from Fudan University signifies years of hard work and discipline. I congratulate each one of you on your
achievement, and I commend your teachers for upholding the tradition of excellence that marks the 99-year history of Fudan
2. 很荣幸应邀到普林斯顿大学参加你们的研讨会。对我本人、我的同事及许多 中国人来讲,普林斯顿大学的名字早已
是耳熟能详。她的历史比这个国家还长, 从这个校园里走出了美国第 28 任总统伍德罗·威尔逊、伟大科学家爱因斯
坦、 著名诗人 T.S.艾略特等众多杰出人物。
正如前总统克林顿先生在 1996 年普大建 校 250 周年时所说:“在美国历史上的每一个紧要关头,普林斯顿大学
及其师生 都发挥了关键作用。”
令人高兴的是,在座诸位对中国事务都抱有研究兴趣。虽然我们两国地理上 相距万里,但在日常生活中却非常相
近。好莱坞影片、麦当劳快餐成了许多中国 人生活中的内容。而中国加工的服装、日用品也天天伴随着美国人民。我
希望通 过今天的交流,能增进在座诸位对中国和中国外交政策的了解,为未来彼此的友 谊与合作锦上添花。
3. Today we’ll meet one of the greatest cellists of our times, Yo-Yo Ma. His career as a professional cellist spans more than 20
years and over 50 albums. He has been honored for his music with many awards including an amazing 14 Grammy. He has
played on many important occasions including the Grammy and the Olympics.
Yo-Yo Ma was born in France to Chinese parents who were both musicians. His mother was a singer, his father, a
composer. Yo-Yo Ma gave his first public performance when he was only 5. 4 years later, at the tender age of 9, he was playing
at the prestigious Carnegie Hall in New York, by which time the family had moved to the US.
Yo-Yo Ma pursued his cello studies at the Julliard School of Music. From there he opted to attend Harvard and got a
degree in anthropology. His experiences at Harvard as well as his multi-cultural background have helped to shape who he is
4. My grandfather came to the U.S. in the early 1990s. He came from Scotland with very little money. He was one of 10
children, but he had had a very great education. Like many who came to the U.S. he was full of dreams and ambitions. He
started Forbes magazine to write about the doers who were doing things, people who make things happen in business.
My grandfather used to say, the purpose of business is not to pile up millions or billions, but to produce happiness. In our
articles today when we discuss companies or business, we use a lot of numbers. But the focus is always people. People make
the difference more than the balance sheet. My grandfather believed that, and we believe that today.
5. 我们是一家专业设计、生产和销售工艺品的公司。从公司创立至今,我们已 经走过了整整 15 年的历程。 年前, 15
我们拥有员工 50 名, 今天, 拥有员工 1700 名;15 年前,我们租用厂房 4500 平方米,今天自建厂房 24000 平
方米。这些数 字,都清晰地记录了我们创造的辉煌。
我们的主导产品是各种建筑模型,如具有异国风情的欧洲大教堂、美国的帝 国大厦、白宫、五角大楼等,还有各
种造型的卡通动物、圣诞礼品,我们设计制 造的工艺品已经成为流行时尚。
6. Thank you very much for your warm reception. We are truly delighted to be here. On behalf of the Vice Chancellor, who
unfortunately cannot be with us today, may I say a few words about our university.
The University of Westminster was founded in 1838 as Britain’s first polytechnic, so we are an old institution. Our main
campus is located right in the heart of London, the capital of Britain.
Currently we have more than 22,700 students who came from 132 different countries. This makes Westminster one of the
15 most popular UK universities among international students.
We have a teaching staff of more than 700 supported by up to 1,000 visiting lecturers from different countries. The
international atmosphere means that the university provides an excellent preparation for professional life, and our mission is to
provide high quality education and research in both national and international contexts.
7. 对 于华人来说,农历新年无疑是全年最重要的喜庆节日。这个华人传统源自大约3000年前,它代表着旧的一年平 安过
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除夕夜的团圆饭是整个年头里最具意义的一餐。所有大家庭的成员都会聚集一堂,远在他乡的也会尽量赶 回来。团
人们庆祝新年方式,体现了两个重要的核心价值观。首先,多代同堂的家庭成员,齐聚家中享受一顿丰盛 的团圆饭,是
每个人都会遵守的习惯。准备一顿丰富晚餐的工作,当然是落在家中女成员的身上,比较富 裕的家庭则可能有佣人帮忙。
其次,亲戚朋友之间也会兴高采烈互访。这样的欢庆方式,有助于加强亲情 和友情。
8. 各位代表,女士们,先生们:
十月的北京,天高气爽,秋色宜 人。世界旅游组织第15届全体大会今天在这里隆重开幕。我代表中国政府,向各
位来宾表示诚挚的欢迎 !向大会表示热烈的祝贺!
旅游是一项集观光、娱乐、健身为一体的愉快而美好的活动。旅游 业随着时代进步而不断发展。20世纪中叶以来,
现代旅游在世界范围迅速兴起,旅游人数不断增加,旅 游产业规模持续扩大,旅游经济地位显著提升,旅游活动愈益
成为各国人民交流文化、增进友谊、扩大交 往的重要渠道,对人类生活和社会进步产生越来越广泛的影响。
中国是一个历史悠久的文明古国,也是 一个充满时代生机的东方大国,拥有许多得天独厚的旅游资源。(表现为:)
自然风光旖旎秀美,历史文 化博大精深,56个民族风情浓郁,目前已被列入世界文化遗产地和世界自然遗产地达29
处。在改革开 放的推动下,现代化建设突飞猛进,城乡面貌日新月异。古代中国的风采神韵与现代中国的蓬勃英姿交
相 辉映。这些都为发展国内外旅游创造了优越的条件。
9. The World Tourism Organization(WTO)is the only intergovernmental organization that offers membership to the
operational sector. It is vested by the united nations with a central and decisive role in promoting the development of tourism. It
was established in 1975,the Headquarter is situated in Madrid, Spain.
The aim of the organizations contributing to economic development, international understanding,peace,prosperity and
universal respect for human rights and fundamen-freedoms. In pursuing this aim,the organization pays particular attention to
the interests of developing countries in the field of tourism.
世界旅游组织是 政府间唯一接纳旅游经营者的组织。它受联合国委托,在各国旅游业的宣传和发展工作中起着核
心的作用 。它成立于1975年,总部设在西班牙首都马德甲。
世界旅游组织的宗旨是促进和发展旅游事业,使 之有利于经济发展,国际间相互了解,和平与繁荣以及不分种族,
性别,语言或家教信仰,尊重人权和人 的基本自由,并强调在贯彻这一宗旨时,要特别注意发展中国家在旅游事业方
10. Ladies and Gentleman, to begin with, I would like to tell you all a piece of good news. A treaty that aims to reduce a
major cause of death and disease just went into effect. The treaty is called the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. It is
the first public health treaty negotiated by the World Health Organization.
More than one hundred and sixty countries have signed it. Countries that sign the treaty must approve it within thire
governments. So far, fewer than sixty countries have done that. But only forty countries needed to ratify the treaty to bring it
into force. The treaty went to effect on February 27th 2005.

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