is the poorest bank in the world?
clothing is always sad?
do 2 and 2 make
more than 4?
table is in the field?
three hands but only one face?
travels around
the earth without using any fuel?
is the
smallest room in the world?
is visible only
in winter time?
goes up and never comes down?
many months have 28 days?
The river bank
2. Blue jeans (blue有“忧郁”之意)
3. When they make 22
4. Vegetable
5. The clock (钟表有时针、分针和秒针--三只手)
6. Moon
7. Mushroom
8. Your breath
9. Age (年龄是只增不减的)
10. 12
month do soldiers hate?
--March (三月,行军)
many feet are there in a
--It depends on how many people stand in
the yard. (码,院子)
is an empty purse always the
--There is no change in it. (零钱,变化)
book has the most stirring chapters?
--A cook
book. (动人的,搅拌的)
kind of dog doesn't bite or
--Hot dog. (热狗)
is the smallest
room in the world?
--Mushroom. (蘑菇)
of water should people drink in order to be
--Drink well water. (井水,健康的)
we know the ocean is friendly?
--It waves.
can move faster, heat or cold?
--Heat, because you can catch cold. (追上冷,患感冒)
is the library the highest building?
has the most stories. (故事,(楼)层)
11. What table
is in the field?
12. What is the only thing you can break when
you say its name?
13. What is
there in your house that ought to be looked into?
14. What is that which you have
never seen, heard or felt, which never existed and
still has a name
15. What
changes a pear into a pearl?
--the letter “l”
16. What question can never be answered by
--Are you asleep?
17. What ship has
two mates but no captain?
What is the most difficult key to turn?
19. Where can you always find money?
--In the dictionary
20. What is the surest
way to double your money?
--Fold it.
Where does afternoon come before morning in the
--In the dictionary
22. What is the
smallest bridge in the world?
--the bridge of
a nose
23. What letter makes a road broad?
--letter B
24. What letter sounds like a
--letter P
25. Why is a pig the
most unusual animal in the world?
--Because it
is killed before it is cured (烧烤待处理)
26. What
match can't be put in a match-box?
match, basketball match, etc.
27. When do 2
and 2 make more than 4?
--When they make 22.
28. I have cities but no houses, forests but
no trees, rivers without water. What am I?
29. I am something that has teeth but
can't eat. What am I?
--A comb
30. What is
a sick man a controdiction?
--When he is an
impatient patient.
can hear without ears and
answer without a mouth?
--An echo
has no walls,no doors,no windows,and no floors?
--A mushroom
is dark but is made by light
--A shadow
is easy to
get into but hard to get out of ?
is black When it is clean and white when it
is dirty?
--A blackboard
Q: What
is as big as a horse but doesn't weigh anything?
A: The horse's shadow.
Q. Why
was the hearse horse hoarse?
A. Because of the
Q: Why are man with
pierced ears better suited for marriage?
Because they have suffered and bought jewelry.
Q: What begins with T, ends with
T and has T in it?
A: A teapot.
Q: Do you know why birds fly to south in the
A: Because it's too far to walk there.
Q: Why do birds fly south in the
A: Because it's too far to walk!
Q: Why don't we need a compass at the
North Pole?
A: Because every direction is
Q: What gets wetter as it
A: A towel
Q: What are
the 3 important rings in life?
A: Engagement
ring, Wedding ring, and suffering.
Q: Which room has no doors, no windows.
A mushroom.
comes in winter and makes the weather is it?
.You can’t catch his body; you can’t see his
strong, he shakes the house,when weak,
tree leaves.
I come down from the sky,I make
everything am I ?
animal carries two hills
on its back?
animal wears big black glasses
on its face?
animal sleeps in daytime but
flies at night?
are of many beautiful colors:
red, yellow,pink, purple, blue, blue, orange and
Some of them smell very sweet. You can
see lots of them in spring and summer. When
autumn comes,they become fewer and fewer. In
winter you can hardly find them in the fields.
Then they come back again with spring. What
are they?
’s round and green outside and
yellow or red inside. We have it in summer. It
grows in the
fields. It can grow as big as a
basketball, or even bigger. It is very sweet and
very good to eat. I an
sure you know it. And
you like to eat it, don’t you? Can you tell me now
what it is?
goes up every time the rain comes
nds in one big family are busy every
day, making sweets for others and giving mthem
11.“If” is between us. Can you guess
what English word it is?
elon la 10. bees
1. What table
is in the field?
2. What
is the only thing you can break when you say its
3. What is there in your house that
ought to be looked into?
4. What is that
which you have never seen, heard or felt, which
never existed and still has a
What changes a pear into a pearl?
6. What question can never be answered by
7. What ship has two mates but no
8. What is the most difficult key
to turn?
9. Where can you always find
10. What is the surest way to double
your money?
11. Where does afternoon come
before morning in the world?
12. What is
the smallest bridge in the world?
13. What
letter makes a road broad?
14. What letter
sounds like a vegetable?
15. Why is a pig the
most unusual animal in the world?
16. What
match can't be put in a match-box?
17. When
do 2 and 2 make more than 4?
18. I have
cities but no houses, forests but no trees, rivers
without water. What am I?
19. I am
something that has teeth but can't eat. What am I?
20. What is a sick man a controdiction?
Key: 1.Vegetable e g
letter “l” 6. Are you asleep?
hip 8.a donkey
the dictionary 10. Fold it. the dictionary
bridge of
a nose B P e it is killed
before it is cured (烧烤待处理)
ll match,
basketball match, etc. they make 22. 18.A map
19.A comb
he is an impatient patient.
gets larger,the more you take
goes on four legs in
the morning,on two at noon,and on three in the
do we
get if we cross a woodpecker with a homing
crawled when they were babies and walked with two
legs before they had
to rely on a crutch in
old age.
3.A bird that knocks on the door when
delivering messages.将得到一只送信时会敲门的
animal wears big black glasses on its face?
什么动物脸上戴个大墨镜? (Panda 熊猫)
2.I'm almost
white, but the fur of my ears, eye pits are black.
I live in the wild forests,I like
bamboos! Who am I ?
我几乎是白的,但耳朵、眼窝是黑的。我生活在森林里,喜欢吃竹子。我是谁? (Panda
3.a cat,eyes like a cat,a tail
like a cat ,but isn't a cat?
(Tiger 老虎)
4:What letter is a body
of water?