
2023年05月12日 12:34
这句话来自于英国作家伯纳德·肖的小说《狮子、女巫和魔衣橱》中的一句话,原文是:“Once a king or queen of Narnia, always a king or queen of Narnia. But don't go trying to use the same route twice. Indeed, don't try to get there at all. It'll happen when you're not looking for it. And don't talk too much about it even among yourselves. And don't mention it to anyone else unless you find that they've had adventures of the same sort themselves. What's that? How will you know? Oh, you'll know all right. Odd things they say-even their looks-will let the secret out. Keep your eyes open. Bless me, what do they teach them at these schools?”(“曾经做过尼亚国的国王或女王,就永远是尼亚国的国王或女王。但不要试图走同样的路线。事实上,根本不要试图去那里。那将会在你不经意间发生。甚至你们之间也不要谈论太多。除非你发现他们自己也经历过类似的冒险,否则不要向任何人提起。怎么知道?哦,你肯定会知道的。奇怪的事情他们说的话,甚至他们的神情都会透露秘密。保持你的眼睛睁开。天哪,这些学校教他们什么?”)