2021年01月20日 21:03
)A New English Course
1. This very interesting novel has only one fault. I mention this
fault without fear of offending the author, for obviously no
writer is infallible
2. Although we are tolerant in allowing men of genius to have to
have eccentricities of behavior, we do not think of such behavior
as necessary or advantageous. A true genius is himself ashamed
of being too different and does not try to set himself apart from
other people by whimsical peculiarities.
3. Human curiosity has no stopping point. When it finds an
answer to a question, it seeks an explanation for the answer, it
accepts no primary principles that govern the universe, rather ,it
seeks something still prior in the order of nature .
4. There are a few persons whose views of the future prospect of
this project are gloomy. But they are certainly in the minority.
The prevailing atmosphere is one of optimism, for many recent
developments point to the workability of the project.
5. It has always been dangerous to teach men new ideas
contradictory to those generally accepted. The first men who
taught that the earth is round were persecuted
6. The governing principle of our age is accumulation, and that
which is profited is used to gain more profit. Even in the pursuit
of knowledge is sought for its own sake and employed for its
own increase
7. The human vocal apparatus is equipped to produce only a
certain number of sounds. A comparison of any two languages
will reveal sounds that are similar.
8. A respect for accuracy is necessary to the building of
character. A child must learn to discriminate between the
possibly justifiable action and the absolutely correct action.
Hence, it is more essential that a child be taught mathematics
than philosophy, for the former provides training in exactness of
9. The author’s books are characterized by cohesion of form;
every apparently incidental detail in plot and dialogue
contributes ultimately to the creation of a total synthesized
10. A good speaker varies his speed of delivery to match the
significance of his oratory. Slow speech is appropriate for the
important ideas, but the less weighty material should be
disposed of rather speedily. It is important that with variety of
material there should be variety of tempo.
Space Requirements
How much living space does a person need? What happens when these space
requirements are not adequately met? Sociologists and psychologists are conducting
experiments on rats to try to determine the effects of overcrowding on humans.
Recent studies have shown that the behavior of rats is greatly affected by space. If
rats have adequate living space, they eat well, sleep well and reproduce well. But if
their living conditions become too crowded, their behavior patterns and even their
health conditions change perceptibly. They cannot sleep and eat well, and signs of
fear and tension become obvious. The more crowded they are, the more they tend
to bite each other and even kill each other. Thus, for rats, population and violence
are directly related. Is this a natural law for human society as well? Is adequate
space not only desirable but also essential for human survival?
There is an inn where I lived one summer,writing my book and observing the tourists.
Torcello which used to be lonely as a cloud has recently become an outing from
Venice. Many more visitors than it can comfortably hold pour into it, off the regular
steamers, off chartered motor-boats, and off yachts, all day they amble up the
towpath, looking for what? The cathedral is decorated with eraly mosaics
from hell, much restored, and a great sad, austere Madonna; Byzantine art is an
acquired taste and probably not one in ten of the visitors has acquired it. They
wander into the church and look around aimlessly. They come out on to the village
green and photograph each other in a stone armchair, said to be the throne of Attila.
They relentlessly tear at the wild roses which one has seen in bud and longed to see
in bloom and which, for a day have scented the whole island. As soon as they are
picked the roses fade and are thrown into the canal. The Americans visit the inn to
eat or drink something. The English declare that they cannot afford to do this. They
take food which they have brought with them into the vineyard and I am sorry to say
leave the devil of a mess behind them. Every Thursday Germans come up the
towpath, marching as to war, with a Leader. There is a standing order for fifty
luncheons at the inn; while they eat the Leader lectures them through a megaphone.
After luncheon they march into the cathedral and undergo another lecture. They, at
least, know what they are seeing. Then they march back to their boat. They are tidy;
they leave on litter.
More interesting, however, than the behavior of the tourists is that of the islanders.
As they are obliged, whether they like it or not, to live in public during the whole
summer, they very naturally try to extract some financial benefit from this state of
Babies toddle about offering four-leafed clovers and hoping for a tip. More cries of
Buona fortuna
. The priest organizes holy processions to coincide with the arrival of
the steamer. And so the play goes on. The tourists are incredibly mean, they hardly
leave anything on the island except empty cigarette boxes and flapping
Daily Mails.
The lace is expensive, but they might buy a few postcards or shell necklaces and
give the children some pennies; they seem to have hearts of stone.
As soon as the last boat has gone, down comes the curtain. The
their white linen jackets and silly straw hats and go back to Burano, taking Eric ,
highly dissatisfied with his earnings and saying if this goes on he will die of hunger.
The sweet old women let the smiles fade from their faces, put away their lace-
making pillows, and turn to ordinary activities of village life such as drowning kittens.
The father of the clover babies creeps about on his knees finding four-leafed clovers
for the next day. The evening reproaches ring out, the moon comes up, the flapping
Daily Mails
blow into the lagoon. Torcello is itself again.
You will be more successful in bringing others to your belief if you agree with
them than if you show evidence for your point of view. People are ruled more by
whim than by wisdom.
A learned profession is sometimes defined as any job that employs scholarly
achievement in the service of others. According to this definition, any position
involving extensive academic training that is subsequently used in the service of
society is to be considered a learned profession.
When the consumer makes choices, he is actually deciding the kinds of products
that businesses will offer for sale, an article that has little demand and yields small
profit will be discontinued by business.
The speaker argued that one trouble with price supports is that they are too high,
they encourage production that is not needed. If farmers know they are going to get
the support price (
), they
will produce all they can without regard for what the market will actually take.
In a way, of course, the subway is the living symbol of all that adds up to lack of
status in New York. There is a sense of madness and disorientation at almost every
express stop. The ceilings are low, the vistas are long, there are no landmarks, the
lightning is an eerie blend of fluorescent tubing, electric light bulbs and neon
advertising. The whole place is a gross assault on the senses(
). The noise of the
trains stopping or rounding curves has a high-pitched harshness that is difficult to
describe. People feel no qualms about pushing whenever it becomes crowded. Your
tactile sense (
) takes a crucifying you never dreamed possible. The odors
become unbearable when the weather is warm. Between platforms, record shops
broadcast 45 r.p.m records with metallic tones and lunch counters serve the kind of
hot dogs in which you bite through a tensile, rubbery surface and then hit a soft,
oleaginous center like cottonseed meal, and the customers sit there with pastry and
bread flakes caked around their mouths, belching to themselves so that their cheeks
pop out flatulently now and then.
a cake of soap
shoes caked with mud
The underground spaces seem to attract every eccentric passion. A small and
ancient man with a Bible, an American flag and a megaphone haunts
the subways of Manhattan. He opens the Bible and quotes from it in a strong
but old and monotonous voice. He uses the megaphone at express stops, where the
noise is too great for his voice to be heard ordinarily, and calls for redemption.
Also beggars. And among the beggars New York
s status competition is renewed,
there in the much-despised subway. On the Seventh Avenue IRT line the competition
is maniacal. Some evenings the beggars ricochet off one another between stops,
calling one another
s and
-s and telling each other to go find their own-----car. A
mere blind man with a cane and a cup is mediocre business. What is demanded is
entertainment. Two boys, one of them with a bongo drum, get on and the big boy,
with the drum, starts beating on it as soon as the train starts up, and the little boy
goes into what passes for a native dance. Then, if there is room, he goes into a
tumbling act. He runs from one end of the car, first in the direction the train is going,
and does a complete somersault in the air, landing on his feet. Then he runs back
the other way and does a somersault in the air, only this time against the motion of
the train He does this several times both ways, doing some native dancing in
between. This act takes so long that it can be done properly only over a long stretch,
such as the run between 42
Street and 72
Street. After the act is over, the boys
pass along the car with Dixie cups, asking for contributions.
Since nylon[nailon] is unaffected by mold(
), fungus(
), and moisture(
), it was useful during World War
in making equipment for jungle fighting.
In attaining one
s objectives, subtle direction is often more effective than brute
force. Men will yield to persuasion when they would resist coertion.
Each year textbooks become shorter and at the same time convey more solid(
information. Their authors tend increasingly toward
compact ness(
If the battle is hard, victory is
all the more(
glorious. It is the
difficulty of obtaining something that gives the thing its value.
He had a
dislike of offending other men
s opinions. He dealt with them tenderly.
This is a
somewhat delicate subject.
American cities, with few exceptions, resemble each other greatly. It is true that
some of them may be constructed chiefly of wood, while others are chiefly brick, but
in every other respect they are markedly uniform.
Why do fashions occur in the first place? One reason is that in some cultures, like
ours, values change: what is new is good. Thus in many modern societies clothing
styles change yearly, while people in traditional societies may wear the same style of
clothing for many generations. Many industries promote quick changes in fashions to
increase their sales. Fashions are stimulated, too, by the quest for prestige and
social mobility(
Although a new style occasionally originates from
lower- status groups, as blue jeans did, most fashions trickle down from the top.
Upper-class people adopt some style or artifact as a badge(
) of their
status, but they cannot
most status symbols for long. The
style or object adopted by the middle-class may be copied and modified for use by
lower-status groups, providing people
the prestige of
possessing a high-status symbol. By trickling down, however, the symbol eventually
loses its prestige. The upper-class adopts a new style, until too
trickled down
must be replaced by another.
Education was the key to upward social mobility.
If the wealthy pay less tax, the benefits